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Vaccines Effective?

Started by kola, July 19, 2007, 06:57 PM NHFT

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Since vaccines have been on the market outbreaks still occur.

If vaccines truly worked, were effective and have wiped out disease then why are there still outbreaks?

Why are the vaccinated kids being effected? Shouldn't just the unvaccinated kids be effected only?

Almost every Tom Dick and Harriet have blind faith in vaccine efficacy. It is accepted that if you have been vaccinated you will not get the disease. In January 28, 1995 the Center of Disease Control made the statement that "getting a vaccination does not guarantee immunity". Hmm. Interesting yet almost everyone tells us otherwise.   

Not only are vaccines ineffective (as this is proven where they are outbreaks) but literature suggests that the vaccines are causing the diseases they are supposed to be preventing. ( read that again :) )

And NO, it is not Lil' Johnny-hippie-kid who was unvaccinated that caused the outbreak because according to the "experts" vaccines work so the vaxed kids should not be effected.

Lets look:

A case control study has shown that 41% of meningitis occurred in children vaccinated against the disease. The vaccines protective efficacy was rated as minus 58%. This means that kids are much more likely to get the disease if they are vaccinated. (JAMA 1988 Osterholm etal 260;1423-1428)

1979 Sweden abandoned the whooping cough (pertussis vaccine) due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5140 cases in 1978 it was found that 84% have been vaccinated 3 times. BMJ (British Med Journal 1981, 283;696-697)   

Dutch scientists are trying to figure out why there was a outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) that swept through the country despite vaccination rates as high as 96%. similar problems were also reported in Norway and Denmark (British Med Journal 1998)

Among school age children, measles outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of gretaer than 98%. These outbreaks have occurred on all parts of the US. (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR (CDC) Dec29, 1989

A measles outbreak in Texas even though vaccination requirements for scholl attendance had been thoroughly enforced. (New England Jorn of Med Vol 316 pp771-774)

A measles outbreak in Sydney Australia in 1993, 73% of cases occurred in children aged 5-9 years old who were vaccinated. (Medical Journ of Australia 1995)

A 1998 report stated Pertussis is at its highest levels since 1967. (US Dept of Human Health and Services).

In 1978 in the US they mandated vaccination and it it resulted in a three fold increase in reports of pertussis (graph data from Tokai Journ of Experimental Biology and Medicine 1988).

Pertussis infections are common in the immunized population. (Journ of Amer Medical Assoc  JAMA 1998)

NEJM published a study on 55 cases of HiB (meningitis) disease, all who were fully vaccinated. Results: 39 got meningitis, 3 died and 6 went deaf. (NEJM 315 Dec 1988)

Mumps outbreak in a highly vaccinated school population (Archives of Pediatric Adolesc Med 1995 Vol 149)

A large outbreak of mumps in the post vaccine era. (Pediatric Infectious Disease Vol 158 1988)

Do I need to list all the flu outbreaks amongst all the people who had their yearly flu shots? Even the CDC has admitted when their flu vaccines were ineffective and when the pharm company had contaminated products. So now what do they recommend? Two shots or more per year!

to be continued..


Low Varicella Vaccine Effectiveness in a Daycare Center Outbreak, New Hampshire, December 2000- February 2001. (Abstr Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2001 Dec 16-19; 41: abstract no. G-1559.
CDC, Atlanta, GA)

In 1998, 3 years after vaccine licensure, child care centers (CCC) in Los Angeles County continued to report varicella outbreaks.(PEDIATRICS Vol. 104 No. 3 September 1999, pp. 561-563)

Kola note: I would like to point out that many of these "diseases" are childhood infections and almost always resolve on their own without complication, similar to the common cold. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella (german measles) and influenza fall into this category. Polio? The CDC had admitted that 87% of polio cases between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the oral polio vaccine. The oral vaccine was finally abandoned and a IM injection vaccine was developed. The Polio vaccine came on the market in 1956 BUT according to International Mortality Statistics the death rate for polio had dropped dramatically and was almost eradicated BEFORE the introduction of the vaccine. By these reports it shows the vaccine had little (if any) role in eradicating polio AND it was the vaccine itself which was causing polio.

Throughout my sleepless nights researching, I found these alarming details (listed below) concerning 4 strain of the polio virus. Nelsons Textbook of Pediatrics 11th Edition stated there are 4 types of polio:

1) Asymptomatic infection: headache vomiting, completely resolved in 24 hrs. 
2) Abortive poliomyelitis: same a s above with fever, sore throat and intermittant tingling/numbness, completely resolved in 24/72 hrs to 2 weeks. 90+% of all polios are this type.

