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wolfowitz got caught

Started by John, April 14, 2007, 01:31 AM NHFT

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One scumbag has resigned from the world bank.
Good thing.
Because I'm sure they have nothing left now - but scum who have not YET been caught.




too many scumbags, too little time, too little ammunition :P


Quote from: SAK on April 15, 2007, 02:50 AM NHFT
too many scumbags, too little time, too little ammunition :P

Hi Shaun,
Thanks for creating www.makethestand.com!

Now get the hell out of Illinois!  Don't be like my friend John Birch and waste so many years there!  You can't fight the mob in Chicago...it's been a cesspool of corruption since long before Al Capone.  Do whatever you need to do there to "settle up" and come home to NH.



Good advice, powerchuter.  I feel the necessity to finish what I've started with my current legal battle.  Then I'm coming to NH.  I was going to wait until next year, after we found some land and built our houses, but I think I will make an early move and find a temporary place to rent.  I'll be leaving behind everything, but it has to be done.  Illinois is bad.  They're trying to turn me into a felon right now.  These people are so immoral.