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Ian is adjusting

Started by John, September 13, 2006, 06:34 PM NHFT

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Ian thinks he's getting "sick".
I'm thinking his body/voice is adjusting to his new HOME.  He'll be fine.  Ian also had much unpredicted stress when he arived.  Extra stess does this to folks.
He moved quickly; and he will adjust quickly.
Methinks Ian can handle all this.


Maybe it's seasonal allergies?  Mine have been kicking my butt the past week.  Watery eyes, post-nasal drip, sniffles, sneezing.  Happens every year, twice a year: September and February.


I've had (fortunatly minor) experiece with this.
I find that one should NEVER give in to these.
There are, however, MANY things which lend comfort and relief.
I'll leave listing these to others whom have more experience.

Lloyd Danforth

Their HEATER just blew a fuse


From the sounds of the place when they moved into it, I'm not surprised.
Digging through garbage, especially old food, you will encounter all kinds of nasties.



Quote from: d_goddard on September 13, 2006, 06:58 PM NHFT
From the sounds of the place when they moved into it, I'm not surprised.
Digging through garbage, especially old food, you will encounter all kinds of nasties.

ouch!  I wasn't even thinking of that.
I once cleaned out an appartment (maybe as bad/or worse than what Ian described), for a landlord . . . I would not do that again - unless I was paid MUCH, much more.
A good healthy lifestyle  ;) helped me get over that.
The body has a way of finding the way back to health - if one lets it.


Everyone seems to have a cold right about now.


I hope he get over the cold/allergies soon.


I've missed the more recent shows since they moved to NH. How's the show going? Does it play local in Keene? Any buzz being created in NH? When is the show gonna be broadcasted six days a week in NH? I think the show will turn NH into the Libertarian state that we all expect.


The show hasn't changed.  It is not a NH show.  They just happen to be doing from their new HOME . . .

Be sure to tune in, and see if I'm right.


Quote from: John on September 14, 2006, 03:40 AM NHFT
The show hasn't changed.  It is not a NH show.  They just happen to be doing from their new HOME . . .

Be sure to tune in, and see if I'm right.

It airs on stations nationwide


The only difference I have noticed is that it seems like more calls are coming in from NH but that's just my opinion and I might be talking out of my orifice.

Kat Kanning

Unless you're using sign language, don't you always talk out of an orifice??


After all this time it turns out Ian is allergic to freedom!  :biglaugh: