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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Seamas on March 28, 2008, 10:47 PM NHFT
.....people need to realize that marriage is a contract not between two people but two people and the state.

Quote from: mackler on March 29, 2008, 10:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 29, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFT
Anyone here not divorced?

Anyone here deny the possibility thereof?

Now that I know what I know it's too late to say no ya know?


Not me.  I've never had much a taste for making promises that I can't keep.

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 29, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFT
Anyone here not divorced?


Luke S

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 25, 2008, 10:23 AM NHFT
First of all, I would like to publicly thank those of you who understand what I am trying to say. I can't say enough how saddened I am by all that is happening to Russell. There will always be those who disagree, those who dissect each word...those who just have different views. This is not political for me. Its personal. Its what happened to me and to Joe, and Jesse and Katie. We worked very hard for many years, alone and without support. Thankfully, family and friends helped. However, Russell is where he is today, due to his personal choices. I have very little to do with that. And though I am glad he is out of our lives, I recognize he has a new life....but it is one that he is destroying. He robbed his first family, and now the pattern continues, albeit with a different slant. He is robbing his second family of his time and money too, just to make a point. He owes $139,000 to his children. He could have negotiated that out of court for many years.

For you, his supporters, why wouldn't he do that? Because you say, he couldn't see the kids...? He could have. I couldn't have stopped him, by law. And never tried...So what is your sticking point here? That I haven't given him enough chances? That because I wanted to be divorced from someone who physically harmed our children, I should 'go it alone'?

I am not a murderer, kidnapper...or otherwise, as one person so villified me. In my own defense, I have quite courageously handled many difficulties that Russell would not. At the end of the day, I look at our three wonderful kids...and thank God for how far He has brought us. And I have peace about it. 

Yeah but here's the thing. How is he supposed to pay $139,000 if he doesn't have it? So they lock him away in prison until he can pay something that he doesn't have the money to pay? That's nothing short of the reestablishment of debtor's prison, and that's illegal in this country, but since when have we ever expected the government to follow the law when it suits them better to break it.

Jim Johnson

One gets credited $50.00 a day for being in a New Hampshire jail.  $139,000.00 at $50.00 a day... that's 7.6 years... the amount owed by Russell stops at the arrest and imprisonment.

As soon as his children become tax slaves to the State, the Government will no longer demand additional money from him... to pay down this debt.  Assuming all of his children will be tax slaves in 7.6 years he will be free and clear.

I believe California has to pay New Hampshire to hold Russell...80 some odd dollars a day... and it has to pay for an investigation into Russell's financial holdings... good luck... and if California wants Russell, they will have to pay for escorted transportation to California.

Californians ain't real good at math.


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on March 31, 2008, 11:38 PM NHFT
One gets credited $50.00 a day for being in a New Hampshire jail.

That's only when you owe the money to the state. Wouldn't apply in this case, since Russell hasn't been accused of a criminal violation. They might refer it to the feds, which would be a criminal matter, but he doesn't owe either NH or California a dime.

Luke S

I know that there were people on here who said that the people who supported Russell in this situation are "angry white males", but I honestly don't care what you call me.

Some people on here are treating this as a philosophical debate as to whether or not Russell "has an obligation to support his kids", but this is not a philosophical matter. This is a legal matter, and the fact is that debtor's prisons are illegal, and by locking Russell up in a debtor's prison, the government is doing something illegal.


I am a white male. I am not angry. I am sad, because Russell is my friend.  :'( I support him 100%. Those who know Russell know that he doesn't have any such money to give to Mindy. They also know that he HAS supported his children: they have a home, and food, and clothes. Those things are there with him. Mindy has provided them with a home and food and clothes too. It seems both parents have provided the kids with these things, it's just the the children seem to have opted to obtain these provisions from their mother and not their father. Knowing Russell, I know that if any of his children came to him and wanted to obtain these provisions from him, "Dad, can I live with you and have you provide my needs?" his answer would be an unequivocal "YES!" He often spoke about how much he misses his children.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Notanumber on March 24, 2008, 11:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 24, 2008, 06:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: RussellsEx on March 24, 2008, 12:20 PM NHFT
I love how so many people are threatened to what is merely the 'other side of the story'.... its not even your story. Are you all angry white males?
Sadly, most of those who are openly and vocally opposed to you and your side are 'angry white males', who mostly fit the typical 'libertarian loner' stereotype...  Most of those who have posted supportive items tend to be either female or men in a good relationship.  Of course, the FSP attracts more than the usual share of the first, though funny enough, we have a very high percentage of the second, far higher than most of the usual groupings you'd find anyplace else.
Those closest to Russell, of course, are concerned for him, regardless of the facts and/or laws, they just want Russell home, and nobody can blame them.

