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I owe the city $1500/month

Started by Quantrill, June 11, 2007, 04:11 PM NHFT

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for the privilege of parking on the streets.  Apparently my work truck is not allowed to be on the street between 12am-6am. 

Got a ticket today for $50 so I call up the Ordinance Violations Bureau and the snobby lady tells me that law has been in effect for a very long time.  I explain I've only been here 2 months and it would be nice to get some kind of notice first.  There is absolutely nowhere in town that I can legally park my truck after midnight (unless I'm in someone's driveway).  So $50/day times 30 days is $1500 month.  I don't even get free weekends!

Maybe I can put a tarp or a couple of giant magnets over the company lettering.  Would it then qualify as a "commercial vehicle"?


1) what city is this?
2) consider contacting calling your Ward's City Councilor. City Council are exactly the people who are supposed to help with this kind of problem. What ward are you in?


I think people like that deserve to spend the entire summer without air conditioning.



"I'm going to remember this day next winter, when it's 1 am and 20 below out and your heat goes out."


Talk to the landlord, or Daniel.  Alec does parking on seniority basis.  Daniel was there longer than you, he may be willing to give up his parking. 


Quote from: David on June 11, 2007, 04:38 PM NHFT
Talk to the landlord, or Daniel.  Alec does parking on seniority basis.  Daniel was there longer than you, he may be willing to give up his parking. 

Hey!  How ya doin' David?

Daniel did let me have his spot because I had a car here first, even though he lived here first w/o a car.  My sedan could  barely fit up front and there was little room for Alec to maneuver so I went back to parking on the street.  No way my van would fit anywhere but the last spot, so I may have to bribe one of the roommates for the spot closest to the street.  Either way, it's a royal pain in the ass and what a worthless "ordinance" to begin with...


Your alderman for Ward 5 is:
Ward 5
Ed Osborne
465 Cedar Street
Manchester, NH 03103
(603) 622-6463

Mr. Osborne was formally endorsed by our friends over at BlueHampshire (aka the "blue state project"). As such, I strongly suggest that you blog your experience. Was he helpful and interested in hearing the valid concerns of a constituent? Did he offer to work with you to help you out of the situation?

Dave Ridley

list of perps and contact info would be welcome so i can call them


I don't get it -- how can they expect people to make a living if they can't park their vehicles on the street? Not everyone owns a home...with a driveway. Some are renters. This does not make sense at all...

Bald Eagle

I apparently got a parking ticket, or copy of one, for parking overnight on the street in NJ, because my friend did not call ahead of time and beg like a slave for permission.  He swiped the ticket and was going to pay it but apparently it got put through the washer.  Awwww.  This is what I told him.


I'm sorry, but I can't recall ever getting a "parking ticket," and as such I can't see how I have any legal obligation to pay any money to "THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD."

The only thing I'm pissed about is that a bunch of self-righteous jerkoffs with nothing better to do feel the need to treat one of my best and oldest friends like a nigger slave on a plantation.  Beg, grovel, kneel, and plead for permission to live your life without harassment and molestation, or use a road that you're forced to pay for but need permission to use.  BULLSHIT.

As far as I'm concerned, _I_ was not the person who parked a privately owned and operated conveyance on a road built for use by We the People.  _I_ was never presented with any legal notice that I consented to create joinder with.  I'm not paying extortion money for something that theoretically happened in a wholly Communist country, whose arbitrary rules I never conceded to.  The onus of proof that I owe anyone any "money" for anything is on THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, I'm not paying anyway, and they can have a grand old time trying to extradite me from the Free State, the Republic of New Hampshire.  I think I outgun and outshoot those Maplewood pussies all by myself.  I'll guarantee I'll have some like-minded and like-skilled friends should they decide they really really really want their little extortion payment.  Nya Nya.

Sorry bud, but the Maplewood fascists and petty tyrants can screw off and eat sh** for all I care.  They're not getting a single cent from me, so I guess they'll just have to victimize the rest of you Maplewood residents a little more vigorously with their sleazy Mafia tactics.

Live Free or Die.

I'm going to live my life as freely as possible, and the pigs can f*** off and die.


Quote from: CNHT on June 11, 2007, 06:38 PM NHFTNot everyone owns a home...with a driveway. Some are renters.

Good point, why not rent business space, with parking?  I know I wouldn't want a bunch of commercial vehicles parked in front of my home, which is likely the point of the ordinance.


Thanks for the info D-Godd

Guy - what does it matter what types of vehicles are parked in the street?  I mean seriously, not to mention they're only banned from 12am-6am when most people are sleeping or at least in their homes?

Pat McCotter

Concord is nicer than Manch - we have to be off the street by 2:00 AM vice midnight. ::)


Quote from: Quantrill on June 11, 2007, 07:22 PM NHFT

Guy - what does it matter what types of vehicles are parked in the street?  I mean seriously, not to mention they're only banned from 12am-6am when most people are sleeping or at least in their homes?

I guess it matters because, in the city's residential neighborhoods, where street parking is the only option for residents, you don't want to come home after a long day at work to find a fleet of landscaping trucks parked in front of your home.  I agree that the ordinance is flawed.  The ban should be from 6pm - 6am, so folks can come home from work and not have to park blocks away from home only to get up at midnight to move their cars back home, assuming the landscaping fleet has even bothered to obey the ordinance.

I sympathize with you Quantrill, but letting you do it opens the floodgates for any commercial vehicles doing it.

If your only vehicle is your company vehicle, then why not make it your personal vehicle?  If, however, your company owns several vehicles, why not rent some business space to park them overnight?