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Fourth Amendment -- Legislative Action

Started by shualp, November 19, 2006, 07:50 PM NHFT

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Overwhelming voter support shown in the last election for the ballot initiative strengthening eminent domain protection demonstrates that NH residents value property rights. NOW is a good time to push for a legislative fix to the unconstitutional home inspection RSA.

Read updated web page below, with lots of new content, and then TAKE ACTION. We need everyone's support.



Dave Ridley

here's the form letter they are asking folks to personalize and send:


Letter Asking Legislator for Support
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Dear Legislator,

I am writing to ask that you support legislative action to restore the 4th amendment rights of NH homeowners that were taken away by RSA 74:17.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the issue by reading this account:


as well as the Questions and Answers with the lead plaintiff in the 2004 federal lawsuit challenging the law (which was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds).


The voters of New Hampshire have shown that they overwhelmingly support private property rights with their recent vote to strengthen eminent domain protection. Please continue this good work by protecting our right to be free from unreasonable searches in our homes.


A Concerned NH Resident

Note: to send this to your legislator, we recommend that you copy and paste this text into your own e-mail or other document.  Alternatively, you can send this page by clicking on the envelope icon in the upper right hand corner (Send This Page to Somebody).  Although this sometimes generates error messages, it does appear to send the page correctly--check your "Sent Items" folder.

Dave Ridley

shualp good to have you here.  hope you will stick around.   if there are any events coming up where you want our help plz. plz post them to the calendar too...it's at calendar.nhfree.com