NOT WAIT A MINUTE!  :o  I thought polio was a terrible and crippling disease where all kids ended up dead, on iron lung machines and/or in wheelchairs??? But Nelson Pediatric Textbook states that 90 plus cases of Polio completely resolve within 2 weeks with no residual damage. watsupwitdat?? I wonder why that was never revealed? Lets continue further and look at the remaining two types of polio, as I earlier stated there were 4 types or strains.

3) Non paralytic polio; this is full blown polio with similar symptoms as number 2 above BUT with paralysis. Paralysis is NOT permanent and there is a full recovery.

4) Paralytic polio: High fever, severe headache, stiff neck, respiratory involvement, one-sided weakness/numbness and tingling esp.in extremities with long-term permanent paralysis.
(now here is the badguy we all know about).

Nelson's Pediatric Text goes on to report: (and follow closely):

<10% developed paraltyic polio (#4 from above)

of those 10% who acquired paralytic polio (#4), >50% have complete recovery.

and <25% have permanent disability

punch in those numbers and find that permanent paralysis occurs in less than 1%

Merck Manual (the MD Bible) states: Mortality from polio is <1%
Biotechnology 1992 states: permanent paralysis occurs in less than 1% in all cases of polio

I found that quite interesting as I always thought polio was polio and everyone ended up dead or maimed.

And here is my nail in the coffin on the topic of polio:

The CDC recently admitted that the "live" virus polio vaccine has become the dominant cause of polio in the United States. More recently, every case of polio since 1979 was caused by the vaccine. (Clinical Infectious Diseases, CDC
Feb 1992 pp 568-79

When is the last time your MD told you this information before he jabbed your kid?
Yeah, I know what he told you. He told you how safe and effective it was and how it wiped out that terrible crippling disease. Most MD's do not have clue about the info I have presented and when I instruct parents to confront them and ask them about the 4 strains of polio, the MD is dumbfounded, soon becomes irrate and then threatens to not treat their children anymore. I have debated a few pro-vaccine individuals and made mincemeat out of them. My knowledge of vaccines is far more superior to theirs and I do not even distribute vaccines. One would like to think that they were the experts since they are the ones jabbing our children. Yet time and time again, I can make a pro vaccine doctor melt before ones eyes when I drop the hard questions in their laps... AND I am using THEIR medical research literature. I can make their toes curl and they often refuse to discuss the issues (logically and scientifically) and are left no choice but to attack me at a personal level. This is when I know I have won the battle. They also attempt to dismiss every piece of literature I present. I have battled in the trenches with them many, many times. They say the same old things over and over. They can only regurgiate what they were taught in med school. I almost always have a quick and valid answer for their lame attempts. It is amusing to me to get them to talk because the more they say the more their ignorance shows through. Then I point out their ignorance to the audience or who ever is present. (in a seminar, office setting, coffee shop etc).         

Lets explore one more nugget of info regarding polio. The "new and improved" polio (IPV) vaccine contains 3 types of polio. They combined 3 strains into one vial. Three diseases in one. When viruses are combined they have the potential to mutate and recreate into another strain on their own. It is like mixing red, yellow and blue. After mixing there is no evidence of red yellow or blue just a new color, brown. Virology 1993 reported that while the vaccine contains 3 strains, a FOURTH strain can be cultured from the feces of vaccine recipients. "This indicates that the viruses have recombined and formed a new strain in the process of vaccination."

Essentially man has created a NEW strain of the polio virus which most likely would never have happened in nature.

Think that is bad? Wait until we talk about cloned antigens in the Hep B shot? Yes, man is cloning DNA from animals and injecting them in human blood. These are bioengineered DNA snippets and we are now creating new and dangerous diseases and injecting them in newborns.(very often immediately after birth).


Quote from: lawofattraction on July 20, 2007, 10:39 PM NHFT
Wasn't one of the polio vaccines linked to the development of kidney and brain cancers years later?

Yeah, with the intentional introduction of a known cancer-causing monkey virus. That's just an instance where the eugenicists in charge have been caught.


Also check out about the hundreds of thousands of Philipino and Latino women who recently found themselves sterile after a United Nations tetanus vaccine (which was given primarily to women oddly enough). Google those keywords - pretty freaky. The vaccines contained the hormone women create in order to sustain a pregnancy early on. Because of the vaccine women then create antibodies for this hormone, so can't remain pregnant for more than a day or so.


