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Illegal Immigration

Started by umbcpaleoconservative, June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT

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In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:


Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:

This topic is on about 40 other threads.  Most of it is mental masturbation.

Welcome to the forum!


Well a free state is a oxymoron.
The very defintion of government, to govern means controll and freedom is the abscense of controll. Hence government and freedom is contradictory.

The question of illegal immigration is totally bunk. First of all there is no corpus deliciti, a necessary element of all crimes, that is there has to be some individual that is harmed by the factual act and the intention to do harm. Secondly what is the difference of moving from one geographical coordinate to another even if a man-made imaginary line drawn at an arbitrary location on a map is crossed. If restricting people to move from one are to another is generally a good idea than truly it has to be true that making further severe restrictions is like prohibiting people from leave state, county, town, neighbourhood and up until leaving the house is better and better the more restrictive the prohibition becomes.


Allright I'm talking cultural implications here, since we're all for free speech and expression shouldn't our responsibility be not to let nh turn into nyc or la? By creating a new underclass of cheap labour? :o

Quote from: lordmetroid on June 18, 2007, 02:53 PM NHFT
Well a free state is a oxymoron.
The very defintion of government, to govern means controll and freedom is the abscense of controll. Hence government and freedom is contradictory.

The question of illegal immigration is totally bunk. First of all there is no corpus deliciti, a necessary element of all crimes, that is there has to be some individual that is harmed by the factual act and the intention to do harm. Secondly what is the difference of moving from one geographical coordinate to another even if a man-made imaginary line drawn at an arbitrary location on a map is crossed. If restricting people to move from one are to another is generally a good idea than truly it has to be true that making further severe restrictions is like prohibiting people from leave state, county, town, neighbourhood and up until leaving the house is better and better the more restrictive the prohibition becomes.


Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:

"You" can be for or against anything you wish. Others may not agree with you.


Remember the only thing that makes any immigration illegal, is a stupid law somewhere..

Our country was founded on immigration, why make it illegal.

Immigration only helps a economy in a free economy, the issue isn't the immigration, its welfare and government that are the issue. They attract low life welfare suckers, if we didn't have welfare and the government supporting these loosers we would not be attracting the "bad" immigrants that want a free lunch and only the hard working immigrants would be coming into this country, to make a better life for them selfs.  Thus the way this country came about. People came to the new world to get away from government oppression.

Every body looks at the effects and no one looks at the causes.. every outcome has a cause, to solve the problem you have to look at the cause otherwise your only patching the problem with a band-aid fix.

Unless your 100% American Indian, remember your ancestors came over here looking for a free place to live without government oppression.. thus why your here..

look for the cause and you'll find the solution..  Remember algebra, x-2=10.. what is X?



Quote from: E-ville on June 18, 2007, 07:59 PM NHFT
Unless your 100% American Indian, remember your ancestors came over here looking for a free place to live without government oppression.. thus why your here..

And likely through Ellis Island through a process...

Tom Sawyer

Ellis Island was for newbies.  ;D


Quote from: CNHT on June 18, 2007, 07:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:

"You" can be for or against anything you wish. Others may not agree with you.

applaud, applaud.  1000 times applaud (only the system will only let me do it once every so often)  :)


The one side of my family came through Canada.. the other side went through Ellis island then found a American Indian to copulate with somewhere along the line.. Just didn't keep enough Indian blood in the family to collect collect casino royalites..  ::) Oh well..


Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:

Sure -- by making it legal  8)


There's a town around here named after some of my ancestors.

Others of them were here thousands of years before them.


woohoo  for U Must Be Crazy  (UMBC)  I used to go to school there.  Taking a break for the time being and should be returning there soon  ;D


So you are not worried about overpopulation, environmental effects, creating a whole new underclass and dramatically changing cultural demographics where the rich get richer off of cheap labour that someone 20 years ago would be making at least $10 more per hour with benefits in the same position? Remember a wise man once said a nation without borders is no longer a nation but an empire. Wether that be a neocon, un globalist, or free trade empire! 8)

Quote from: Braddogg on June 19, 2007, 12:08 AM NHFT
Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
In a truly free state shouldnt we be against illegal immigration? :icon_pirat:

Sure -- by making it legal  8)


Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on June 19, 2007, 09:02 AM NHFT
So you are not worried about overpopulation, environmental effects, creating a whole new underclass and dramatically changing cultural demographics where the rich get richer off of cheap labour that someone 20 years ago would be making at least $10 more per hour with benefits in the same position?

I'm not worried about immigration causing those things. They already exist, in the places where the immigrants come from!