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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 20

Started by CNHT, July 24, 2007, 04:55 PM NHFT

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Quote from: richardr on August 13, 2007, 08:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 12, 2007, 08:20 PM NHFT
According to that myspace report today the helpers who brought in baby food to the Branch Davidians got arrested.  But arrested for what?  Aiding & Abeting a fugitive?   

I don't think the word fugitive is in the law that will likely be applied:

QuoteUSC Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 1, § 3 - Accessory after the fact
Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

There are other potential criminal charges for the bigger stuff such as supplying weapons or ammunition to the Browns or threatening to "kill the bastards", the language used in this very forum.

Thanks Richard,

--But what about when the U.S. offends us?, like here in New Hampshire they are in violation of RSA Ch. 123:1. They/the Feds dis-agreed to our June 14, 1883 offer of "concurrent jurisdiction" per  1-8-17 U.S.Const. and so that is an affront, or a confront, or hostile act in opposition to our statute! They have no base withIN the state upon which to swing their bat.

--Ed & Elaine were not "received" by any of us; they went back to their own home and dug in against these bastards, having paid for protection against such an invasion of the Feds to the locals by way of property tax with distributions to the county and state, but all I see is one big giant "protection racket"! Go for it Ed!  Assert your Art. 10 Right of Revolution and kill them if/when they trespass and more on your property because "A Man's Home is his castle"  If the Feds want to cross the mote, and slip into an alligator's mouth, then so be it!  The same with knives, of which I remember from history of them splicing hairs in the wind ON their OWN turf, and any parasite that invades the host thereIN, and happens to encounter such, it is NOT a direct aim against them, but just that they landed in such an event and it be "Truth or Consequences" like in that TV game show.

--The reason for ANY of these four words is "in order to hinder or prevent" what they want for his punishment is to warehouse him for over five years, but what is the definition of to punish but to injure or hurt, and here in New Hampshire we are not fence-sitting lukewarm people looking to be warehoused! We are either right or wrong, and if the latter, then we admit it and offer to take our medicine, but when we KNOW that the Feds are the goons they are, then to say back to them our state motto of: Live Free or Die, then they die if/when they go further beserk in their wrongs! Look up this beserk word in the dictionary: it means one that is deranged.  The Feds took over their range unlawfully and illegally, and so we tell them to de-range themselves, but they refuse to cooperate with the law, calling themselves the "law enforcement" that I find revolting, and so anybody revolting against the revolters gets my attention and both comfort* and assistance, by way of THE great Comforter, the Holy Ghost, as in to exorcise these unclean spirits (by my religious rights in Art. 5, N.H. Const. & Bill of Rights) so that the one possessed is un-possessed and they "Wise up" and live to be a "witness" to such a dramatic change from withIN them and see that my legal assistance has paid off.

--To relieve is from relief as assistance given to the needy and aged, and since Ed turned 65 years old last month, he is in that second category. Relief is an ease or alleviation from or lessening of pain or dis-comfort* or anxiety; to aid or free from a specific duty by providing a SUBSTITUTE, (emphasis ADDed), and so I offer myself as a substitute: one that takes the place of another; a replacement, to put to use (a person or thing) in place of another.

--First off I challenge: (1) this federal statute as un-constitutional to our Art. 5+ 10, and (2) the very power of the Feds IN N.H. to use it, but if they choose to do so by #2 here like I said: I offer myself to "take the place" of Ed for a week (7 days) in their penal institute "for breaking the law" that does not exist, because when I am released, I WILL be suing for the fact that there IS NO LAW that makes one "liable" for this Title 26 bullshit! that is not even recorded in the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) and so does NOT apply to us citizens in the private sector!  The E.O. (Executive Order) from the President is recorded in the CFR to the Secretary of the Treasury, but WHERE is his T.O. (Treasury Order) in the CFR?  It does NOT exist! Case closed. Tell me of the day and time plus place to report, and in ten (10) days time you will be getting a copy of my lawsuit against you in state court as trespassers against the law who did commit kidnapping/FALSE arrest and incarceration as there is NO law! 

