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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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It's over.

Started by KBCraig, March 15, 2008, 07:04 PM NHFT

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We finished the last DVD of Firefly last night.  :'(

But the good news is, we get to watch Serenity tonight (Mary hasn't seen it yet).

Pat K

The good thing about the firefly series is
that after a short time you can watch them again
and pick up stuff ya missed the first time.

Jim Johnson

One can watch Firefly for free... through the miracle of micro commercials... on http://www.hulu.com/firefly.   ;D


Make sure to go back and watch all the commentaries.

Also, I highly recommend watching Serenity in HD with a cranked up sound system.

Pat K

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on March 15, 2008, 07:32 PM NHFT
One can watch Firefly for free... through the miracle of micro commercials... on http://www.hulu.com/firefly.   ;D

Thanks Jim.  ;D


"i aint had nothin twix my nethers in the last year that dont run on batteries"



Mourning the end of a Firefly marathon is tough, but I've heard about support groups for what you're going through.

You will probably have to travel far through the 'verse to find one of these groups.

You might even have to go as far as Taproom Tuesday, to find a sympathetic Browncoat.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: MengerFan on March 15, 2008, 07:47 PM NHFT
Also, I highly recommend watching Serenity in HD with a cranked up sound system.

Kevin (Roll)!
Movie Night!


oh ohh!!!!


Just bring a pillow, or something to sit on.

Ron Helwig


Quote from: Scowlin' Sara Jones on March 15, 2008, 08:13 PM NHFT
"i aint had nothin twix my nethers in the last year that dont run on batteries"


I can't know that!


Quote from: Scowlin' Sara Jones on March 15, 2008, 08:13 PM NHFT
"i aint had nothin twix my nethers in the last year that dont run on batteries"

Dan should consult his doctor.  ;)

Seriously, that's one of the greatest movie quotes ever. Especially if you're like me, and saw Serenity before seeing Firefly, and didn't understand that not only had Kaylie had The Nook, she was something of a horndog in her own right. In the movie, she's all sweet and innocent until that quote. In the series, she's all sweet, but not so innocent (especially given her introduction, and how she got the job).

Pat K

Kaylie sure does know how to enjoy a Strawberry.