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9-11 was NOT an inside job

Started by ConspiracyDebunker, December 16, 2007, 10:46 AM NHFT

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Quote from: coffeeseven on December 18, 2007, 06:42 AM NHFTWhat are the odds of the first time in history a skyscraper is brought down into it's own footprint by a jet impact and fire? Now times three on the same day except one of the buildings did not get hit. Ya right.  :occasion18:

See, this is why any rational person knows the "Truthers" are ignorant of basic physics.

If your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?



Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on December 18, 2007, 06:42 AM NHFTWhat are the odds of the first time in history a skyscraper is brought down into it's own footprint by a jet impact and fire? Now times three on the same day except one of the buildings did not get hit. Ya right.  :occasion18:

See, this is why any rational person knows the "Truthers" are ignorant of basic physics.

If your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?


Good go at collective prejudice again!


Quote from: JustUs on December 18, 2007, 07:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFTSee, this is why any rational person knows the "Truthers" are ignorant of basic physics.

If your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?
Good go at collective prejudice again!

Interesting.  Pointing out observed phenomena is "prejudice" in your world?

The sky is currently a beautiful blue, here!  I'm prejudiced against non-blue sky now, apparently, right?

Prejudice means deciding, ahead of time - without detailed analysis - the value of someone or something.  It does not mean actually observing and commenting on the results of that observation.



Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFT

If your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?


No disrespect meant but that is the most ridiculous argument for the case I have ever heard. The impact resistant skyscraper v. a jet airplane or my non-impact ready noggin v. a steamroller? I want what you're smokin'.


  Nope, all people that think it was an inside job should be placed in a nut house and their children "evaluated" ::)


just as grieving parents wants to find their son/daughters murderer...the commonfolk people should want to know who was behind 911.

one ..for closure.

two..to prevent it from happening again.

three..to punish those responsible.

Dick "Mr Stand-down" Cheney is the bastard I would like to waterboard for info.  >:D

better yet send him on "vacation "to Gitmo.



Quote from: coffeeseven on December 18, 2007, 10:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFTIf your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?
No disrespect meant but that is the most ridiculous argument for the case I have ever heard. The impact resistant skyscraper v. a jet airplane or my non-impact ready noggin v. a steamroller? I want what you're smokin'.

See, this is what I'm talking about.  It isn't even possible to have a rational conversation with irrational nuts...

There is no attempt to compare the physics of jets hitting a skyscraper to the physics of skulls and steamrollers.  The point, as was blatantly obvious to any rational person, was that neither is subject to "odds."  Run over a skull with a steamroller, and it will crush.  Hit buildings of that sort with jetliners full of fuel, and they're coming down.

As I've said multiple times, I've never yet met a competent structural engineer who doubts the results of that.  Have you?  And that's structural engineers, people.  Not software engineers.  If group like that "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" were being honest, they would limit the list to actual structural engineers, not include software engineers and interior designers and whatnot.

Heck, you get a competent structural engineer to come to NH and give a presentation on the subject and, assuming I have time, I'll actually go to that.



face it, your analogy was bad, Joe.

puff puff, pass to coffeeseven,


I always get a chuckle out of that one-two punch: "No disrespect meant, but you're a moron."  If you don't intend the disrespect, then don't make the insult; otherwise, don't lie.

And Joe, no disrespect intended (seriously ;) ), but I had a hard time really understanding that analogy, even though I agree with what you said while explaining it.


Quote from: Faber on December 18, 2007, 04:49 PM NHFT
I always get a chuckle out of that one-two punch: "No disrespect meant, but you're a moron."  If you don't intend the disrespect, then don't make the insult; otherwise, don't lie.

Hey when I want to call someone a moron I have no problem doing it. I just haven't ever had to resort to personal attacks to get my point across. In my opinion if a person has to insult that means they 1. are covering up an agenda or 2. have nothing to offer on a subject. All I said was:

Quoteridiculous argument

On the other hand I am on of those:
Quoteirrational nuts...

And now a liar. Are you guys 1 or 2?


I totally misinterpreted what you said to be more harsh than what was actually written (though the "I want what you're smoking" was an insult).  I apologize.  And I totally agree that there is way too many personal insults being flung around.  It's not because anyone's covering an agenda, it's because they're getting frustrated and not taking the hint their defenses are giving them to get out.  And they stay in, ostensibly, because it's a public forum and they want others to come across their arguments, but if that were the case, they'd stay away from the personal attacks.

And for the record, I've never called anyone an "irrational nut" on this thread.  So watch where you lump me in :)


Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 08:01 AM NHFT
Quote from: JustUs on December 18, 2007, 07:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on December 18, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFTSee, this is why any rational person knows the "Truthers" are ignorant of basic physics.

If your head gets run over by a steamroller, what are the odds of survival?  If it's the first time in history that such a thing happens, are the odds magically different?  If three people all lay their heads in front of steamrollers, are the odds of the obvious outcome different?
Good go at collective prejudice again!

Interesting.  Pointing out observed phenomena is "prejudice" in your world?

The sky is currently a beautiful blue, here!  I'm prejudiced against non-blue sky now, apparently, right?

Prejudice means deciding, ahead of time - without detailed analysis - the value of someone or something.  It does not mean actually observing and commenting on the results of that observation.


Wake up and smell the thermate, man! Some of the people seeking the truth about 9/11 are physicists. Who's out in left field now?


Quote from: JustUs on December 18, 2007, 11:33 PM NHFT
Wake up and smell the thermate, man! Some of the people seeking the truth about 9/11 are physicists. Who's out in left field now?

First: "seeking the truth about 9/11" can mean many things. I would like to know the whole truth about 9/11, but that doesn't mean I assume that it was all a government plot involving controlled demolition.

Second: physicists are not engineers.

Speaking of qualifications... Richard Gage is a "project architect". He designs nothing, and has no engineering expertise; he manages the contractors, and procures the appropriate government rubber stamps. Kevin Ryan, formerly of Underwriters Laboratories, was a project manager for "environmental safety". He's a chemist by education; an educated man, but not an engineer. What can he offer to discussions about failure modes of skyscrapers?

The truth movement would be better served if they would vet their "experts" more carefully, instead of just embracing anyone who agrees with their already-reached conclusions.

Russell Kanning

I never heard what happened to the 19 terrorist guys. Do any of you who have been following the government's version know where they are now?

John Edward Mercier

Supposedly someplace surrounded by 'virgins'.