I object to your sterotyping most of Mindy's detractors as 'angry white males' and 'libertarian loners'.  I am a professional with a wife, kid, dog, mortgage, etc, and I find what Mindy has done here to be appalling.  She wanted to end the marriage, fine, that is her right.  But now she wants her cake and to eat it too, AND she is willing to have Russell thrown in prison to compel him to pay for it.  If he would resist or attempt escape, he would be injured at best, and killed at worst.

I will say that if I were in Russell's position, I probably would have found a creative way to provide support for the children without paying the ex-wife directly.  (for example, one friend of mine fought for and got 50/50 shared custody, another friend of mine bought an inexpensive dwelling, made the payment, and put it in the children's name.  The wife was evicted when the kids turned 18, and the kids got the house.  Another friend provided insurance, clothing and items that the children needed, but the mother could not avail herself of.)  But no one should ever be thrown in prison for failure to pay what amounts to a debt.  Mindy's willingness to avail herself of the new debtors prison speaks to her character.

Personally, I think that a strong, free, and independent woman in today's society would never do what Mindy has done.  I know my wife certainly wouldn't, and would be appalled at the very thought of it.  Before you ask, without sharing too much personal information, in her distant past, she was where Mindy was.  She chose to go it alone, with the advice and support of her family, rather than be a dependent, or 'go after' anyone.  The fact that she possesses such strength is one of the reasons I love her.   

IMHO, women like Mindy are the primary reason that there ARE so many angry men. 

Here is where my 'karma' drops deeply into the negative again...

You really hit the nail on the head with this post.  Mindy is in no way an innocent victim here.  I've spent the past two weeks talking to people who knew them during the marriage.  The stories just make you want to cry, what she did to him and his family.  His parents are some of the nicest and most fair people you could meet on this planet.  They seem to rate her lower on the scale of things than a child molester.  The people who know her said she was anything from "a liar" to "distorts reality" to "must either control or destroy the people around her".

My mother would like her reminded that it is a sin to bear false witness.

Mindy did every thing she could to keep Russell and his family out of the kid's lives.  And now she's surprised that they're out of the kids lives?  She wanted to raise the kids on her own.  She just wanted Russell as some sort of absent slave.

Russell wouldn't say these things.  She's still the mother of his children.  That's why you won't hear him badmouth her.  He's only talked to me about it a little.  He's not badmouthing her even now, sitting in jail.

Mindy crying that she doesn't want Russell in jail is so disingenuous.  She is the only person who could get him out of there.  She could forgive the debt and he'd be out.  He might even be grateful and try and work out some kind of deal with her to help the kids.  But he can't do anything while he's in jail, and there's no way he could pay the amounts they're asking for.  We have nothing.  Certainly not some big fancy explorer or whatever the hell it is she's driving.


QuoteShe just wanted Russell as some sort of absent slave.

My ex wife is the same and the state is gleefully seething in it's complicity.

Kat What do we need to do to turn this around? Lets get our group together as a team and make it happen.


Quote from: Caleb on April 01, 2008, 12:25 AM NHFT
...Knowing Russell, I know that if any of his children came to him and wanted to obtain these provisions from him, "Dad, can I live with you and have you provide my needs?" his answer would be an unequivocal "YES!" He often spoke about how much he misses his children.

Well said!  :clap:


I'm not sure we can turn this around, coffee. I think they are going to go through their process.  Kat, I've been trying to write a letter to the judge as you asked. I've written about 5 different drafts, but this is the hardest letter I've had to write. I keep second guessing myself because I don't want to say anything that gets the judge angry at him, but i want it to say something ... what do you want us to say?

