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Souter's home to be taken?

Started by jgmaynard, June 28, 2005, 12:20 PM NHFT

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I also posted this on the FSP site. Found it today by accident, or was it destiny?!

"Those who profess to favor freedom, yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." ? Frederick Douglass

Michael Fisher


The Golden Rule is unilateral love and forgiveness.? It is sad to see the Golden Rule being twisted to support violence against Mr. Souter.

Also, if we believe this is okay because it's technically not a violation of ZAP, then is that the only principle we hold?? Do we have no other inner moral guide to our actions?? Are we really libertines?

Quote from BarryD:
While I agree there is no need for violence for all this, I thought this was a good quote for the current post and situation. You can't always stand meekly by and expect change:

"Those who profess to favor freedom, yet deprecate agitation...

We are not standing meekly by and expecting change.? How can you come to that conclusion given recent events in New Hampshire?? We are winning allies at an astounding rate.? People who do not live here may not realize the extent of our success, especially those who measure success by our ability to work within the system.? Many of us are working outside of the system to create cultural change and to activate the people of New Hampshire.

I do not deprecate agitation.? I disagree with using eminent domain as one of our methods of change.? We do not stand around in New Hampshire and debate each other.? We are extremely active, especially with regard to civil disobedience and volunteerism.

If Mr. Souter's home is threatened with a bulldozer, then I will stand in front of it to block it.

If eminent domain is in fact pursued against Mr. Souter, then I will fast with the hope that my friends and allies will reconsider their actions and stick to their principles.


I'm not so interested in this debate.  Only in action.

So.  What can we do over the next week or so to take advantage of or build on this publicity? 

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on June 30, 2005, 05:09 AM NHFT
Mike, is this different than Gandhi trying to take over the salt factory?

Yes. ?Gandhi was not involved in that action. ?He was jailed before it happened, and I'm not even sure he had any say in the planning of that event. ?Even if he did, the plan was not moral in my view. ?We have talked about this at length in the past.

Even if Gandhi planned it and saw it as moral, at least he was not threatening the salt factory with violence. ?It was planned to be a sit-in to prevent the operation of the factory. ?They were not planning to destroy it.

As Dave Ridley once said, some of us are trying to hold principles even more nonviolent than Gandhi's. ?Gandhi sometimes worked within the system, after all, and that is a violation of my principles as well.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: bookish_lass on June 30, 2005, 03:54 PM NHFT
I'm not so interested in this debate.  Only in action.

So.  What can we do over the next week or so to take advantage of or build on this publicity? 

That was really Dada posting :)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: bookish_lass on June 30, 2005, 03:54 PM NHFT
I'm not so interested in this debate.? Only in action.

So.? What can we do over the next week or so to take advantage of or build on this publicity??

At lunch today, we talked about publicizing my actions in opposition to this if it moves forward. ?We agreed that any publicity from it could not be considered bad.


"Though some of the local response to the letter has been muted, Meany and other officials at the town offices said response from other parts of the country has been resoundingly positive, echoing fierce opposition to the court's decision."

...But Mike Fisher, a Free Stater and a Gandhi admirer, believes that using eminent domain against Mr. Souter is wrong. ?"Even Mr. Souter does not deserve to have his home taken by eminent domain. ?Taking away a family's home is immoral," he said. ?If the hotel project is seriously pursued, in order to protect Mr. Souter's home, Fisher vows to fast for several days, consuming nothing but water and salt, "to help my friends realize what they're doing is wrong." ?He also vows to block any bulldozers threatening Souter's home by standing in front of them.


Kat Kanning

We could counter protest our own protest.

Michael Fisher

My parents are arriving here from Utah today, so I'll be pretty busy, but if someone writes up the Press Release for it, I'll try to watch for one, modify it, approve it, and send it out.

These things must be done very quickly!  :)

Michael Fisher

Mike Fisher, 603-498-7935

From NHFree.com

NH Free Stater vows to protect Supreme Court Justice Souter's home.

Newmarket, NH, June 30, 2005 - This week, a Californian named Logan Darrow Clements sent a fax to the town of Weare, NH stating his intention to build "The Lost Liberty Hotel" on the residence of Supreme Court Justice David Souter.

Locals in the town of Weare do not yet seem opposed to the hotel.  Nationwide, there has been loud support for Clements' plans, showing opposition to the supreme court's decision last week allowing the city of New London, Connecticut to use eminent domain to take homes for commercial projects that propose to "benefit" the community.

But some people strongly disagree with Clements' plans for the hotel.

Mike Fisher of Newmarket, a Gandhi admirer, believes that using eminent domain against Mr. Souter is wrong.  "Even Mr. Souter does not deserve to have his home taken by eminent domain.  Taking away a family's home is immoral," he said.

If the hotel project is seriously pursued, in order to protect Mr. Souter's home, Fisher vows to fast for several days, consuming nothing but water and salt, "to help my friends realize what they're doing is wrong."  He also vows to stand in front of any bulldozers that threaten Souter's home, blocking them at his own risk.

On May 9, Fisher used Gandhi's civil disobedience techniques to protest business licensing in New Hampshire.  After announcing he would perform an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing offices, he followed through with his promise, earned a brief trip to jail and received heavy regional media coverage for his viewpoint.

Fisher and Clements are both members of the Free State Project (freestateproject.org), an organization which aims to bring 20,000 liberty lovers to New Hampshire.

# # #

Mike Fisher, 603-498-7935

Kat Kanning

That's great Mike!  It feels strange to sympathize with both sides of this issue.

Michael Fisher


Sent my press release to my contacts at:
-Associated Press
-Concord Monitor
-Boston Globe
-Union Leader
-Seacoast Newspapers (Exeter Newsletter and Portsmouth Herald)


Hey Mike,

Not really in this one, but hey! ??? ?Souter has a place in Weare....8 arcres, plus a house, assessed at $108,000.
Do you know anyone, anywhere, south of the notches who has that kind of deal. ?Any house with land I can
buy at that kind of price? ?If so I'm in the market!

Hey don't do national, but do believe the folks who what to get involved should blow this hippocrit a new butt
hole!...Ghandi forgive me! :-[

Fact is I'm going to send him an offer...Hey I'm reasonable...say $115,000 for his place. ?Seems fair to me, hey it's
only worth $108,000. ?How do I know? ?The government tells me so! ;D

Hey Biker Bill, I could be your neighbor! ;D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: davemincin on June 30, 2005, 06:15 PM NHFT
Not really in this one, but hey! ??? ?Souter has a place in Weare....8 arcres, plus a house, assessed at $108,000.
Do you know anyone, anywhere, south of the notches who has that kind of deal. ?Any house with land I can
buy at that kind of price? ?If so I'm in the market!

Hey don't do national, but do believe the folks who what to get involved should blow this hippocrit a new butt
hole!...Ghandi forgive me! :-[

Dave, you've become evil by listening to CNHT radio too much!   ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Back to the Hotel.  It is probably not zoned for commercial. Condominiums!

Dave Ridley

Here's a nice post by Jason Shackai on the FSP forum about this.

<<This is exactly the type of story the FSP should use to it's great adavantage.

They don't have to succeed in taking this guy's house to stir up some major shit... or even to WIN -- Let him win, let him have his day in court... Take the case all the way to the Supreme Court. Force this asshole over to our side, by making him defend himself -- I'd even let him serve as a justice in his own case! We don't want to be able to take his property -- what we want is to force a decision that PROTECTS his property, and therefore protects everyone else's.>>

This story made CNN website and yahoo news  looks like