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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by d_goddard, April 17, 2007, 04:31 PM NHFT

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Rally at Manchester City Hall Plaza ---- May 1st 4:00 PM [ Google Map ]

For information: Eva Castillo, NH Immigration Project 661-2873


Tom Sawyer

+ karma for you d_g

Don't think I can make it to the rally, but  8) on you for posting it.  :)


one of the really shitty things about working two jobs and being a musician - very little time for protests! :P

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Jared on April 17, 2007, 10:35 PM NHFT
one of the really shitty things about working two jobs and being a musician - very little time for protests! :P

Protest songs

Dave Ridley

Are these raids federal?  what raids exactly are we talking about?

If so here's my sign idea:



Yes, we're talking about ICE workplace raids on illegal immigrants such as the one in Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago where mothers were separated from their infant children, etc.

I'm not sure why the protest would be at City Hall rather than up the street at the federal compound.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on April 18, 2007, 07:09 AM NHFT
Protest songs

Tell The Truth (a quick 1st draft)

There's a woman working at the shop who's trying to make it right
She's working hard to feed the kids.  She's working day and night
Then the Feds come busting down the door.  They love cause a fright
What went wrong?  When did we start to think that somehow might makes right?
Tell the truth!

The truth is that the people I meet who have come to my home land
Are working just as hard - or more - than many others can
Tell the truth! . . .

Kat Kanning

I like the sign, Dada.  I like the song, John.

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer


thanks Dennis.  I'll be there if at all possible.  :)


Quote from: grasshopper on April 18, 2007, 10:56 AM NHFTThey also bring down wages for middle class workers.  I don't know about you people but I do not have a lot of money in the bank and things are getting more expensive,  . . .
Now the crux of the biscut. If we legalise all 30 million of these people they will demand the same wages that we have.... so, we'll have to allow an other 30 million illegals into this country for more cheap labor!  it never ends.

I work (blue collar) in manufacturing.  I fight EVERY DAY to keep "my" job (here).
You are right: It AIN'T easy!  And it never ends.
Maybe someday this competition will drive me out of working for a BIG corporation.  That (as I have said for a long time) will be "a blessing" in disguise.
'Till then, I'll compete.
After that; I'll compete.


I always thought the american dream was to get your own passive income stream. You work in a factory for a while in order to collect property and assets in order to be able to open up your own later and have people working for you. Auto-Pension


Quote from: lordmetroid on April 18, 2007, 01:02 PM NHFT
I always thought the american dream was to get your own passive income stream.

I don't know if that's the American dream, but as someone with a residual income stream I built myself, I can tell you that I REALLY LIKE IT.