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Luddite Lloyd

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 03, 2007, 08:37 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

As I can't always catch FTL in real time I have been listening to podcasts of the show on my laptop.  I want to take them on the road with me so I don't have to settle with whatever talk show is on.  Of course I want to do it on the cheap. 
I usually ask my Geek nephew tech questions.  When I asked him about Mp3 players for podcasts, he replied:

Podcasts are very large mp3 files.... they used to only play on ipods with itunes.  So you have the choice of playing them with Windows Media Player or Itunes...

Should I gather from this that an MP3 player (30bucks)  cannot handle a podcast and I have to buy an iPod? (more than 30bucks)

While I would like to be able to carry some tunes around with me, I don't need space for 5000 songs.  I don't need a lot of bells and whistles.  Just cheep ;D


I picked up a couple of Philips mp3 players a couple months ago for my younger two.
It cannot handle the RSS updating, I have to drop mp3s in manually. I pop new electronica & tiki podcasts on their players every few weeks, to go with the music playlists they chose.

Works great, and I was very pleased with the price. $45 - and these are players which have the song title display window. You can get an iPod shuffle for $80, but without the display screen, podcasts are a pain in the neck.

Tom Sawyer

Luddite Lloyd

Now there is a band name.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: mappchik on March 03, 2007, 09:01 AM NHFT
I picked up a couple of Philips mp3 players a couple months ago for my younger two.
It cannot handle the RSS updating, I have to drop mp3s in manually.
More 'Greek' to me ;D

QuoteYou can get an iPod shuffle for $80, but without the display screen, podcasts are a pain in the neck.

So, I should spend enough for an ipod to get a display screen?

Rosie the Riveter

Just go for it and get one of these for $150 at Walmart.

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Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on March 03, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFT
Just go for it and get one of these for $150 at Walmart.

No! Not from Walmart! They turn a blind eye (and cover their ears saying "LA LA LA") while counties/cities throughout the country condemn property for passing to commercial developers who build their centers.

Amazon.com is the way to go.


Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on March 03, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFT
Just go for it and get one of these for $150 at Walmart.

Those are 2GB. For the same $150, you can get a refurbished 4GB direct from Apple. The warranty is the same as a new unit, and shipping is free. That's what we did for Christmas for the teenagers.

Tyler Stearns

I had an iPod mini for about a year and then the batteries died.  So I sent it back for $60 to get a replacement and after only a few months the new one stopped working.  Made me kind of angry.  I guess it was time for me to replace the mini with a nano anyways.


Quote from: Lloyd 'Posterboy' Danforth on March 03, 2007, 09:33 AM NHFT
More 'Greek' to me ;D

So, I should spend enough for an ipod to get a display screen?

RSS= Really Simple Syndication.  It helps to automate file transfer to you ipod.  If you're looking mainly for just listening to FTL it shouldn't be too big of an inconvenience to drag and drop the ftl mp3 file as needed.  It wouldn't be important enough to me but it's really up to you.

As a sidenote.  Big storage capacity on any portable device can be handy for transporting all sorts of files.  Not just mp3's.

Edit: If your goal is FTL at work, I have one of those Bosch jobsite charger/stereo/cd-mp3 players.   When I want FTL at work I just put it on a cd.  I figure a sensitive device in my pocket and a cord hanging from my head is the last thing I need when cutting stuff and throwing around heavy things.  When I'm on commercial sites I occasionally see people with ipods and it's not uncommon for that cord to get in their way.  I don't think I'd allow one of my helpers to use one.

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: mappchik on March 03, 2007, 09:57 AM NHFT
Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on March 03, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFT
Just go for it and get one of these for $150 at Walmart.

No! Not from Walmart! They turn a blind eye (and cover their ears saying "LA LA LA") while counties/cities throughout the country condemn property for passing to commercial developers who build their centers.

Amazon.com is the way to go.

If you use amazon you can help FTL -- I think it's amazon.ftl.com -- there is also a click through here http://www.freetalklive.com/


Lloyd, I would GIVE you my old iPod but it is inscribed "Happy Birthday from Dave". I dont' think you want that. LOL

ON the other hand, you could take it in trade for work on this result of last nights "Mr. Toad's wild ride"

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Lloyd 'Posterboy' Danforth on March 03, 2007, 08:37 AM NHFT
I usually ask my Geek nephew tech questions.  When I asked him about Mp3 players for podcasts, he replied:

Podcasts are very large mp3 files.... they used to only play on ipods with itunes.  So you have the choice of playing them with Windows Media Player or Itunes...

Er.... they're very large MP3 files! Any MP3 player will play them.


  If you don't want an MP3 player and just want to listen to FTL you could also burn it onto a CD and pop it in your player in your car. I had an ipod but never filled the thing, I sold it and bought a ipod shuffle instead, now the shuffle is even smaller. There are lots of good cheap MP3 players. PC Mag has a good site to compare, BestBuy to:

