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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Msg. from Keene Citizens Govt. Review

Started by Dave Ridley, July 27, 2007, 08:03 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

from keene cgr


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Attached you will find the first edition of the Keene Citizens Government Review newsletter dedicated to addressing City taxes. We hope that you will find it as revealing as you did past issues on the school taxes. After doing the research it is clear that this city badly needs tax relief. The citizens have been hit hard in the last several years and it is way past due to sound the alarm. Keene is the second highest taxed city in New Hampshire and it is one step away from being first. Berlin presently holds that distinction.

Also, there is still unfinished business with the upcoming vote on the Teacher's contract.  This newsletter is still working on collecting data in order to provide you with sufficient knowledge to make an informed voting decision. In the meantime, we would encourage you to read the contract at this site: www.sau29.org/Districts/Keene/ksd/asp

We also encourage you to attend the First Session this coming Tuesday (July 24th) at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium and ask questions concerning the contract. Voting will be on August 28th.

A handful of activists within the Keene Citizens Government Review will not turn the tide for you. It is essentially up to you, as citizens, to fully participate and help make those positive changes you always wanted. There is power in numbers. Let's make those numbers work for us.

NOTE:  Our subscriber list continues to grow. If you know of any Keene Citizen interested in this free blind copy subscription of Keene Citizens Government Review please have them send us the following: Full Name, Street Address and E-mail address.

Carl A. Panza
Keene Citizens Government Review