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Whining Alert!

Started by Rosie the Riveter, May 19, 2007, 12:42 PM NHFT

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Rosie the Riveter

Read in a whining tone

I can't keep up with the board -- I am having trouble just reading and replying to the new replies to my posts. I am just not finding enough time to read all my unread posts  :-\ and I wanna -- What's a girl to do?


Welcome to my world but consider I have six messageboard to keep track of  :o
You just spend more time in conversation or you limit yourself to what is the most interesting...

Rosie the Riveter

six message boards -- I can only spend about an hour a day posting and reading so I can't imagine....

Read with whining tone

but everything is interesting to me....


Read and type faster perhaps.  ;)


I skim much of it.

And I've limited myself to once per day (unless some news breaks).


OK I have this probably after a road trip.

I usually hit the threads that haven't been updated in a while.... leaving the popular ones alone for a little... after all they will be updated again and then I will have to check it again..(multi checks = slowdown the reading)