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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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My blog is up! Free New Hampshire

Started by JellyFish, March 02, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on March 02, 2007, 08:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on March 02, 2007, 08:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 02, 2007, 08:02 PM NHFT
Me three.  I was going to put her blog on that list, but it didn't seem like she was blogging anymore  :'(
Friday was an excellent blogger, an excellent NHLP organizer, an excellent NHLF organizer, an excellent FSP board member, an excellent MVP organizer, and a score other excellent things as well.

At some point, you gotta scale back a bit, ya know?

Plus she has a full time job since she needs to eat and sleep too! I now know very well what happens to people when they forget to do either...   :puke:

Yeah, no kidding.  That's exactly what I looked like two days after Liberty Forum.  As luck would have it, my building caught on fire that day, so I had to crawl out of bed, leap into my sweats, and hold the door to the building open for the Nashua Fire Department *and* the Nashua PD.  I must have looked quite a sight with my uncombed hair and dried puke on my face.   :-X

Maybe I should start blogging again;  my so-called life has gotta be good for laughs if nothing else.  :D

Russell Kanning

no power .... ice .... fire .... your place is not very relaxing.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 03, 2007, 05:10 PM NHFT
no power .... ice .... fire .... your place is not very relaxing.

Must be my feng shui.  I'm sure if I hang a mirror, re-angle my bed, and purchase a ceramic cat holding a pot of gold, my luck will change.

Tom Sawyer

Art is born of suffering... blog it out. The Friday Blues... payin' her dues  8)


At the request of a friend, I've started my own blog.  I've only got two posts up and the page sucks right now, so I don't want to post the url yet.  ;)

My question - What all do I need to know to get started in blogging?  Of course it will be political in nature, and I'll probably put up links to books I like, political music etc...   And I guess it's possible to get some kind of revenue from doing this (I wouldn't assume very much).

So what advice can everyone offer me?

Tom Sawyer


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 02, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
My I suggest a banner ad to link to NHFREE.com, KeeneFreePress.com, FreeTalkLive.com, FreeStateProject.org etc

Of course!  Once I figure out how to do stuff like that.  I seriously know very little about computers...


If you really want to know about political blogging, you should ask an expert. Someone who's been doing it a while. Like your downstairs neighbor. ;D



Quote from: Quantrill on May 02, 2007, 09:21 PM NHFT
So what advice can everyone offer me?

My main advice would be to use Wordpress instead of Blogger/Blogspot. It's far better, without the notorious Google downtime. If you're just getting started, now is the time to switch.




Two other points:

1) anyone pro-freedom in NH who wants their blog syndicated onto FreeStateBlogs, just let me know & I'll plug in your feed

2) Jim Ostrowski is a Free-Stater and the founder of blog.freeny.org
He's looking for a Free-Stater to blog stuff on FreeNY.
It would be awesome to get one of "us" blogging there!
Contact him directly if you're interested: jameso (at) apollo3.com


Quote from: error on May 03, 2007, 01:35 AM NHFT
Er, he IS using WordPress.

Err, I wouldn't know that since he didn't give us a URL.  ;)



Rich, you're on NH Insider! Cool!
Can you -- and any other NH-based bloggers -- please post about the HB 802 public hearing?

WHAT: HB802 - Mandatory seat belts
WHEN: 10:00 AM, Monday May 21
WHERE: Representatives' Hall, State House
DETAILS: http://nhliberty.org/hb802_info
