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Free Town Project revisited

Started by maxxoccupancy, August 27, 2006, 11:23 PM NHFT

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Quote from: maxxoccupancy on September 11, 2006, 11:39 AM NHFT
What is the point of the FSP but an agreeement by lots of activists to concentrate in one small area to make a bigger difference?  There is a tremendous benefit to locality.  Folks in Lancaster can't do much help activists in Nashua, and vice versa.

If the idea is that everyone does their own thing, then can I just move back to Washington state?  Can we all do that?  I have put a lot of effort into campaigns and lobbying here.  I've put a lot of time, money, and effort into NH.  If we're not going to concentrate activists, why move to one state.  Why reject a second state, or all 50?

Should I sell the house I bought and move?
Will you cover the difference and closing costs?
I like my town.

Russell Kanning

I don't think it would be wrong for you to move back to washington and work for freedom there Max.
I agree with these other guys..... just do it and some will join you.
You could also move here with us and enjoy the fun we have together.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 11, 2006, 02:36 PM NHFT
Just when I was thinking about apologising to Max for busting his stones, he threatens to move again :P

I've never "threatened to move."  It seems a waste of time trying to make a point and to then fight with the debate club.

A lot of freestaters I've talked to see nhfree.com as a waste of energy.  You get lots of arguments, but very little constructive thought.  Lloyd, I'm not sure if you realize it, but the things you say sap a lot of enthusiasm out of people.  That doesn't help.

Many people have offered constructive criticism in favor, other against.  Why tell people to leave?  Why tear people down?  What does that achieve?  It makes me wonder if you are serious about working towards liberty.

Can you please respond without another personal attack.


Maxxoccupancy, people debate you because at some time or another, I'm guessing most have had some of the same thoughts as you.  (myself included). 
It strikes a nerve with those who find it an interesting idea. 

But humans being what they are, will be drawn to areas they are comfortable and associate with.  I personally think some of the lines are already drawn up.  The lines are mostly between those who want to work within the system, and those who want to work outside of the system. 
The Only reason anyone ever really talks about Keene, is because it has drawn a number of persons who want to work outside the system.  The same is true for the opposite approach for Concord and Manchester.

If you have a good idea, follow it.  Then advirtise it a bit.  Those that believe in your approach will follow you.  That seems to be how Keene in particular developed its following.  (It certainly wasn't because it is a bastion of freedom and liberty beconing the hudled masses with its numerous gov't schools, fed building, or its recruiting station seeking cannon fodder.)

Relax, don't take things so personal.  Noone would debate you if they didn't also have a spark of interest in your ideas.

Pat K

"Lloyd, I'm not sure if you realize it, but the things you say sap a lot of enthusiasm out of people.  That doesn't help."

Yeah Lloyd man, your negitive vibes are bringing me down.


Quote from: Pat K on September 22, 2006, 02:11 AM NHFT
Yeah Lloyd man, your negitive vibes are bringing me down.

I thought someone else was harshing your mellow

Pat K

Their out to get me man, it's a major bummer dude.


I've proposed about three major discussions so far relating to the fsp.  In all three cases, the response has been that we shouldn't even discuss a proposal--that we shouldn't even discuss it!  Wow.

Should we even talk about potential towns around Manchester?  No.  It's forbidden.

Should we even discuss a western fsp vote.  No.  Wyoming was chosen, and it didn't work.  No discussion.

Should we even propose... NO, MAX, NO!  Choose a town without any prior discussion!

WTF?!  Two thirds of the posts on this thread are "don't discuss this topic."  Wowwie!  Back to the dark ages, I guess.

I propose that those who want to discuss an idea simply do so on threads like these, while those who insist that "NO, IT'S FORBIDEN!" Simply post to threads they feel are more appropriate for them.

Merely talking about an idea isn't wrong, is it?

Russell Kanning

I like the idea of talking about potential towns around Manchester.

I don't get excited about giving up on NH and going back out west.

You might want to ignore people who rub you the wrong way.


That's the best advice ever.

Western FSP was intended as a discussion to draw more media attention to the bigger NH project.

Free towns should be attraction projects, i.e., towns new fspers can move to that are already big works in progress.  Somewhat free towns with a strong liberty climate are nice places to live.  It would be cool just to draw up a list of such towns for new movers and folks who just want to build a summer home.



I'd be interested to see your town list and its parameters. This will happen naturally anyway in areas all over, it seems to me.

The FSP and activism in NH continues to grow and evolve. I love helping it along and I find it damned exciting...and I'm still in NY. The FSP process is in full gear now, people are moving and are creating change in NH and more are joining every day. I've been amazed by most of the people that I've met in the FSP. The new people are strong activists in their areas and we've caught their attention!  And we're just getting started!


Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: maxxoccupancy on September 25, 2006, 09:04 PM NHFT
That's the best advice ever.

Western FSP was intended as a discussion to draw more media attention to the bigger NH project.

QuoteFree towns should be attraction projects, i.e., towns new fspers can move to that are already big works in progress.  Somewhat free towns with a strong liberty climate are nice places to live.  It would be cool just to draw up a list of such towns for new movers and folks who just want to build a summer home.


FTP has had little attraction to FSP'ers.  When you name a town, it scares the SHIT out of the people already living in that town and has brought the FSP a lot of negative publicity.  Take this to the FSP forum, Max.  See what happens.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: maxxoccupancy on September 21, 2006, 11:01 PM NHFT

Lloyd, I'm not sure if you realize it, but the things you say sap a lot of enthusiasm out of people. 
