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Grow op busted in Epsom: 1,396 plants!

Started by KBCraig, November 04, 2006, 12:21 AM NHFT

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Wow, that's a lot of dope!  :o

Of course, the value is only so high because it's a banned substance.  >:(


1,396 pot plants seized in Epsom

Union Leader Staff

A massive marijuana-growing operation discovered in the basement of an Epsom home had the potential of yielding $4.2 million to $7 million on the streets, making it the single, largest marijuana seizure in state history, police said yesterday.

State police narcotics investigators found nearly 1,400 infant plants in the 35 Woodcote Drive home Thursday along with an estimated $200,000 worth of fertilizer, grow lights, and other equipment needed to cultivate them.

No arrests were made.

"We don't have any suspects at this time. It's still under investigation," said Sgt. Ellen M. Arcieri of the State Police Narcotics and Investigations Unit.

(see URL for rest of the story)


Pot is estimated by the Dept. of Agriculture to be NH's number two cash crop. They say hay is number one, but I would guess that they simply underestimate how much pot is grown in NH. It's funny when you're hunting and you find all these nursery pots in the woods. I wonder why someone would put those all the way out there ;)


Note the typically overinflated potential "value" of the seized infant plants.

Government has perfected the art of telling lies so well, they become truths.


I want to know why the National Guard was there helping.

I called the Epsom police and they are 'going to look into it and call me back'.


Apparently the presence of drugs allows the military to be involved. Remember WACO?



"Police were alerted to the scheme by a utility company, which was unable to repair an electrical transformer that had blown outside the house and discovered electricity was illegally being diverted inside the residence, Arcieri said."

If you're doing that, you deserve to get caught. Come on now. Greedy commercial operations... :-\