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

P.S. #1 From this day forward, upon my giving you a copy of this Stephen R. Monier, U.S. Marshal in your office this afternoon, you MUST make a RETURN to the court that I've offered myself for this LIMITed replacement for Ed, and do what I command you to do as by my right for such, as is supposed to be a guarantee to me by the Ninth (9th) Amendment to the United States Constitution.  Your failure to do so, will act as a deduction from the time spent by Ed upon the hill over there in Plainfield. Said deduction being a theft of my rights and so applied per the sevenfold formula by Public Law 97-280, 96 Statute 1211 of October 4, 1982 = the Year of the Bible for 1983 & beyond, citing Proverbs 6:30-31. Thus for each and every day that you refuse to incarcerate me as his/Ed's replacement, it is a theft amounting to a week (7 days) off the 5-year sentence, thus with 52 weeks a year x 5 years = 260 weeks, that's 260 days from today = almost nine (9) months, and so by May Day 2008.

P.S. #2 The government of New Hampshire is prohibited from retrospective laws (Art. 23), but not us: we the people, and so I do furthermore assert my 9th Amendment right to claim such retroactive status from January 2007, so not needing to go to next Spring '08, but merely this Fall '07 on October __ to be exact for Case closed! only two months away.


Quote from: KBCraig on August 06, 2007, 12:58 AM NHFT

Brown grows gray as siege drags on

New Hampshire Union Leader

PLAINFIELD – Ed Brown's neighbors are growing anxious. Ed Brown is growing gray.

The gun-toting tax dodger turned 65 on July 22, according to his "Oath of Allegiance to the New Hampshire Republic" filed in county tax records. He's now eligible for Medicare, an odd milestone since he hunkered down in his fortified home in Plainfield some seven months ago...

As the standoff continues without end in sight, the federal government is giving financial assistance(*) to the town to defray the cost of extra police patrols and related details, Selectman Robert W. Taylor said.

"It's definitely been an added expense," said Taylor, who did not have an estimate last night. "It's pretty much a stalemate at this point." ....

WRONG! (*) I just spoke with Plainfield Town Administrator, Steve Halleran, at 469-3201 http://www.nhes.state.nh.us/elmi/htmlprofiles/plainfield.html this morning, just before his noontime lunch hour, and he told me that this $6,500 U.S. Treasury Check #__________ signed by: ___________________ on August ___, 2007 is NOT earmarked as Taylor said, but that it probably, by their estimation, came as help for to offset this added expense of "law enforcement", and that there will be a Public Hearing on this on September __, 2007 @ __:_ o'clock a.m./p.m. at: ___________ where I think we ought to go there to give our two cents as they say. 

My 2-cents will be that the "lawful money" from this check be claimed by personal visit to the U.S. Mint to get these dollars, since by the Coinage Act of 1792, all state offices shall be kept and had in this quality of coin, and not commercial paper from a third party, Federal Reserve Bank. Then it MAY be converted to FRNs at a ratio of ten to one, and spent for more than just "law enfocement" that BTW is NOT doing their RSA 123:1 offset AGAINST the Feds! and that includes the PAYment of Ed & Elaine's $7,000 semi-annual property tax bill, to THEN give them the Article 12 "protection" they've been paying up until the Town was proven to not reciprocate.

Or is this $7,500 to be considered a bribe? defined as "Anything offered or given to someone in a position of trust to induce him to act dishonestly", as in lacking honesty, untrustworthy; proceeding from or gained by falseness or lack of probity; probity defined as from the Latin word probus, meaning virtuous, as from the word virtue** from the Latin word virtus meaning capacity: "The position in which one functions; role: his capacity as host*."

Thus, as already explained, the Feds were invited in by us/the host* state, on Flag Day 1883, but that they declined our RSA 123:1 invitation for "concurrent jurisdiction" per 1-8-17 U.S. Cont., and so are the parasites withIN the host!

These Town Selectmen, BEFORE they can act, shall RSA Ch. 42:1 "subscribe" their RSA 92:2 oath and by Art. VI, Cl. 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Have they done so? _______ as in their appointment of the Police Chief to "enforce" the law, as he did arrest me, and I want to see if he was legal! _________

They take an oath to the Constitution of New Hampshire, and that includes the Article 38 duty to be of "virtue"**: to protect the host from invading parasites like the Feds.  But have they done so? This is needed or "necessary to PREserve the blessings of liberty and good government" (emphasis ADDed for what has NOT been pre-served, but over-ridden by this corruption!)  We "have a right to require of" our "lawgivers and magistrates" (i.e. the Legislators and "A civil officer with power to administer the law") "an exact and constant***** observance*** of them, in the formation and execution of the laws necessary for the good administration of government."

