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What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

Started by jaqeboy, July 31, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT

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This thread was immediately hijacked on post#2 and quickly digressed, despite efforts to bring its direction back around to actually watching the film, meeting the film-makers and reading their blogs. Anyone who has done even one of the three immediately learns that none of the aforementioned agendas are in the minds of the film-makers.


I watched it...

It was one of the most painful 2 hours and 3 minutes of my life.

Having been raised half of my childhood in a household that used the very same linguistic nuances and propaganda tactics as these film makers have used, my bias is strong and firm. Not only that, having been subjected to the understated, yet fully political agenda of the entire Unitarian Universalist movement, there is no uncertainty as to the motive behind the film.

I just don't buy it, sorry. It was nothing but fear, fear, fear, fear for the first 7/8s of the movie (a veritable "parade of horribles") followed by a hippie hug-in feel-good fest at the end (the time-honored, and still apparently effective "appeal to the emotions"). It is a tactic used by both extremes. While there may be content that is viable, true and good, there is a great deal that is purely leftist-socialist-communist subterfuge and it has been delivered effectively to those unfamiliar with its existence.

The movie had no redeeming value for me, nor can I see it having any redeeming value for anyone calling themselves a libertarian or a free-market capitalist (oops, cat out of bag). Don't get me wrong, I love the left when it comes to their fantastic ideas regarding alternatives for housing, fuel, food, living, etc. They fail miserably when it comes to concepts of government (socialism) or complete lack of it (anarchism). Now, before you go off stating that they never once (well..maybe once) mentioned government or politics, they most definitely used almost every logical fallacy ever designed to malign and denigrate capitalism, meat eaters, families, and more.

I would recommend that everyone here watch it so you can fully understand the rhetoric and words they use. It is subtle and sly but altogether dark and oozy under the surface.

I give this film 1 and 1/4 stars


Thank you Lou. You are a very wise and astute person and I admire you greatly.

I cannot for the life of me fathom how those who won't fall for most other shams can fall for this stuff.
It's nothing more than an excuse to manage, control, and tax the crap out of us.

It comes just at a time when we are poised to sign or reject the L.O.S.T. Treaty which would give the UN control over 70% of the earth's surface and the air above it, and the power to TAX (which is the power to destroy).

+1 for you! (If I could give you +100 I would.)



Btw, Insurgent, any chance of setting up a local showing of the vid? I know the libertarians that trekked over to Keene all expressed interest in seeing this again. Some important issues for libertarians to address in WaWtG:LatEoE. Also, do you know if they'll be back around in New England? Guess I better go read their blog.


Quote from: shyfrog on October 18, 2007, 07:51 PM NHFTthere is a great deal that is purely leftist-socialist-communist subterfuge and it has been delivered effectively to those unfamiliar with its existence.

I'm not entirely 'unfamiliar with its existence,' but I'm clearly not as educated on the subject as you and CNHT.  Still, this film did not give me the urge to allow myself be managed, controlled, or taxed, or otherwise consider any leftist-socialist-communist 'solutions' to any of the issues presented.  Granted, there are a few ideas behind the film that I already held, ideas which seem to be controversial here.  First and foremost being that fact that I don't buy the "we can't possibly affect the environment" shtick.  I'm undecided as to the nature and extent of the 'environmental consequences' of our actions, but I believe such consequences exist.

Quote from: shyfrog on October 18, 2007, 07:51 PM NHFTthey most definitely used almost every logical fallacy ever designed to malign and denigrate capitalism

This may very well have been their intent, but I didn't receive it as such.  I saw it as an attack on 'consumerism' - defined as "the equating of personal happiness with the purchasing of material possessions and consumption" - which is a philosophy I see as unfulfilling and ultimately destructive.  Consumerism is certainly one 'application' of capitalism, but it is not the only possible application.


Interesting to note

I did exactly what was requested. I watched the thing from the very beginning all the way to the painful end.
So I get the big fat SMITE for posting my review of the film?

I would completely understand it if I hadn't actually seen the film. But hey, it's a free forum (sometimes).

But if smiting is your style, here's another great review:

"This excruciating pseudo-documentary about mankind's imminent demise gives itself away from the first frame: a warning reading, "This documentary is long and dense. Don't try to understand and integrate it all the first time through. Just let it work over you. And let yourself feel it." Feel what? Rage and despair, apparently. Director and narrator Timothy S. Bennett, doing his best to sound like David Sedaris on a really bad day, kicks off his panic fest, entirely cobbled together from stock footage, with a 15-minute angst jam (think "Howl," if Ginsberg were a suicidal conservationist) before interviewing his friends, neighbors and son about their shared belief that we are, like, so fucked. The problem, apparently, is not so much pollution and overpopulation as the agricultural-capitalist system, man. What a Way to Go's tone is so infuriatingly hopeless that the viewer instinctively writes off the opinions of the few experts who find their way in. There's little in the way of evidence in the film, and no conclusion about what must be done to change things—just another string of bad metaphors, quotes from The Matrix, and a call for a "vision quest for the collective unconscious." Mmm, no thanks." -BEN WATERHOUSE http://www.wweek.com


[quote author=shyfrog link=topic=9953.msg195280#msg195280 date=1192755087
It was one of the most painful 2 hours and 3 minutes of my life.

