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Prostitution sting nails 6 in Kingston

Started by KBCraig, July 20, 2007, 12:53 AM NHFT

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Wow, the Kingston police are slimy. Like Cops on tv, they're probably pretty self congratulatory after this "sting."


Any Porcs live in Kingston?
This is an excellent reason to call your State Rep and complain about tax dollars being spent to bust people who weren't harming anybody!

You might be surprised, at least 1-2 of your Reps in particular may well agree with you.
Another few would probably listen with an honest open mind if you sound remotely reasonable.
And one you probably know from Liberty Forum :)


Quote from: Henry on July 20, 2007, 10:39 PM NHFT
Wow, the Kingston police are slimy. Like Cops on tv, they're probably pretty self congratulatory after this "sting."

I recently learned from a colleague at the criminal defense firm where I work that the producers of Cops have a deal with every local department that they film that they will only show what will make the cops look good.  The producers will always surrender the uncut footage when subpoenaed, which was apparently quite useful in showing police brutality in what was portrayed on the show as unprovoked violence by the arrestee, when it was really self-defense.


Prostitutes are much cheaper, at least in terms of dollars and cents.


Quote from: error on July 20, 2007, 11:35 PM NHFT
Prostitutes are much cheaper, at least in terms of dollars and cents.

And you can stop paying them whenever you want to stop using them. If you stop paying the wife's price, that's when you really start paying!  :o

Full disclaimer: I have never procured a prostitute. But I do have an ex-wife.


I've never had a prostitute OR an ex-wife. I'm happy with this situation.


Quote from: d_goddard on July 20, 2007, 11:24 PM NHFT
Any Porcs live in Kingston?
This is an excellent reason to call your State Rep and complain about tax dollars being spent to bust people who weren't harming anybody!

They claim they launched the sting in response to complaints about posts on craigslist, and other sites. What if the offending ads had been for free sex? "Big party at my house in Kingston tonight. C'mon by and getcha some!"

The activity would be the same, except for money changing hands. Actually, it would be worse, because the turnout would probably be larger -- but it would be legal!


Quote from: Rochelle on July 20, 2007, 10:30 PM NHFT
QuoteAre you saying that every woman has her price?  I mean, you're in what seems like a happy marriage (unless I'm confusing you with someone else), and I assume you don't have a price.
Of course I have a price,

So . . . whatcha doing tomorrow night?

Quoteor else I wouldn't be married :) My husband pays it every day of his life ;)

Oh . . . never mind ;)

QuoteNot all prices are in dollars and cents, either, which is why men have to give women flowers and chocolates and be nice in the hopes that eventually they'll reach the right price.

So sometimes women trade the pomp and circumstance of being worshiped and lauded in exchange for their vaginas?  Doesn't sound too healthy for the ol' self-esteem . . . .  So maybe it is prostitution?  Just prostitution is money, and dating is simply more elaborate and involves feigning respect for a woman?  Of course, part of the price of a prostitute is the expectation that she'll feign respect for the man (can you imagine a prostitute saying to the john, "Thank god that's over, you were terrible!"?).


QuoteIf you stop paying the wife's price, that's when you really start paying!  Shocked

Full disclaimer: I have never procured a prostitute. But I do have an ex-wife.
Haha. Poor men. I feel sorry for them; the divorce laws in this country really stink :( They still assume that women are completely incapable of taking care of them self and need a man to support them outside of marriage...

So . . . whatcha doing tomorrow night?
Working :(

QuoteSo sometimes women trade the pomp and circumstance of being worshiped and lauded in exchange for their vaginas?

QuoteDoesn't sound too healthy for the ol' self-esteem . . . .  So maybe it is prostitution?  Just prostitution is money, and dating is simply more elaborate and involves feigning respect for a woman?
No, I would call it normal male-female interaction. Woman have the ability to "give" men sex (not to mention children) and men an extremely high desire for it. It's not our fault men have to jump through our loops to get it...blame nature. It's the same all over, otherwise male birds wouldn't be so pretty and uncamaflogued (can't spell...sorry).