So Chief Gillens: please observe*** or abide by the law: to conform to or comply with the law, and in this case RSA 123:1 since to comply is from the Latin word complere meaning "to fill up", and so to fill up with the filing of the Feds over to Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State, of to protect the Browns from this unlawful and illegal invasion of the Feds to Center of Town Road, etc.

This observance*** not merely to be "exact" as in the Flag Day 1883 "call**** for; require" on that day, but for all the days thereafter UNTIL the Feds comply, as it is your duty Chief Gillens to keep this call****  in a "constant"***** manner: "Continually, recurring; persistent", from the Latin word constare of: "to stand together".  So WHO to stand together?  Not you and the Feds (in their non-filing mode), but with Ed & Elaine Brown "and" all of us supporters.

So to use this money as the spoils of war, is my suggestion to turn the tables on the Feds using their own cashbox against them!  Not only this tip of the iceberg check, but to find out by way of an audit of the U.S. Mint by our Congressmen, what exact #__ pounds of gold is deposited per pallet of Federal Reserve Notes (by Federal Reserve Act, Section 16) that are "monetized" when they are distributed from any one of the twelve (12) regional banks of their "System" to their member banks, as the transport to their region bank of these notes are personal property not "monetized" until AFTER the deposit of the gold WHEN the notes are subsequently distributed. Thus we do NOT have what Aaron Russo calls a "Fiat" monetary system, although that is how it is being used, because too many people take for granted that there is no Section 16, when there IS, and so do not require of our lawmakers in Washington to verify such from time to time, because they do not know what to ask.

Mr. Halleran told me also that there was NO "cover letter" with this check, but that it came from Senator Judd Gregg's office: him a major stockholder of the Indian Head Bank back then in Nashua with his father Hugh Gregg, both former governors, and so him hoping that you delight in calling this "order to pay" the payment of the coin inself, so let's turn the tables on him too, who is probably a major stockholder now in the bank that bought up the Indian: Fleet Bank to BankAmerica now. And so maybe to get the Banking Commissioner, Peter C. Hildreth involved too, for when the Town might TRY to cash this check at the local bank for the lawful money, but there being none but these "promises to pay" notes and debased coins that are really tokens, to result in the up to $100.00 per day fines by RSA Ch. 390:6 until they too are in compliance with the law!

Yours truly, Joe Haas

pc: former State Rep. Dick Marple, of Hoosett, N.H. who has been looking for his Art. 15 just "compensation" for #__ years now, having served #__ terms in the General Court withOUT them PAYing him!

Modification: added: www.

Nicholas Gilman

   A message from Elaine quoted from the family Brown myspace page:

QuoteSunday, August 12, 2007

11:26 AM - Message from Elaine

Greetings to all our friends and supporters,

Ed and I want you all to know how much we appreciate your friendship and support.  It is good to have this opportunity to write you directly, and let you know that we are fine, though slightly bored,.  Since the scare two weeks ago, things have been fairly quiet except for a couple of incidents this weekend.

Friday night, at 9:30 a news crew from channel 7 in Boston arrived, wanting to speak with us.  Our security stopped them part way down the driveway, and let them know it was too late to come calling.  Eventually they left after stating they would return in the morning.  Of course they did not return,  We have to assume they were sent by the Feds to scope us out.

Yesterday, our friend went into town to get some things he needed, and two SUV's with two agents in each followed him the entire time, including going into stores and following him around the stores.  Our friend approached two of them and asked them if they were having fun yet.  They replied they were only doing their jobs.

We do get this type of harassment sometimes, but basically things are quiet.  Friends and supporters continue to come in to meet us, and to visit.  Some stay for a coupe of hours, some stay for a few days.  Mostly they are surprised to find that there are no roadblocks or police or feds interfering with them.  They continue to tell us that they know of others who want to come, but think they will have trouble getting in here.  If you know of anyone who fears this, please let them know that is not a problem.  The more who come here, the more that can learn about the issues, and we know that knowledge is power.

We continue to pray for a peaceful resolution, and ask Yahweh to help the evil-doers to see the truth.

God bless you all for caring not only about us, but also about our country.  I will try to write whenever I can.

Elaine Alice: family Brown



Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on August 13, 2007, 05:46 PM NHFT
   A message from Elaine quoted from the family Brown myspace page:

QuoteSunday, August 12, 2007
11:26 AM - Message from Elaine

Greetings ...

Yesterday, our friend went into town to get some things he needed, and two SUV's with two agents(*) in each followed him the entire time, including going into stores and following him around the stores.  Our friend approached two of them and asked them if they were having fun yet.  They replied they were only doing their jobs.

We do get this type of harassment sometimes, but basically things are quiet.
Elaine Alice: family Brown

(*) F.B.I., Marshals, IRS or Treasury Agents, etc.?


Nicholas Gilman


Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on August 14, 2007, 02:17 AM NHFT
   According to this post it was US Marshals: (*) http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=152568743&blogID=298305020

   Riley just added an entry as well:   http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=152568743&blogID=299214911

(*) & State Police, presumably from F- Troop in Twin Mountain for Lebanon in Grafton County, or Troop-C from Keene for Newport in Sullivan County.

Loiter: to stand idly about; loaf; to proceed slowly or with many stops. Loaf: to spend time lazily or aimlessly; to waste time on the job; to spend (time) idly.  Idle: lazy; useless or GROUNDLESS.  Yes! that's it: these Federal government goons from the Marshal's office do not have a leg to stand on, as they say, some here wanting to blow their kneecaps off no doubt if they set foot on Ed's property. Groundless is defined as having no foundation, unsubstantiated.  Thus "they" are lacking in the "proof or evidence" of their "base" on which they stand, their underlying support.  The store owner ought to be informed, by way of the Bill Gardner Office of Secretary of State certificate that "they" are outlaws to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., and so he/she ought to call the local COP to arrest them for loitering if they do not move along OUT of the building for harassing the owner's customers!  All the owner has to do is get enlightened of this, but how? By reading the newspaper stories?  Of course not, our "fourth estate" only reported this once when they quoted this statute from my e-mail. We have got to educate the merchants that the Feds are like the gestapo: an "internal" policing to "enforce the law" that never was: there is no law that declares WHO is "liable" in that Title 26 for the I.R.S. "Internal" revenue service for WHO? to serve their master: the Secretary of the Treasury, but whose office never filed his E.O. (Executive Order) in the C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regulations) and so does NOT apply to us in the private sector!  Thus we have that and no RSA 123:1 filing, and so when they put up any kind of barricade, to block, even for the most minor of incidents as like to have to swerve around them taking up space in the aisle of a store, we ought to ask them to "verify", like to say to them: Ver are yer papers?  8) "to test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison", to compare what they SAY to what is printed on THE certificate?  YES! physical evidence wins out over verbal say-so from them any day of the week!!!!!!!  To verify is from the Latin words of verus and facere to make true.  The opposite of which is falsehood, deviation and error.  Yup, they are a bunch of "hoods" moving or turning AWAY from a normal or accepted course or standard.  The standard  for us is the flag of the state of New Hampshire, and that ought to fly ABOVE that of the Old Glory over at their courthouse, since they have FAILed to comply with even the United States Constitution!  They treat the stars and stripes as a piece of shit, and I will not take it anymore! It stands for great honor or distinction, and magnificent splendor. Splendor, as in a great light or luster. The etiquette of the flag that it be illuminated at night, or taken down at sundown.  Thus to have a light upon it with a luster or soft light, but the common denominator of both words is its brilliance as marked by extra-ordinary intellect, not just ordinary, but EXTRA-ordinary, as in something "additional", as in the example of another "standard" of the gold standard, "used to back a monetary system" as in Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act, with an audit of the U.S. Mint called for by me, and now! A "standard" also a banner or piece of cloth, attached to a staff and used by a military commander or sovereign.  So like I did write above, let's have the Congress TRY to pass a House or Senate Bill to get the military involved whereby there has to be a Public Hearing, and at that time to bring in the evidence to that Committee to show them our standard alright: our sovereign flag maybe to have that drawing of the dollar coin, as metal money is always superior and has authority OVER the paper note of which is a mere claim ticket toward what is the truth!

By certified mail, green return receipt cards, I've alerted both Troops C + F of this certificate, and so they KNOW that the Feds are in non-compliance with the law, and so they continue to back-up these liars and thieves!?  or are they there just to be like the referee when the confrontation occurs between good and evil?

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 09, 2007, 02:19 PM NHFT
Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter I just sent to Tom Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney:

"To: USANH.Webmail at usdoj.gov

cc: ....

