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FTL Interviews Russell Kanning

Started by FTL_Ian, May 05, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 06, 2007, 10:23 PM NHFT
Boo Hoo

I'm refering to the crude and asinine remarks about people they don't know anything about.

Looking back through that entire post, the only crude remarks I found was the one asking if you fellate Russel and Kat saying we're all stupid for posting on fucking Internet forums.

QuoteI went over to post info that some find of interest. Didn't start any trouble and was polite in my delivery.

And telling half-truths.  And, then coming over here and talking trash.

QuoteRussell has done more to promote enthusiasm and participation then just about anyone else I know. The biggest enemies to trying to move things forward are the self important armchair masterdebaters.

I've been in the libertarian movement 30 years now... I'm not impressed with punks that think insults and rude behavior trump people actually putting their freedom on the line.

The good news is you have a lot to show for 30 years.  Freedom's on the march now, boy.  Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Tom Sawyer

Maybe you should just go back and hang with your posse...  ;D


Mark asked Russell about revocation of drivers licenses and Ian answered.
Sheesh, let the guest answer the question.

Russell Kanning

I don't like drivers licenses and will have to live with the fact that some bad people (drunk drivers) are driving around.
I don't think it is right for me to use force against people who want to drive .... even if they have proven themselves dangerous.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Brock on May 06, 2007, 10:00 PM NHFT
Let's do a quick mental level check.  Keene residents seem to be up in arms over the supposed need for a new jail.  Not content to fight city hall in the court of public opinion, Russel bolsters the pro-jail case by needlessly adding to the incarceration stats.
I don't think a new jail is a good idea, but I am not a voter in this area. This Russel character should be freed since his incarceration is needless.

How about another mental level check.  The boards on Dada's list have shiny new posts saying "yay!  Russel's free!  They let him go and dropped the charges!"  Only on the FTL BBS has anyone mentioned the pesky little fact that, no, they didn't let him go and only dropped some of the charges in return for him changing his plea.  We can't possibly allow anyone to tell the truth that Russel fought a traffic ticket and lost - hard.
The police prosecuter dropped one charge and lessened the other two without me asking him to.
I didn't fight this ticket. I plead guilty and they punished me. By the way, my name is Russell.

"Russel is a 'superactivist' because he started the KFP, burned his SS card, and tried to get on an airplane without ID.  What have you done to advance liberty?"  If that's the standard, then the country is full of 'mega-activists' for liberty who haven't seen their SS card since they were kids, fly every day without ID, and manage projects several orders of magnitude larger than running the neighborhood newspaper.
I agree. Many other people are just as "active" as I am. You can prove me right by standing up to the government yourself. :)


Yeah, that looked wrong to me when I was typing it.  Sorry.  Here's a bunch of Ls to make up for it.

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll  :D


I had a great talk with my mom last night about many things. One of the things we talked about was the various reasons that I may move to NH. I talked about the fact that my allergies are horrible in Georgia, about the economic benefits of being a sales tax free state surrounded by states that have it, about the lack of income tax, and some other things. I tried to give the basic premise for the FSP in a way that my generally a-political mom could follow.

Most of my family is now falling more and more into the realm of not trusting the police and prison complex ever since my brother was bent over and screwed by it. That was another thing we talked about. In the same way that public school unions will push for more education spending, there are massive conflicts of interests that lead to more prisons and a demand for filling them up to make money. At least the one my brother was in receives funding based on population! My mom and my brother's wife just happened to be standing nearby when the police decided to have a conversation about how they were going to screw my brother over with blatantly illegal methods, not realizing his family was right there. My mom wants to send letters to the right people about it but doesn't feel confident in her writing abilities so I'm going to try to help with that.

I think my mom is getting more and more Libertarian even if she doesn't really understand the politics of it. We even talked about Medicare which she is a beneficiary of. Her friend goes to two different doctors a week just because it's covered. She agreed with me that things like that just drive up the cost of all medicine.