QuoteWasn't one of the polio vaccines linked to the development of kidney and brain cancers years later?

SV 40 cancer marker
Simian Virus from African green monkeys

I will post a reference in a sec.

There are tons of valid references:
I try and support my claims with scientific journals and research readily accepted by the medical professionals.

here is some links: http://www.lymphomation.org/sv40-virus.htm

There is also evidence refuting the claim. This is common and often makes  it difficult to find the truth. Sometimes one needs to go to the source and find out who funded the study and was there any conflicts of interest. One also has to dissect the actual data with a fine tooth comb and look for errors and inconsistancies in the study. This is big money folks and it has been proven time and time again that numbers and info get fudged.


Yeah Henry, I researched those genocide operations and it is on a global basis. They use Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a hormone that becomes active when a woman is pregnant. If it is introduced in a non-pregnant woman her body has been tricked into thinking she is pregnant thus she will never truly get pregnant. Some vaccines are combined with the tetanus vax and the antibodies produced will  kill off natural Hcg whenever a women becomes pregnant. It is an easy way to sterilize populations and the bastards can then claim how they are eradicating diseases by administering free vaccines while in reality they are attempting to eliminate selected groups of innocent people. Stealing ones rights for reproduction is evil.




Braddog? questions, comments, concerns. I believe it was you who requested I post this information.

Should I continue by just laying down some random information or is there anything you would like me to specifically address? I will try and assist you the best I can. If anyone else has questions or comments I encourage you to present them.

Again, Neil Z Miller's book entitled Vaccines, Are They Safe and Effective" contains most of the material that I am covering. Dr Tim O'Shea has a great vax book entitled. The Sanctity of Human Blood, Vaccination is not Immunization".

educate before you vaccinate,


Here are some graphs showing the decline of disease before the vaccine came on the market. Notice how smallpox increased after people were vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine. Notice how Scarlet Fever went away all by itself even though a vaccine was never manufactured. You damn well know the pro vax folks would be taking credit for "wiping out Scarlet Fever" had there been a vax for Scarlet fever.




A brief overview of Polio and a different angle at the probable cause. (beside being vaccinated) The article was published in the Archives of Pediatrics, a well respected medical journal. All references are listed.



An interesting graph showing pesticide exposure and polio,



Polio outbreak from the polio vaccine

Polio vaccine linked to cancer (SV-40)


All states allow a medical exemption and some states allow philosophical and/or religious exemptions. However, the American Medical Association is actively promoting the abolishment of religious and philosophical exemptions.


To file for a religous exemption one does not have to be affiliated with a church or  a specific type of religion. A person can state "My blood is from God, my Creator and it is sacred. I have made an educated decision and choose to exercise my rights to refuse vaccinations."

or you can say, "I am of Catholic religion and choose to avoid vaccines".

Some states like Colorado have medical exemption, religous AND personal.

For file "personal" you can say, "I choose not to vaccinate"

or you do have to say anything at all. Just check the box maked "personal exemption". If they ask you why tell them, "HEY it's personal".  :)

I can go into more detail about how to deal with the public, governmet and med folks if you choose not to vaccinate. There are some pearls of wisdom to be aware of. When you refuse to go with the flow, people tend to not like you, try and bully you and threaten you. There are some great ways to handle these situations and I will explain them if anyone is interested. I always remind parents theyalso have an option to "pick and choose" certain vaccines. They may to their homework and then decide to skip i.e chickenpox but do the others. I always recommend parents ask for individual vaccines and not these "3 in 1" doses or the Prevnar vax which is 8-in 1. This means the Prevnar vax is 8 different diseases combined into one vial. So for that day your child will get nailed with 8 different types of infection. This is "vaccine bombardment" and remember the human immune system is not fully delevoped until  18 months to 2 years yet many of these vaccinations are given before that period. Even if a parent decided to fullt vaccinate their child there are things they can do to reduce the risks.



I always like to present this article. It shows we can raise healthy children with proper nutrition and without vaccinations. I also found it interesting that these kids did not eat any meat and when the government stepped in and ordered it to be served, the kids would not eat it and thought it was disgusting! Remarkable huh? and yes they did get chicken pox..whoopy dee-doo. Chicken pox is a mild infecvtion, rarely life threatening and once acquired, there is immunity for life. IMO and many others, children should be exposed to chicken pox at a young age and produce natural immunity. Many non vax parents have chicken pox parties. Sound crazy? nah..crazy is injecting a child with blood and pus from a dead animal, not to mention all the excess posions that the "good doctor" stuffed into that saline solution. Now that is crazy..and then to make claims that it makes us healthy.   