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)."  2:38 PM


A.) Our Congressmen: (1) Evelyn, the intern for Shea-Porter, says that she is in Louisiana, re: the Katrina Hurricane victims @ New Orleans now suffering from  contamination from within those FEMA motor homes, and when Scott returns to work, she'll remind him to forward my e-mail letter for an answer of: yes, or no, that she will put in a House Bill #_____ for this military action. (2) to also send a copy to John E. Sununu's e-mail of: mailbox at sununu.senate.gov see http://sununu.senate.gov/  (3) plus deliver a physical copy to Paul Hodes, 114 North Main St., 2nd fl., Concord, N.H. 03301 Tel. 223-9814, and (4) Judd Gregg, 125 No. Main St., Concord, N.H. 03301, 225-7115 later this afternoon.

B.) The Town Office, Plainfield, to call Steve Halleran, the T.A. (Town Administrator) back after 1:30 p.m.(*) today to see IF this is on the agenda for them to decide to write to WHO of the federal Congressmen, or all four, to put such a bill into the works. Their is no agenda at their website, re: for tonight's meeting @ 6:30 p.m.

C.) The County: I just called and spoke with Michael Prozzo, the Sheriff.  We both agree that Ed can be arrogant at times, but like the Bible says in I Peter 3:18 "Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward." as in an adversary, in opposition to the fact of the Feds claiming jurisdiction when there is none, thus needing a proceeding like this Public Hearing on House or Senate Bill #________ to prove that the military canNOT move forward, since there needs to be a look BACKward to WHY the Feds are in a non-filing to NH RSA Ch. 123:1 per 1-8-17 U.S. Const. as offered to them June 14, 1883 but that they declined.

From my Strong's Concordance, a few books in the Bible list this froward word such as: (1) Psalm 101:4 in that "A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person." but WHEN and HOW? ...

D.) The State: I also did call Steve Taylor, the Agriculture Commissioner whose son is a Plainfield Selectmen and he thinks that there is a lot more goings-on here from Washington, but would not elaborate, like maybe that mystery check that was a total surprise. He said we'll just have to wait and see, and read about their/ the Feds' next maneuvers in the newspapers, and I said, yeah: the UNION LEADER http://www.unionleader.com the best as they told the truth of the "trick" that they used against Ed to get him arrested in the first place, by being the LIARS** they are by the falsehood as "hoods" that there was water leaking out of his wife's office building in Lebanon during the winter alleging a frozen water pipe that did brake but that didn't burst. He said more like a "ruse", defined as a strategem, of a trick OR artifice (subtle deception*) designed to deceive* or surprise an enemy; a deception*, from the Greek word strategema "act of a general", so WHO was the General, or "officer having the highest rank"? ______ According to the receptionist it was a "team effort" she told me on the phone a few months ago.  So who was the Team Leader? And when was Ed declared an "enemy"? or foe, an opponent? After he filed the civil lawsuit, and they decided to retaliate with a SECRET criminal case?!

...See also Psalm 101:7 "He that worketh deceit* shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies** shall not tarry in my sight."  The word tarry defined as "To stay temporarily; sojourn", and sojourn, "To stay for a time" as in a portion of the day. So Marshals, etc.: DO NOT even think about setting foot on ANY piece of his property for ANY length of time! You SHALL not be withIN eye-sight! lest ye want to end up in a bodybag for delivery to your next of kin if you're lucky, rather than the vultures eating away at your carcass. This is NOT a threat by me, but a WARNing of what might happen by ED to you, as like has been said before by somebody else of a prediction of future events. Glory be to the Lord of hosts, and against the parasites!

--(2) Another "froward" remark is in Proverbs 6:12 in that "A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. :13 He winketh with his eyes," And so I ask you? WHO winks more? Ed or Chief Gordon Gillens?  Just look at that video of Gillens, you'd think that he was getting a nickel for each wink every half second. :14 "Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord" HOW? By KNOWing that the Feds are in a non-filing mode, but determines that Ed's non-filing is worse than the Feds' non filing! Chief: go back to the Police Academy and learn about jurisdiction.  That must be dealt with FIRST before the merits of the case! 75% of every 20% sur-tax on the criminal fines in this state goes over to The Police Standards & Training on Fort Eddy Rd. in Concord as a p.a.= penalty assessment, but I see that it is money NOT well spent.  WHOever __________ teaches this class in that course was and is doing a lousy job and ought to be fired!

