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Xenophobe police chief in New Ipswitch?

Started by FTL_Ian, May 04, 2005, 10:49 AM NHFT

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Quote from: LiveFreeOrDie on May 11, 2005, 09:46 PM NHFT
Yes, you're right about the government being the source of the problem.  However, the government isn't growing money in a special garden somewhere, and thus it is all of us the doctors are ultimately stealing from by force.  Very simplistic, you're right.

My issue with this "reimbursement" is they won't be getting angrier and demanding an end to the free healthcare.  Now they have had a taste of welfare, they are going to want more.

This money is probably going to make the difference for some hospitals in SoCal and Arizona between going bankrupt and staying afloat.  Consider that in the equation.


No one gives tax money to the small business that goes into bancruptcy to keep them afloat, nor should they. That is just socialist redistribution.


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 11, 2005, 04:24 PM NHFT
It is obvious to me reading the dialog on this subject that you people have no fucking clue what has been going on in the Monadnock Region regarding illegal aliens.

Mr. Roth,

? ? ?I understand that this is an emotional issue for you.? I once felt similarly towards immigration.? Hopefully you'll be able to set aside your seething rage for a moment and allow your vision to clear.? I'll do my best to not lower myself to your vitriolic demeanor.

QuoteMaybe if you truly understand same of things that have been going on over the years in New Ipswich, you might have some sympathy for Chamberlain.? You may not like the law, but he is doing the job he is being PAID to do.

? ? ?So was the SS.? That is not a valid excuse for enforcing bad laws.? Ignorance is.? Let's assume Mr. Chamberlain is simply ignorant, and not a racist.

Quote? Illegal aliens are just that...ILLEGAL.?

? ? ?I believe this to be Begging the Question.? Lots of things are illegal.? Doesn't make them bad, good, right, or wrong.? I'd be willing to bet you've broken a few laws in your life, Scott.

QuoteThe hell with opening the borders here in the US.? That idea comes from people of great ignorance.

? ? ?Your attitude comes from great ignorance, as I will soon show.? It's okay to be ignorant.? I went to government school, too, so I understand.

Quote? We need to help the people here in this country...to have jobs...to be more secure...

? ? ?How, via govt programs or Liberty?

Quoteto keep aliens out and in their own place of residence.? If you want to help people like that, then you need to go into their country and help them to change the laws and conditions there, so they won't have to come here illegally and take away resources from us.

? ? Ahh, your ignorance is showing.? Surely you're aware of supply and demand, Scott.? Simply apply it to the immigration issue.? IE:

? ? More immigrants entering into the country means a larger supply of workers.? Anti-Immigration folk usually understand that part.? However, you always ignore the corollary:

? ? More immigrants means more demand for products and services, therefore immigrants create new jobs, not take up some magical finite supply.

    Economics is simple, but they don't teach it well in govt school.? Hopefully, you're just ignorant like I once was and you're not a racist.? If you're a racist, please just let me know and I'll stop spending my time on you.

Best Regards,

P.S.? End welfare.? Open the borders.? Liberty works.

Lloyd Danforth

The flaw in your reasoning is you fail to understand, that, the Welfare System, so easy to get on and stay on in this country, upsets the rule of supply and demand for the low paid jobs that these immigrants fill.
Only after Welfare is ended and all citizens  have to support themselves, or, seek privite charity, will we know if we need immigrant workers.
As long as Taxpayers subsidise people on Welfare, to protect them from having to take the low paying jobs, that Ilegals fill, the net effect is that the Ilegals are being paid by taxpayers, not, employers, or, consumers.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 12, 2005, 07:16 AM NHFTThe flaw in your reasoning is you fail to understand, that, the Welfare System, so easy to get on and stay on in this country, upsets the rule of supply and demand for the low paid jobs that these immigrants fill.

And illegal immigrants don't uniformly fill low-end jobs - roofing and construction isn't "low end." They create downward pressure on wages in many fields by virtue of the fact that by working under the table and off the books they don't have 15% of their income confiscated off the top for Social Security, and wind up pushing out entry-level citizens.

The Wal-Mart cleaning contractor was paying some of their illegal-immigrant employees slave-level wages of about $2 per day, I read.

Illegal immigrants aren't doing jobs Americans "won't do," they're doing jobs Amercans aren't legally permitted to do thanks to minimum wage laws.

Russell Kanning

Alright ....a Wal-Mart contractor was able to get around minimum wage laws.... 8)

Maybe some of those hospitals need to stop listening to the government and refuse to service people who cannot pay. The problem is starting to come to roost in California ....isn't it. :)

We all know that the welfare system is bad.....so we can all work to end it.

Some of us can agree or disagree that having lots of immigrants is a good thing.

I think people should be free. I want to be free from the welfare system stealing from me.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 12, 2005, 07:16 AM NHFT
The flaw in your reasoning is you fail to understand, that, the Welfare System, so easy to get on and stay on in this country, upsets the rule of supply and demand for the low paid jobs that these immigrants fill.

I don't fail to understand.  That's just another good reason to end welfare.

Lloyd Danforth

As I was listening to a report about an illegal who was stopped three times in Denver with no licence and no insurance and let go because Denver, among other cities is a Sanctuary city and does not allow it's police to enforce federal laws concerning illegals.
Well, no surprise, the guy went on to kill someone in a shootout.
It occurred to me, if local cops can't enforce federal laws concerning illegals, why should they bother to enforce other federal laws, like Drug Laws?
Drug laws have, by far done more to ruin cities, fill prisons, make criminals out of innocent people, increace costs to taxpayers, ?and, before the patriot act, did the most damage to our rights.
To stop enforcing them would be ?a logical protest on the part of the police who are hamstrung on enforcing the law on illegal aliens.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 12, 2005, 12:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 12, 2005, 07:16 AM NHFT
The flaw in your reasoning is you fail to understand, that, the Welfare System, so easy to get on and stay on in this country, upsets the rule of supply and demand for the low paid jobs that these immigrants fill.

I don't fail to understand.? That's just another good reason to end welfare.

Then, you know that you can't envoke claims of supply and demand, as long as this artificial conponent ( Welfare) exists in the equation.

Russell Kanning

I have never understood why there are 2 sets of laws one for all of us and another for illegal aliens. We have to have car insurance, inspections, insurance.....they can drive away from the scene of an accident after the cops sort everything out.
"Sanctuary City" is that like advertising for rascals?



I thought it was clear I was talking about immigration and economics in a free America. ?Excuse me for not making that clear.


Now it's happening in Hudson, too:

More illegal immigrants charged with trespassing


I hope they dot all the i's and cross all the t's with consular contact, etc.  It'll be interesting to see where a clean, technicality-free pursuit of these charges ends up.


Quote from: mvpel on May 13, 2005, 08:58 AM NHFT
I hope they dot all the i's and cross all the t's with consular contact, etc.? It'll be interesting to see where a clean, technicality-free pursuit of these charges ends up.

In Danbury Conn they will deputize the state police force to include in their duties immigration control officers.
