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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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CNHT Board and Friends Meeting on Saturday the 10th of Feb

Started by CNHT, February 06, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT

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The Coalition of NH Taxpayers meets every second Saturday of the Month @ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM at our office in Concord across from the statehouse.

Our next meeting is Saturday, February 10, 2007.

Coalition of NH Taxpayers
136 North Main Street #2 (upstairs, left)
Concord NH 03301

Parking in downtown Concord on Saturdays is free.

Email: webmaster (at) cnht (dot) org
Website: http://www.cnht.org/
Radio Show: http://www.nhtaxpayerradio.com/
Calendar: http://www.nhlibertycalendar.org

NOTE: Immediately following the meeting at around 12 Noon, an informal gathering in conjunction with Concord area Porcupines will take place at the Red Apple Buffet, Loudon Road, Concord, NH. All are welcome.

The buffet provides a wide range of food choices at a very reasonable price and you will get a chance to meet members of other groups and people.


Could be a tough day for a meeting since some people have deliberative sessions Saturday.


Quote from: error on February 06, 2007, 03:50 PM NHFT
Put it on the calendar! :)

It is on the calendar - that is  how it got here. :-) It's always permanently on the NHLC and I put it on this one when I think of it.

We don't expect more people to come this Sat than usually attend. But we have our regulars.  ;)


Quote from: dawn on February 06, 2007, 09:15 PM NHFT
Could be a tough day for a meeting since some people have deliberative sessions Saturday.

Yes and we would rather they attend their town meetings/deliberative sessions!