--(3) Proverbs 10:30 "The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth." So THERE! Do not remove Ed from his place because he is right!  And for HOW and WHEN the "wicked" are dealth with? They "shall not inhabit the earth" so WHAT? String them from a tree, so that their feet do not touch the ground? And after their "31 "tongue shall be cut out." Technically to "inhabit" is to live or reside in, so what's the opposite of life, but DEATH! Remember our state motto: "Live Free or Die."

--(4) Proverbs 16:28 "A froward man soweth strife:" as in to propagate or "cause".  But by what cause or foundation can the Feds say that they have jurisdiction, when they have it not? They do lie, and the Selectmen just eat it up, "hook line and sinker": because Proverbs 17:4 reads that: "A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips;" Thus the Selectmen are wicked: depraved, as in corrupt, and the proof be in their dealing in a debased monetary system, or will they have the guts to sell me this Federal Treasury Check #_____________ to me for $6,500 dollars, so that I can test out to see IF the Feds are in compliance with the Coinage Act of 1792. Or they can do this themselves.  This is and will be my 2-cents at this Public Hearing on Sept. ___, 2007 @ _:_ o'clock a.m./p.m.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

(*) See B. above, as the phone # to the Plainfield Town Office is now busy.

(**) The Agenda is: ________________. [to add a Modification later...].

Modification: Steve Halleran says @ 2:22 p.m. this is a regular meeting tonight, with nothing on the agenda, and does not ever anticipate the Ed Brown case on any future agenda as this is a "federal" case, and he has to get back to town business.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Back from the College Graduation Party. :D

May I reflect on breezing through the posts today that I missed from the past few weeks at this thread...it is a Wizard of Oz wonder when a couple of people question where the law is they have to pay federal reserve notes, a "tax," if you will.....as this week brings a low in the stock market http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=070815131310.zza38gg9&show_article=1 printing more monopoly money they are trying to collect from the Browns.   :blush: See, if the Browns and their like just paid, the feds would not have to push more paper.  ::)


Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on August 15, 2007, 07:42 PM NHFT
Back from the College Graduation Party. :D

May I reflect on breezing through the posts today that I missed from the past few weeks at this thread...it is a Wizard of Oz wonder when a couple of people question where the law is they have to pay federal reserve notes, a "tax," if you will.....as this week brings a low in the stock market http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=070815131310.zza38gg9&show_article=1 printing more monopoly money they are trying to collect from the Browns.   :blush: See, if the Browns and their like just paid, the feds would not have to push more paper.  ::)

64 billion is a body cast, not a band aid. Methinks the bust baby we've been expecting is out to be born. Breech. Quadruplets.

Dave Ridley

<<64 billion is a body cast, not a band aid. Methinks the bust baby we've been expecting is out to be born. Breech. Quadruplets.>>

...and  this one may dismember its mother.


IMO, I think the Browns should lay low and avoid doing anything to stir up the Feds. Forget the parties and interviews, as it seems to only get the bees a-buzzin'. Maybe..just maybe if they remain quiet the Feds will leave them alone.

just a few thoughts...because I really want to see this situation end peacefully.

I hope you read this Ed and Elaine and consider it.

peace, courage and freedom from Colorado,



The marshals have shown no sign of wanting to leave them alone. After all, they've been charged with somehow getting them out of their house and into a prison cell. The usual direct approach of storming in with a SWAT team being likely to get someone killed, Monier has decided to harass the supporters, neighbors and townspeople instead.


Someone must've gotten to Kola because she has been expousing violence from the beginning. Glad you are coming to your senses Kola. Nice to see an about face on your ridiculous ideas. Richardr and I will take that last comment as an apology to us. Much thanks!


Quote from: kola on August 16, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT
IMO, I think the Browns should lay low and avoid doing anything to stir up the Feds. Forget the parties and interviews, as it seems to only get the bees a-buzzin'. Maybe..just maybe if they remain quiet the Feds will leave them alone.

just a few thoughts...because I really want to see this situation end peacefully.

I hope you read this Ed and Elaine and consider it.

peace, courage and freedom from Colorado,


Have you actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? The Browns haven't done anything wrong. We're supposed to be guaranteed a fair trial. Not being allowed to produce evidence is unconstitutional. Also my post # 5267:

QuoteIf what you're saying is true the u.s. marshals have lots of splainin to do. Criminal trespass and attempted murder. Then there's the bigger picture. Treason and fomenting a war on domestic soil.

How can anyone recognize the legitimacy of a government that says you are wrong but won't allow you to prove you're right? Game on.