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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Kannings on CNN for Ed Brown

Started by FTL_Ian, January 18, 2007, 09:58 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

OK.....he may have been a good carpenter


Battle fatigue hits anyone working as hard as Ed... and the Kannings...

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 19, 2007, 05:32 AM NHFT
Yes, please send in the hordes who will tell him how to take his stand against the government the RIGHT way.  Everyone who takes a stand needs this.  "Oh if only I were there"  What COMPLETE HORSESHIT!  You imprison guys like Ed Brown, not help them.  Quit pretending, fedguy.

I guess I'm not emotional enough to go this far, but I will say again you should quit your immoral job.


A few sad, but unavoidable truths come to mind as I read these Brown/IRS threads. I have resisted posting thus far feeling that my comments might be superfluous, but I haven't seen many others posting them.

Anyway, when someone has been actively and/or passively involved with the continuing battle for personal liberty for decades, these truths become more and more self evident and ironclad, to wit:

1) Even if your cause is just and the law supports your position, fighting the government within its own courts is generally a losing proposition. The government does not follow the rules, does not respect truth and integrity, and will do everything within its considerable powers to crush any meaningful opposition or dissent, ESPECIALLY in tax cases. Remember, the judge and the various officers and minions of the courts feed off the purloined taxes.

2) In general, the compliant/complicit media.gov.inc network will invariably paint any meaningful dissention or protests as being "racist, inextricably involved with militias,  and generally insane." This strategy is largely successful, because the vast majority of people believe everything they hear on msnbc.fox.gov.news or read in the media.gov.inc newspapers.

Ed Brown will not, unfortunately, be allowed to remain in his home, and I see no end to this situation other than a power play on the part of the goons, barring Brown's voluntary surrender.

Ed Brown is a big boy. I believe he knew it would come to this whenever he started his publicized resistance. He has drawn his line in the sand, which I respect. I just disagree with his tactics. I think he set himself up for a liquidation that will be marginalized by TPTB and all too soon forgotten by the masses. Sad.

God Bless him.

Lloyd Danforth

Like many of us, I was lucky to have been exposed to what the gov is and have never considered any government job.  Many of you also have that luxury along with little to lose in the way of any kind of an estate.
Kevin came to this late.  He has all of his eggs, presumably, in his fed job basket.  I don't know why he doesn't find a fed job not involving prisons, but, I don't walk around in his shoes and won't ask him to throw it all away and take his family down with him.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on January 19, 2007, 09:44 AM NHFT
Like many of us, I was lucky to have been exposed to what the gov is and have never considered any government job.  Many of you also have that luxury along with little to lose in the way of any kind of an estate.

There was a time, not too many years ago, where I did seriously consider working for the federal government. Indeed, had I followed that path, I might today be one of the bureaucrats spying on Americans that we all love to hate. I didn't go this way, mainly because I preferred my privacy to a government paycheck, and for a while I suffered financially for taking a much lower paying job in the telecommunications industry. Later I would apply for and then reject a state government job, and again I suffered financially for it.

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on January 19, 2007, 09:44 AM NHFT
Kevin came to this late.  He has all of his eggs, presumably, in his fed job basket.  I don't know why he doesn't find a fed job not involving prisons, but, I don't walk around in his shoes and won't ask him to throw it all away and take his family down with him.

Or a non-fed job involving prisons? Or a non-fed job not involving prisons?

I have some awareness of how difficult it is to give up the fat paycheck and the generous retirement package. These are as much chains as the mountains of laws that come out of Congress every year. So I certainly don't expect any bureaucrat reading this to tender a resignation tomorrow. (Unless your name is George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or...)

What I do want to make clear is that I think we should all remember that bureaucrats are people too, and for most of them, we should find ways to reach them with the message of liberty and to encourage them to break the chains that bind them.

"Quit your immoral job" is just much easier to say. :)


Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 19, 2007, 12:20 AM NHFT
Ed is clearly fatigued.  He hasn't been sleeping much and just discovered he and Elaine had been found guilty.

