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Lincoln Hanging

Started by Caleb, February 18, 2007, 01:24 PM NHFT

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Come one, come all.  The New Hampshire Sons of Liberty will be hanging Dishonest Abe Lincoln in effigy on Presidents day.  He stands accused of treason, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Who:  NH Sons of Liberty
What: Hanging Dishonest Abe Lincoln in effigy
When: Monday, February 19, 2007, 8:00 pm
Where: Central Square, Keene NH

Why:  Abe Lincoln has become an American icon.  Now, his past corruption is being used to justify crimes against Americans and the rest of the world in our day.  For examples, see here: http://blog.lewrockwell.com/lewrw/archives/011109.html  and here: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=7168.0 

We see no reason why past crimes should be a model for present crimes.  And yet, in glorifying Lincoln's legacy, these present crimes are made more palatable.  Therefore, we come together this day to dishonor Lincoln:  to call him what he was, a war criminal whose actions should never be imitated or excused.

Kat Kanning


Kat Kanning

Looks like 8 pm.  Hopefully there'll be a full moon!


Any efforts made to emphasize the fact that this is about secession and *not* being anti-black people would be really cool.   :-\

Lloyd Danforth

A careful explanation of the charges and an attempt to explain who Lincoln, actually, was should suffice.  Just 'willy nilly'  hanging an effigy of  History's favorite President might raise some hackells, though.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on February 18, 2007, 04:23 PM NHFT
Any efforts made to emphasize the fact that this is about secession and *not* being anti-black people would be really cool.   :-\
I don't know if this is about secession ..... and I didn't know Lincoln was our first black president ... I thought it was Clinton.


Don't worry folks.  One of the charges that I will bring against Lincoln is his contemptuous racism and bigotry against Americans of African descent.  I believe I will be quoting extensively from abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison.  This is *not* about racism.  Lincoln was a racist.  Robert E Lee was not.  Which side of the confederate question one is on has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with freedom.  :P


God bless thee, Caleb, and extra karma.

Lincoln was a despicable person, corrupt, socialistic, dishonorable, vicious, a tyrant.

Of all the presidents of the United States, Lincoln was responsible for more American deaths in combat than any other.  In all, the war he started in April 1861 shed the blood of one million and twenty thousand Americans on both sides, killed or wounded. 

Let me address corruption for a moment.  In 1863, as I recall the story, Lincoln called General Dodge away from the front lines.  They traveled together to Council Bluffs, Iowa.  There, both Lincoln and Dodge bought property.  Then Lincoln had Congress set the eastern terminus of the transcontinental railroad in Council Bluffs, Iowa.  It turns out, Lincoln's property ended up, curiously, just across the street from Union Station.  And, years later, Congress demanded that the Union Pacific railroad, which was happy with its headquarters in Omaha, build a Mississippi river bridge to complete the road to its terminus as decreed, essentially, by Lincoln.  Your tax dollars at work.

Anyone who doubts Lincoln was a tyrant should look at the way in which Ohio Congressman Vallandigham was exiled for speaking out against the war.  Then review the constitution, which says that for speeches made in either house, no representative or senator may be questioned in any other place.

Anyone who doubts that Lincoln was a war criminal should look at the history of total war as practiced by generals under Lincoln.  In addition to the men who shed their blood in combat, several million Americans were starved, impoverished, raped, killed, and beaten during the course of the war, mostly by Union troops.

Lincoln was committed to totalitarianism and monolithic national government.  In his search for troops to fight his unconstitutional war (declared by the president, not Congress) he sent to Europe for socialist agitators of the time.  The John Birch Society is almost certainly mistaken.  John Birch was not the first American killed by a communist, somewhere in China in the 1930s.  Rather, some unnamed Confederate soldier was the first American killed by a communist Prussian soldier brought over after the 1848 troubles to butcher Americans.

Friday's concern that attacking Lincoln should not be connected to racism is valid.  Many people regard Lincoln as pro-black, although the text of his speeches reveals a very different story.  Lincoln is regarded as having emancipated the slaves, but his Emancipation Proclamation freed no slaves - its actions with respect to slaves under Lincoln's control, in so-called "pacified" parts of the South was to leave them in slavery, and its actions to free slaves concerned only those out of reach in Confederate territories still in "rebellion."  Just read it if you doubt me.

It is an interesting fact that 90,000 free men of color served the Confederate States in uniform.  Another interesting fact is that, in March 1865, months before their generals began to surrender, the Confederate Congress amended their constitution and emancipated all slaves in the South.  There is certainly irony in the fact that, in the same act, the Confederate Congress then conscripted all black men into the army.

With the exception of a few idiotic statements by fools like Alexander Hamilton Stephens, the prominent soldiers and politicians of the South never asserted that the war was about slavery.  It was about numerous political and economic grievances that the national government refused to resolve, over decades.

Among its other interesting claims to fame, the Confederate government, in its short life, included cabinet members and court justices who were Catholic and Jewish, decades before the USA government ever had such minorities in positions of power.

There is also some irony in the fact that the Confederacy supplied naval warships to the suppression of the slave trade.  Africans that were imported to the USA as slaves arrived on ships flying the British flag after 1713, and on ships flying the USA flag after 1781, but at no time did any African arrive in a state of slavery on a ship flying the Confederate naval jack.




8 pm? I will be there with digital camera and KFP press badge!

(Though my camera sucks with night shots..)

Russell Kanning

I don't know which tree Caleb is using, but none of them are lit up very brightly.


This makes me very happy. I just finished reading Lincoln Unmasked by Thomas DiLorenzo. The book does a great job at pointing out just how bad Lincoln was. Can't wait for tonight!  :clock:


I'm glad you're putting this together, Caleb. I regret I cannot attend, but look forward to the photos and reports from the scene.

Happy Elected Dictators' Day!