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Started by Kat Kanning, April 09, 2007, 08:30 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

We were talking about this yesterday, so I thought I'd post a link.  Russell cured his asthma for a long time (something changed when he moved to NH) just by drinking more water.


It's real interesting (I think) how this guy came to treating patients with water.  He was imprisoned in Iran.  The prisoners weren't getting any care and many were ill.  He had nothing to give them but water, so he tried that.  He was amazed to find how it cured so many things.  He even asked to remain in jail longer so he could continue his research and continue helping people in the prison.

The prescription is to have half your weight in ounces of water per day, plus a little extra salt.  So if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 ozs of water/day.


I am a firm believer in water and it's ability to help keep organs and systems operating well together.



Quote from: Kat KanningThe prescription is to have half your weight in ounces of water per day, plus a little extra salt.

An article I ran across a while back highlights the dangers of excessive water consumption, though from what I gather from the article the amount of water which caused a death was more than five times the amount in Kat's example. I still figured it would be prudent to point it out.


There is always the chance of too much of a good thing.


Quote from: penguins4me on April 09, 2007, 09:06 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat KanningThe prescription is to have half your weight in ounces of water per day, plus a little extra salt.

An article I ran across a while back highlights the dangers of excessive water consumption, though from what I gather from the article the amount of water which caused a death was more than five times the amount in Kat's example. I still figured it would be prudent to point it out.
The water cure says to add salt to the water you're drinking, in a fixed amount per volume.  The problem with drinking too much water is drinking unsalted water, which dilutes the salt in your body to the point where you keel over dead.  Not an issue if you drink water with salt.  You might have other issues drinking way too much water, but that won't be one of em.


That's about how much water I've heard doctors recommend people drink anyway.


Why doesn't PatK drink water?  :P


He might lose his Rotund Advantage.


John Stossel did a report on this claim on 20/20. Here's an article that touches on it, but the report I saw went into a lot more detail specifically on the water claim. He's of course not saying we don't need water. He's just debunking the broader and more exceptional claims about water's curative abilities. I try to drink a lot of water for the sake of my kidneys and bladder, particularly because I have started taking antihistamines every day and those can lead to bladder problems if you're not careful. My urologist told me that, back when I actually had a (fortunately temporary and easily curable) bladder problem.


Kat Kanning

I always consult John Stossell on health concerns  ::)


I saw this about a year ago & tried it.  I found I had more energy.  I only get sick 2 or 3 times a year anyway & didn't notice any other benefits (I still got sick).  I stopped doing it but should really start again... it can't hurt so why not.

Give it a shot - at worst you will pee a lot :d


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 10, 2007, 12:58 PM NHFT
I always consult John Stossell on health concerns  ::)

In the report, he consults health professionals. The point is that substantial claims are being made without real scientific evidence. Testimonials are notoriously unreliable. His thing is busting myths. It's human nature to get caught up in fads like this and it's nice to step back and take an objective look at some of these things.

It's not that big a deal though. It doesn't appear to be a money-making scam. I'd just hate for people to put too much faith in this and fail to pursue a more effective way of dealing with a health problem. Like some others said, it won't hurt to drink a little extra water. It's difficult (possible but difficult) to get too much water.

money dollars

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 09, 2007, 08:30 AM NHFT
The prescription is to have half your weight in ounces of water per day, plus a little extra salt.  So if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 ozs of water/day.

ozs or fluid ozs?

Doesn't seem like all that much.

1 gallon (gal)
= 4.0 quart
= 8.0 pint
= 16.0 cup
= 3.785 liter
= 0.1339 cubic foot
= 231 cubic inch
= 8.345 pound (water)
= 3785.4 gram (water)
= 4 quart
= 8 pint
= 135.52 ounce (water)
= 128 fluid ounce


Quote from: money dollars on April 10, 2007, 03:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 09, 2007, 08:30 AM NHFT
The prescription is to have half your weight in ounces of water per day, plus a little extra salt.  So if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 ozs of water/day.

ozs or fluid ozs?

A pint is a pound, the whole world round.*

* Imperial pints excluded, distance from Earth's surface may slightly alter weight of water vs volume at greater distances.  Your mileage may vary.