In 1942, Mr Leslie Owen Bailey, a great philanthropist and founder of the Natural Health Society of Australia, accepted guardianship of 85 children whose mothers were unable to care for them. Raised in accordance with Natural Health principles, and cared for in the Hopewood House at Bowral, NSW, they were to become well known as the Hopewood children.
Many of these children were young babies, and because breast feeding was not possible, they were reared on goats milk. The older children were initially given unpasteurised cows milk, but due to mucous problems in some children, fresh fruit and vegetable juices were substituted. From age two onwards, the diet of these children consisted of fresh fruit, root and green vegetables, salad, eggs, nuts, rice, porridge, wholemeal bread and biscuits, dried fruits, unsalted butter, lentils and soya beans etc. Between meals, only fruit or fruit juices were allowed, and children were encouraged to drink plenty of water, which, coming from the local water supply was pure and fluoride free. Treats consisted of 'Hopewood lollies' made from carob, coconut, dried fruits and honey.

The Child Welfare Department, who were overseeing the children's health insisted that the children be given 'meat', but when it was served to the children, they refused to eat it. Nutritionists from the Sydney University analysed the nutritional content of the Hopewood diet and the results showed adequate, even superior levels of protein, carbohydrate, fat and minerals in the food compared with orthodox diets. After the results of these tests were made known, the Child Welfare Department no longer insisted that the children be fed meat.

It is noteworthy that amongst these 85 children, no serious illness ever occurred, no operative treatments were ever performed, no drugs of any kind were ever taken or used, and NO VACCINATIONS were ever given. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects.

Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school, had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising.

In 1947, Dr N.E. Goldsworthy, a medical doctor and head of the Institute of Dental Research in Sydney, wanted to investigate the dental health of the Hopewood children. Dr Goldsworthy and his team conducted an extensive survey of the children's teeth over a ten year period. This survey showed that the Hopewood children had 16 times less decay than other Sydney children the same age. Where Sydney children had had on average 9.5 decayed, missing or filled teeth per child, there was only 0.58 in the Hopewood children. To use Dr Goldsworthy's own words, the results were "little short of miraculous". The Hopewood children were credited with having the highest standard of dental health ever studied, even surpassing New Guinea native children who were supposed to have the best teeth in the world.

The Medical Profession also took an interest in the Hopewood children with Sir Lorimer Dodds and Dr D. Clements, Head of Child Nutrition at Sydney University, monitoring their health for over 9 years. They examined both tonsils and adenoids and said they had never seen a group so free of trouble as the Hopewood children. Also, child psychologist, Zoe Benjamin, an expert of the day, spent time with the Hopewood children and expressed amazement at their independent personalities and contentment as a group.

Most remarkable of all was the fact that many of these children inherited poor health due to a history of illness and malnourishment in their mothers. Despite this, and the fact that they were never breastfed nor could enjoy the normal bonding of mother to child, they were able to grow into sturdy, self-reliant children.

The Hopewood children serve as an inspiring example for all those parents who would like to raise their children naturally, and without drugs and vaccines. These children are testimony to the truth and validity of Natural Health.

The full story of the Hopewood children appears in the Natural Health magazines, Volume 5, No's 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Volume 6, No 1, published by the Natural Health Society of Australia.


Quote from: kola on July 21, 2007, 10:54 AM NHFT
All states allow a medical exemption and some states allow philosophical and/or religious exemptions.   

Interesting, since the last cases of paralytic poliomyelitis caused by endemic transmission of wild virus in the United States were in 1979, when an outbreak occurred among the Amish in several Midwest states.




This is what I dislike about the CDC. The CDC is a "reporting" government agency. They rarely list scientific resources to back their reporting. In your link the CDC quotes numbers, percentages, graphs etc with nothing to back their claims. That report is loaded with inaccuracies. So because they are "THE CDC" one must accept that their writings as factual? That is blind faith and psuedo-science. 

What was the end result of these people (in relation to recovery) who contracted polio?
Do not forget about the literature showing the polio vaccine causing polio and it's different new strains.
Do some searching and find out where those Amish polio cases came from. 
I admit there were a few outbreaks in the Amish community and I believe there was an Autism case too.
Try and find out the truth. It's out there. :)



Glad people are waking up about vaccines. Go to www.sovereign-solutions.info, click on Free Episodes, then scroll to my interview with Vaccine Liberation.