Dave Ridley

Quote from: Caleb on April 01, 2008, 08:16 PM NHFT
I'm not sure we can turn this around, coffee. I think they are going to go through their process.  Kat, I've been trying to write a letter to the judge as you asked. I've written about 5 different drafts, but this is the hardest letter I've had to write. I keep second guessing myself because I don't want to say anything that gets the judge angry at him, but i want it to say something ... what do you want us to say?

Here's the letter I sent via postcard to the judge a few days back, whose name I forget.  also finally got a postcard out to russell.

"Regarding the character of your inmate Russell Kanning

Dear Judge ____

I wanted to weigh in regarding the character of one of your inmates, Russell Kanning - jailed on child support charges.  I lived in Keene with Russell and his wife Kat, off and on for over two years starting in '04.   Russell proved to be one of the most trustworthy, peaceable people I've ever known.  I also consider him the most enjoyable (non-female!) company I have ever been around.  There's no reason he deserves to be in jail, nor do I see anyone benefiting from it."

firecracker joe

nice job dave, thats a good letter short and to the point , something a judge would take the time to read, I hope.
from what i see and know if i had to choose sides i would pick kat and russell cause no matter what mindy does to russell he doesn't speak ill of her.
I got a letter from russell today he seems in good spirits , considering where he's sitting.
sounds like he'd like more letters.


This is my recollection  of what happened to my friend Russell 

  Russell and Mindy married in 1990 and proceeded to become debt free. Mindy taught at a local Christian school (the one her parents built and she attended). They adopted two hard to place brothers and they finally had a daughter of their own in 1997. Mindy had become a stay-at-home mom. Both she and Russell became heavily involved at High Desert Church.

    In early 1999 Mindy visited her folks in Africa, came home and threw Russell out. One of her family's closest friends is a Christian marriage counselor at their church. They went to see him and he told her that their marriage could be healed and not to make any rash decisions. She never went back. Russell however continued for some years. Russell lived with us part time and part time with his sister some 100 miles away. This went on for about a year so Russell could continue giving all his pay to his family. Mindy had gone back to work and stopped going to church and stopped all the friendships she had had since childhood. After about a year she told Russell she needed more money. So Russell quit his job here at McWelco and started driving truck. After he was trained he became an owner-operator, hired a team driver and lived in his truck for the next six months and deposited all his earning in Mindy's account for his family. Some months he was giving her as much as $5000.00 a month. All this time he hoped that they would soon get back together as he did for some 5 years.  At the end of Russell truck driving for 6 month Mindy called him up and told him that she needed $4000.00. He reminded her that she receives all his money save a food stipend.  She said she had to have the money and suggested he barrow it from his 91-year-old grandmother in North Dakota. Russell refused.

    He realized that no matter how much money he gave her she would always need more and that essentially he was helping her not put his family back together. He returned home to find that she had abandoned their beautiful large four bedroom home and had taken a 2 bedroom apt that was less than $100 cheaper a month than the house and found the house was in foreclosure, Russell quit truck driving. The house was messed up, Russell tried repairing and taking renters to try to save the house for his family but he only staved off the inevitable. He also finally asked Mindy if she was ever going to try to repair their marriage. She said no so he told her he wasn't going to finance her disobedience to God anymore, and that she should come home. Well the joke was on him because when he returned home he found a notice from the D.A. explaining that he never gave his wife any money that he was now $25000 in dept and a criminal. He gleamed that some months ago she had her lawyer uncle put together the complaint and told falsehoods about his earnings at McWelco and of course claimed that she had received no money from Russell for the full almost two years they were, at that time, separated.

     Now the reason Mindy was so confidant that she would get away with lying was because like so many Christians she knows Russell would never let a court have authority over his marriage and family. He does recognize the church authority in this regard and as I said before, never, up to this point, stopped going to counseling when not driving. Russell would never even contest nor even recognize the court process. He would never even participate.

    So here we are in 2008 Mindy remarried 2 years ago and so did Russell. The 2 boys they adopted are grown and Katie is almost 11. Russell has not given her a dime for about 5 years. He has sent them a lot of things like clothes and computers and other necessities. Of course she would never let Russell visit the kids even before he stopped payment. Neither would she let Russell's folks visit them or his brother and sister nor their former pastor or friends she and Russell loved.

    Love Jay