I would recommend that everyone here watch it...

Shyfrog, first off +1 to you for actually viewing the film! The majority of the distraction on this thread has come from those who haven't even bothered to watch it. I respect the fact that you took the time to review it.

That being said, what I quoted from your post is the extent of what I agree with. Viewing this film was also a very painful experience for me because it forced me to really think deeply about the culture that we have been raised in and taught to believe is correct.

While it has been very difficult for me to grapple with the issues raised in the film, I've developed as a person and have come to question the systems of power and control which we live under. There are so many heavy and powerful issues that the film bring to light that I thought it of importance for people on this forum to at least give it a chance. This forum boasts a number of deep thinkers and people interested in profound issues, so I thought that the film would generate some discussion.

There can't be a serious discussion about a film unless one has seen it.


Quote from: alphaniner on October 18, 2007, 11:01 PM NHFT
I saw it as an attack on 'consumerism' - defined as "the equating of personal happiness with the purchasing of material possessions and consumption" - which is a philosophy I see as unfulfilling and ultimately destructive.  Consumerism is certainly one 'application' of capitalism, but it is not the only possible application.

Maybe YOU see 'consumerism' as unfulfilling and destructive but some of us see it as part of our freedom.

I objected to the fact they did not want you to think while you watched it and they attacked our way of life and called for a 'collective' solution.

That was what raised a red flag for me.


Quote from: jaqeboy on October 18, 2007, 10:29 PM NHFT
Btw, Insurgent, any chance of setting up a local showing of the vid? I know the libertarians that trekked over to Keene all expressed interest in seeing this again. Some important issues for libertarians to address in WaWtG:LatEoE. Also, do you know if they'll be back around in New England? Guess I better go read their blog.

I'm enthusiastic to set up a local showing of this provocative film. Problem being, a lack of venue. I can pack a couple people in to my little apartment, but we should really get something bigger. Anyone know of perfect venue with A/V facilities to seat 40 or so people for little or no cost?  :)


Quote from: CNHT on October 18, 2007, 11:26 PM NHFTMaybe YOU see 'consumerism' as unfulfilling and destructive but some of us see it as part of our freedom.

This is the kind of thing that really makes me angry.  I mentioned my feelings about consumerism simply to put into context my assessment of the film.  Frankly, I was admitting that I was somewhat biased towards the message before watching the film.  I NEVER NEVER NEVER suggested anything about taking away your freedom to pursue that lifestyle, or anything else about taking away anyone's freedom in any way.  I don't understand why you continue to assume I am hostile towards freedom just because I think there may be some truth to this kind of thing.  I may be as you say a dupe to some enviro-fascist agenda, and guilty in that respect, but I have never suggested curtailing anyone's freedom.


Quote from: alphaniner on October 18, 2007, 11:51 PM NHFT
I may be as you say a dupe to some enviro-fascist agenda, and guilty in that respect, but I have never suggested curtailing anyone's freedom.

I didn't say YOU suggested curtailing anyone's freedom, but the makers of films like this have an agenda that I feel is dangerous for those who fall for it.
Anyone who comes to any less conclusions than shyfrog did, is falling for it.


Quote from: CNHT on October 18, 2007, 11:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: alphaniner on October 18, 2007, 11:51 PM NHFT
I may be as you say a dupe to some enviro-fascist agenda, and guilty in that respect, but I have never suggested curtailing anyone's freedom.

but the makers of films like this have an agenda that I feel is dangerous for those who fall for it.

I've been following the writings from the film-makers pretty closely, as well as the reviews of the film, but I must have missed something along the way. When did the makers of the film speak of any agenda?


Quote from: Insurgent on October 19, 2007, 12:09 AM NHFT
I've been following the writings from the film-makers pretty closely, as well as the reviews of the film, but I must have missed something along the way. When did the makers of the film speak of any agenda?

Well then what, may I ask, is the purpose of making the film in the first place? What do they want you to DO about all these things they say are imminent?


Quote from: Insurgent on October 19, 2007, 12:09 AM NHFTI've been following the writings from the film-makers pretty closely, as well as the reviews of the film, but I must have missed something along the way. When did the makers of the film speak of any agenda?

That's just it, they didn't have to.  Any suggestion that there may be something wrong with our current socio-economic model is in support of 'the agenda,' whether purposely or accidentally.  I fall into the category of accidentally, because I've apparently 'fallen for it' as per CNHT's definition:

Quote from: CNHT on October 18, 2007, 11:55 PM NHFTAnyone who comes to any less conclusions than shyfrog did, is falling for it.


What part of our socio-economic model don't you like? I'm not talking about the defacto socialism we have, but the purported capitalistic free market system which I am sure is the brunt of this video? Did they suggest you get rid of your cars?