This particular interview (of the Kannings and Ed Brown) was filmed on Wednesday, BEFORE the guilty verdict.

I'm sure that what Ed said was not a slip of the tounge. I think he chose the words strategically so as not to be a blatant threat but to make it open ended.

In the most literal sense, we will all die eventually. Maybe that is what Ed ment? Who knows.

One thing I will add though is that the reporters actually asked him during that same interview (but didn't include it in the video) if he would go after those responsible and he said, "NO".


Quote from: d_goddard on January 19, 2007, 08:15 AM NHFT
Battle fatigue hits anyone working as hard as Ed... and the Kannings...
Quote from: error on January 19, 2007, 10:09 AM NHFT
"Quit your immoral job" is just much easier to say. :)

'Sokay. I understand the position.


Quote from: KBCraig on January 19, 2007, 11:26 AM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on January 19, 2007, 08:15 AM NHFT
Battle fatigue hits anyone working as hard as Ed... and the Kannings...
Quote from: error on January 19, 2007, 10:09 AM NHFT
"Quit your immoral job" is just much easier to say. :)

'Sokay. I understand the position.

I don't regret working for the gov as a college instructor.  I was troubled by it at times, but I knew that if I hadn't been there talking to students about liberty and opening their minds to real learning opportunities, they'd have been stuck with some statist schmuck who would have just lectured at them.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on January 19, 2007, 10:49 AM NHFT
One thing I will add though is that the reporters actually asked him during that same interview (but didn't include it in the video) if he would go after those responsible and he said, "NO".

Ah, of course they would exclude that part of the interview. :P

It seems the media do not care as much about truth as they care about money.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: d_goddard on January 19, 2007, 08:15 AM NHFT
Battle fatigue hits anyone working as hard as Ed... and the Kannings...
Is one of my relatives in Iraq or something?


Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 19, 2007, 11:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on January 19, 2007, 10:49 AM NHFT
One thing I will add though is that the reporters actually asked him during that same interview (but didn't include it in the video) if he would go after those responsible and he said, "NO".

Ah, of course they would exclude that part of the interview. :P

It seems the media do not care as much about truth as they care about money.

If it bleeds, it leads. Mainstream news networks don't report on a lack of conflict. It's in their best interest to sensationalize rather than rationalize.


Quote from: coffeeseven on January 20, 2007, 10:33 AM NHFT
Mainstream news networks don't report on a lack of conflict. It's in their best interest to sensationalize rather than rationalize.
I suspect that holds true even for non-mainstream news.


Regarding KBCraig and the need for him to quit his "immoral job":

Do you guys not see the advantage of having someone like him in our ranks?  He is privy to information that most of us aren't.  Rocketman is another example.  I had a libertarian-leaning philosophy professor in college.  He was much more thought-provoking than the boring left-leaning history teacher that found every excuse to promote the Democrat party.  We NEED people in these positions.  We shouldn't tell them to quit their jobs, we should encourage others to join them.  Think about it:  we are trying to elect PORCs to office.  Why would we not want PORCs in other gov't positions?  Just imagine what could be done from the inside.  Even you anarcho-types should be able to see the benefits of having Liberty-lovers infiltrate the government just as the gov't is trying to do to us.  We need our people in these places to help eventually render the jobs obsolete. 

Hey Error:  have you thought about the many positive things you could do with computers if you worked for the fedgov?  I know you would have to put up with a lot of B.S. but there would inevitably be chances for you to do things to help further the cause of freedom.  Especially if you put in enough time to work your way up the slime-infested ladder.  Just something to think about.

The government isn't going away any time soon.  We desperately need people in there who actually value the Constitution.  Just as having PORCs on a school board can help further the cause of liberty, so too can PORCs in the prison/college/"intelligence" industries.  I think Ayn Rand was way off when she failed to account for the greed of mankind.  Instead of bowing out of the system we should make sure it is completely infested with people who believe in liberty.  Then we will really be able to see some positive changes...

P.S.  Sorry to keep the thread off-topic.  Kudos to the Kannings for speaking on CNN about Mr. Brown's situation.