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Dada Orwell's silent protest in CO for Rick Stanley

Started by TackleTheWorld, April 10, 2007, 12:21 PM NHFT

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QuoteHey It?s Dave Ridley here a.k.a Dada Orwell
Checking in from Colorado with a message that I hope can be uh taken and printed uh verbatim on the nhfree.com site.
I am about to do a silent demonstration in Denver at the US court of appeals-
Uh I?m sorry the Colorado court of appeals-
In support of? Rick Stanley the uh the
Ed Brown supporter that was recently arrested. Uuuh.
That will be a silent demonstration, standard operating procedure, peaceable but inside the um courthouse. Uuh.
And uh I?ll leave when they tell be to.
Anyway ? uh ah? if I don?t report in by? uh choo?If uh If I don?t report in by 1 pm Mountain time which I guess means if I don?t report in by 3pm Eastern time that means
I?ve been uh taken into custody.  But I don?t think that?s too too likely.
These people are a little trigger happy but I think unlikely its going to freak out too much.   It?s peaceable and the sign will be respectful in nature.  Anyway that?s what?s up And  keep an eye to see what happens. I?ll report in later.
Thanks guys

Kat Kanning


I was tired of transcribing them, so I just posted the sound clip. :)


Quote from: SpeedPhreak on April 10, 2007, 12:18 PM NHFT

Where in Colorado? Denver I am guessing.

I can probably do that if it isn't too far out of my way (still trying to get caught up from being gone from work for a week).

You can PM w/cell phone or other contact info & I can check the county jail where he would go if no one hears from him.

let me know.

Yeah, he's in Denver. You can reach his cell phone at 603-721-1490. He said that if he hasn't been heard from by 1pm MDT (3pm EDT) to go looking for him.


;) just read that... I will give him until about 1330 MST to check in here & let you post it... if not I will call his cell.  No answer I will start calling Denver County offices.

If it comes to it- I can bail him out if that is what is wanted/needed as long as I don't have to put up a house/car for collateral & I get the $ back asap.


Love the ahs and uhs! Takes some more time to write all that out though  :blush:

Kat Kanning

On the phone with him now.  The panic time is 4:00 now.  Have info to talk to his parents if I don't hear from him by 4.



I usually leave work aroud 330 & dont make it home until around 5 (pick up daughter, etc... etc...).

I will PM you with my cell # in case you need me for anything.

Kat Kanning

Dave just called in to the porc911 number and said everything was OK...no arrest.


Yeah, I guess he did. Kind of hard to hear the message, sounds like it was windy, or losing his reception, but it's good to hear he didn't get arrested!

[attachment deleted by admin]


QuoteIt?s Dave Ridley reporting in again from Denver
And nothing uh of great consequence occurred at the ah demonstration
I was not arrested obviously Uh. The?
I guess they were?
Well, I?ll try to file a more detailed report later
Thanks guys.


He called in another one but I haven't had a chance to listen to it. And it's a little larger than the board wants to accept for an upload. (What's with the tiny upload limits?)

Kat Kanning

Find some more stuff to fucking complain about.  >:(


QuoteDave Ridley here checking in.
I wanted to give you guys a little bit of a report on the demonstration, the silent demonstration, at Colorado court of appeals in support of Rick Stanley, who has been a steadfast supporter of our own uh New Hampshire resident, Ed Brown and his travails and I?m requesting that someone take this message and transcribe it ah to the NHfree.com appropriate thread. Aum...as you guys may recall I?ve got?there?s a message or two posted about the Rick Stanley situation and the fact that I went ahead and did a silent demonstration to support him but basically this went smoothly. Uh.  I went to the building and there was unfortunately a metal detector very close to the door and not a lot of people or activity, ah you know, to get in there.  There?s just a couple guards there -but I made sure to make them know that I was there and I had a sign, that said umm ?Please stop hurting Rick Stanley? uh ?the libertarian? .And they uh of course they immediately kicked me out and I did my usual going slow thing uh ?till I got to the door. Then I exited the door and by this time they were on the horn calling uh the state police apparently, and they were very excited that I was, I was there,(laughing)there with my little sign smiling at them. And when I got outside I just continued walking slowly uh you know in no particular direction.  And so ten minutes later when the state police got there I hadn?t really gotten very far and so they went and asked me some questions.  I didn?t really have a flyer for them I hadn?t really had a chance to make one up for this and I just handed them a uh they asked me what my name was so I had a little yellow slip of paper ready for that and I didn?t carry any ID but my little slip of paper I sorent you humble servant, Dave Ridley and left an address and so they uh, they laughed when they saw that. And uh that kinda lightened them up a little bit.  They said ?Well OK you just need to go out to the sidewalk? so of course I was already going to the sidewalk very slowly and not in a very direct direction. But if I had gone directly toward the sidewalk, I would have ended up having to walk over plate glass, so I ended up walking slowly for another ten minutes out ?till I got to the sidewalk and by that time, they, ?course they were all lined up looking at me. And I just waved at them and left.  Hopefully this will get uh the word out to some people or you know there?ll be some gossiping going on within the corridors of the bureaucracies about the crazy protester and the Rick Stanley issue.
Sounds like a lot of people in Colorado have heard of Rick Stanley.  The only person that walked into the courthouse while I was standing there uh said he knew who Rick Stanley was and he was supportive.  The lady at walmart who watched me make the sign uh said that she?d heard of Rick Stanley too.  So it sounds like he?s, you know, the word is getting out about his plight. But for those who don?t already know, he was sentenced to six years in jail for allegedly threatening a judge basicly he was just saying the judge could be arrested for what he considered violating the law.  Anyway, that?s my story for today and I will uh talk to you guys soon.


Quotehe was sentenced to six years in jail for allegedly threatening a judge basicly he was just saying the judge could be arrested for what he considered violating the law.

What's the problem with that? Judges should be arrested for breaking the law. In fact the penalties should be harsher for judges and politicians. And lawyers. Let's not forget lawyers.

Then maybe there wouldn't be so many of the feckers. Don't know about you guys but the largest section in my phone book yellow pages is attorneys. No wonder we're having to circle our wagons in one state.