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UL editor Drew Cline: FSP "a completely dismal failure"

Started by KBCraig, November 07, 2006, 05:50 PM NHFT

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I opened Drew Cline's blog to track the election updates, only to find this bit of rubbish:


Free Staters get ink
Monday November 06th 2006, 5:01 pm
Filed under: Blog Posts

Time magazine has a little story on the Free State Project, and after reading it you might understand the term ?drive by media? a little better.

Why Time decided to feature the Free State Project now, when it has proven such a completely dismal failure, is anyone?s guess. Why it insists on casting the movement as somehow successful and relevant is another guess.

Personally, I thought the idea of the Free State Project was interesting, but the organization terrible. If libertarians could move 20,000 people to a handful of selected communities in New Hampshire, they might have been able to accomplish something. Maybe. If they were really, really lucky. But fewer than 200 people spread across the state is no accomplishment, even if they win some local school board races. All the project has changed so far is the lives of the individuals who moved here.

Time even credits the FSP with helping defeat the restaurant smoking ban. That?s a new one.

With print journalism in such shaky economic shape right now, it?s nice to know that Time can afford to send a reporter to New Hampshire to cover a total non-story. Maybe the industry?s in better shape than has been reported.


Watch the election returns here: http://www.nhpr.org/node/11733

I know it works, because I wrote the back end code. ;D


Thanks, error.

I should post a comment to Cline, but I'm too steamed at the moment.


Pat K

Quote from: KBCraig on November 07, 2006, 06:34 PM NHFT
Thanks, error.

I should post a comment to Cline, but I'm too steamed at the moment.

How about
Dear MR. Cline

Fuck you.

Strong letter to follow.  :)


"the libertarians--who want to lift controls on both guns and narcotics--are proving more complicated creatures."

Yeah, that about nails it.  ^_^  I thought it was a fairly decent article acctually.


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
After I joined the FSP, I read that we were being called a splinter-group of the Libertarian Party.  I was not a member of the LP, but I thought hey, I've never been part of a "splinter-group" before.  Sounds like fun to me!

So now someone thinks I'm part of "a completely dismal failure."
WOW!  I never thought that being a failure would be fun.  But, maybe I should have thought it through --- to complete & dismal.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I hope Mr. Cline had half-as-much fun as I did today.
Maybe someone should tell Mr. Cline that it is all about the folks.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


It will be interesting to see Mr. Cline's reaction if, and it is still and if, his boss winds up speaking at NHLF '07 ;)


Quote from: d_goddard on November 07, 2006, 08:02 PM NHFT
It will be interesting to see Mr. Cline's reaction if, and it is still and if, his boss winds up speaking at NHLF '07 ;)

Maybe Mr. Cline could speak himself?  He might even explain how he came around.  Or, maybe Mr. Cline will just do more comic stuff.   ;D


I posted a comment shortly after he put that up, but it requires approval to be seen.


Yeah, I posted two to make sure.  All require approval.  In case he doesn't approve it, here's what it was:


I'm not an official rep of the FSP, but as the top recruiter I can tell you the 200 are "early movers".  Like I am.

Rest assured, there are more Liberty-loving activists on their way to NH!

Ian Bernard
Host, "Free Talk Live"


Here's my blog for today:

UL editor Drew Cline can eat me


Quote from: Pat K on November 07, 2006, 07:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on November 07, 2006, 06:34 PM NHFT
Thanks, error.
I should post a comment to Cline, but I'm too steamed at the moment.

How about
Dear MR. Cline

Fuck you.

Strong letter to follow.  :)
Pat show us the strong letter.

Dave Ridley

I doubt Cline or anyone else even has a firm grasp on what's happening.  He probably goes to the state house and says wow look at all these people protesting the smoke ban....  wonder why the free state project isn't helping them out; it must be a dismal failure.

the whole time of course he's surrounded by free staters and hardly anyone else is bothering to fight.... I was there, I saw this.   But if he'd been there he would have just seen a lot of people who for some strange reason look like everyone else even though they're free staters.

I wonder if he would say new hampshire's most active web forum is a dismal failure or that the NHLA is a dismal failure?   


Who or what is Drew Cline?
Doesn't he know how painful--even infectious--a splinter (group) can be?
(I read the Time piece, and it raised my esteem for that publication to slightly above zero.)