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Which hand?

Started by Kat Kanning, February 13, 2007, 08:59 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Caleb has this theory that left-handers are more intelligent  >:D

Lloyd Danforth

I'm guessing Caleb is left handed.  I'm right handed.  I guess that theory is out the window.

Tom Sawyer

I write right handed and shoot left handed (left eye dominant).

Lloyd Danforth

Write Right. Handgun right. Rifle Left.  Hammer..mostly right, but, good enough with left to avoid moving the ladder once in a while

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 13, 2007, 08:59 PM NHFT
Caleb has this theory that left-handers are more intelligent  >:D

More intelligent than what?

Pat K

Well I can flip the bird with both hands, but I am a lefty.


HMMM.....Bill Clinton and GHW Bush are both left handed  so I guess Caleb is correct...   :P

Left-Handed U.S. Presidents
James A. Garfield  (1831-1881) 20th
Herbert Hoover  (1874-1964) 31st
Harry S. Truman  (1884-1972) 33rd
Gerald Ford  (1913-    ) 38th
Ronald Reagan  (1911 -    ) 40th
George H.W. Bush  (1924-    ) 41st
Bill Clinton  (1946-    ) 42nd

Left-Handed U.S. Politicos
Senator Bill Bradley, Rhodes scholar, basketball star
McGeorge Bundy, presidential advisor
Benjamin Franklin, statesman/publisher/scientist
Steve Forbes, businessman/publisher
Jean-Marc Froidevaux ?, Suiss politician
Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Supreme Court Justice
Senator Daniel Inouye
Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice
Brigadier Gen. Lee Hsien Loon, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore
Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense
Col. Oliver North, White House aid
H. Ross Perot, businessman
William Perry, Secretary of Defense
Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President
Senator Hugh Scott
Robert Wagner, New York mayor
Henry Wallace, Vice President
[Senator Bob Dole - switched to left due to injury]


Quote from: Pat K on February 13, 2007, 11:21 PM NHFT
Well I can flip the bird with hands, but I am a lefty.
Quote from: Otosan on February 14, 2007, 05:37 AM NHFT
HMMM.....Bill Clinton and GHW Bush are both left handed  so I guess Caleb is correct...   :P

Left-Handed U.S. Presidents
James A. Garfield  (1831-1881) 20th
Herbert Hoover  (1874-1964) 31st
Harry S. Truman  (1884-1972) 33rd
Gerald Ford  (1913-    ) 38th
Ronald Reagan  (1911 -    ) 40th
George H.W. Bush  (1924-    ) 41st
Bill Clinton  (1946-    ) 42nd

:laughing4: :laughing6:

Vote Tyler Stearns

Left-handedness and intelligence

A common belief suggests that left-handed people are more intelligent or creative than right-handed people. While there is an unresolved debate within the scientific community on how to operationalize both intelligence and creativity, some studies have demonstrated a small positive correlation between left-handedness and creativity/intelligence.

In his book Right-Hand, Left-Hand,[19] Chris McManus of University College London, argues that the proportion of left-handers is rising and left-handed people as a group have historically produced an above-average quota of high achievers. He says that left-handers' brains are structured differently in a way that widens their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centers of the brain.

In Britain, around 11% of men and women aged 15-24 are now left-handed, compared to just 3% in the 55-64 age category.[20] McManus suggests a number of factors that may be driving this increase:

    * Left-handers were severely discriminated against during the 18th and 19th centuries and it was often "beaten out" of people
    * In adulthood, left-handers were often shunned by society, resulting in fewer marrying and reproducing
    * As discrimination declined in the 20th century, the number of natural left-handers who stayed left-handed increased
    * The rising age of motherhood contributed as, statistically, older mothers are more likely to give birth to left-handed children[citation needed]

McManus says that the increase could produce a corresponding intellectual advance and a leap in the number of mathematical, sporting, or artistic geniuses.

Unfortunately, they tend to be over-represented at both ends of the intellectual scale, and as well as geniuses, the group also produces a disproportionately high number of those with learning handicaps. There have been suggestions of links between left-handedness and dyslexia, stuttering, and child autism, among other disabilities.[citation needed]

In 2006, researchers at Lafayette College and Johns Hopkins University in a study found that left-handed men are 15% richer than right-handed men for those who attended college, and 26% richer if they graduated. The wage difference is still unexplainable and does not appear to apply to women.[21]

As well as possible intelligence advantages, being left-handed can also bring about other benefits, including:

    * Brain hemisphere division of labor: The premise of this theory is that since both speaking and handiwork require fine motor skills, having one hemisphere of the brain do both would be more efficient than having it divided up. [citation needed]
    * Advantage in hand-to-hand combat: Left-handers have a 'surprise' factor in combat, since the majority of the population is right-handed.


I did a lot of interviewing and hiring in a highly demanding specialty field, but never paid attention to people's hands.  Later I learned conversationally that 50 per cent of my staff at one firm and 33 per cent at another were left-handed.  On top of that, most of the lefties were also ex-Catholics.  It defies all odds so must have something to do with personality and intelligence.  (I'm right-handed and was never a Catholic.)

Tom Sawyer

I have trouble catching the frisbee when thrown by a leftie... it is spinning the opposite way.

Lloyd Danforth

Thus,  the 'one hand under coming up, other coming down over, clap' maneuver.


I normally write with my right hand but I can write with my left because I was in a accident when I was 8 and could not use my hand for about a year.

Also I golf, bat and most everything else right handed but I shoot left handed better then right. I'm all screwed up  ;D


In 1992...
Perot vs Bush vs Clinton

All three were lefties.
