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Starting a for profit blog as per advice of error

Started by lordmetroid, May 20, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT

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So I took errors advice and btw error, I unblocked your site from my adblock addon of firefox.
So because I have been ranting about communist Sweden I was thinking a blog that explodes the myth that in Sweden it works would be good for the cause of liberty as I see in US politics that Sweden is a common scapegoat no one can really check the facts on.

I am giong to write the whole site from the base up, it would give me yet another edge on the market of labour for hire and I prefer it that way anyway. However I have some problem with the name of the blog though, I have no idea what would be a good catchy name that possibly could get some audience. Some of the names I thaught of is:
Paradise in Sweden or Communist Sweden
But I don't really see any of these to be such a good name as for example homeland stupidity.
I have also been thinking of doing some graphical layout for the site, the main idea I am running in my imagination at the moment is to paint some communist like propaganda looking nationalistic layout with Swedish flag or flags in actual colors held high together with the people around them in the normal communist poses looking up to the flag in red and black color tones and the flag being somewhat ill-drawn as in not perfectly shaped and outline misaligned.
As you might notice, I am very much of a graphical person...


You might choose a name which will attract those who are dissatisfied with the government's Communist policies, and at the same time, gives the Communists pause for thought.




I'm thinking of starting one too. Any advice? I actually have experience in web design though I'm rusty and don't particular want to fiddle with it. I think I'd like a wiki to save me trouble. Also open to suggestions for services. How expensive is it? How complicated is it to have ads and all that stuph?