But that doesn't mean it's completely unequal. If it's not strictly prostitution (where a woman will sleep with any man, for the monetary compensation she demands), women and men in a relationship (where the end goal is lifelong companionship, or at least something a bit more long term), will try to meet each other's prices. It isn't always a case of the guy trying to get sex and the woman refusing to let him have it unless he lays mountains at her feet or whatever.

But really. The good thing about prostitution is that it's the one line of work where the glass ceiling actually exists for men, since male prostitutes would never be anymore than a niche line of work anyway :)

Can't understand why feminists are so against it :( Women would get paid more than men on average!


You guys don't understand. :) Dating is an elaborate social ritual that serves a screening purpose for a committed relationship. Taking your date to dinner, getting her flowers, and so on helps to demonstrate two things:
1) You are in love with her, or think you are in love with her, which makes you less likely to cheat or leave & more likely to take care of your kids;
2) You have certain financial means, which make you more suitable as a mate.
So dating is fundamentally different from prostitution in that it is not a one-off quid pro quo - quite the reverse. It's a screening mechanism for a more established relationship that does not have to rely on inefficient "spot market" transactions. Even most women who aren't interested in a committed relationship will value those things, however, because at a biological, subconscious level these are things that make them happy. Men, accordingly, have the natural instinct to try to do these things to demonstrate their own suitability as a mate.

For most men, physical attractiveness, especially as measured by what researchers have called "voluptuousness" (hip and bosom to waist ratios), is what matters in women, because it's an indication of good genes. Even most men who aren't interested in having kids will value voluptuousness - it's a biological instinct.

The recent research on the evolutionary psychology of gender is really fascinating! It also explains why far more men are interested in prostitution than are women.



Hey Jason, you really should get out more... you're starting to sound like a university professor  >:D


Quote from: KBCraig on July 21, 2007, 12:13 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 20, 2007, 11:35 PM NHFT
Prostitutes are much cheaper, at least in terms of dollars and cents.

And you can stop paying them whenever you want to stop using them. If you stop paying the wife's price, that's when you really start paying!  :o

Full disclaimer: I have never procured a prostitute. But I do have an ex-wife.

I forget who said it but:
You don't pay the prostitutes for sex... you pay them to leave.

Was it one of the Baldwins who said that?


Do the cops in Kingston have nothing better to do then set up a sting?
Especially a sting that is trolling for people..... and then the eventual 'crime' doesn't have a victim.

Bald Eagle

What we ought to do is set up a counter-sting.

Show up to the brothel with an undercover police officer, and try to get the girl to admit that she's a prostitute.  Then pop a tear-gas grenade, knock her to the floor, cuff her, and arrest her before the other A-wholes know what's happened.

Let the pigs sort it out between themselves.

The same goes for the Alcoholic Beverage Control stings.  Wait until the little bitch orders her drink, ask for I.D., and then WHAM!  She gets dragged backwards off the barstool before she knows what hit her.  STOP RESISTING!  STOP RESISTING!  Chain her to something with the high security cuffs so that her fascist cronies can't just uncuff her whenever they want.   >:D


Anyone who has ever worked for anyone else IS a prostitute.You are exchanging your time and body for money.Although this agreement does not usually involve sex,you are still selling(or renting)your body to someone else to use.Amsterdam has a sex workers union.They are required to pay into a pension fund and undergo regular check ups to screen for diseases.Also,all customers must wear condoms and no kissing or other exchanging of body fluids is permitted.This seem a lot safer than some crack(insert drug of the month) whore on the corner.The reality is that sex is not going to go away any time soon,nor should it.Legal prostitution gives people(read men) an outlet for their sexual desires that might otherwise be inflicted upon some poor human in the form of rape,incest,brutality and/or death.Prostitution laws make as much sense as the current drug laws.I guess the war on terror and the war on drugs aren't dismal enough failures.Prohibition does not work.