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Violent dog-loving rant

Started by dalebert, May 18, 2008, 11:30 PM NHFT

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Quote from: dalebert on May 19, 2008, 09:35 AM NHFT
Oh, I love cats too. What I find funny is the cat-lover vs. dog-lover enmity that seems to exist. I get a kick out of it when I see it. Seems like there are more cat-hating dog-lovers but there are some of the other too. I think dog-lovers are seeking some kind of unconditional love or affirmation that dogs (in general) seem more ready to provide whereas cats tend to be more independent and just kind of funny and cuddly. Both have their uses.

I love dogs and cats. I want either, both, whatever. I prolly would if I didn't have allergies. Then again, I can't say I'm a big fan of cleaning up the fur and stuph, but I definitely love other people's dogs and cats when I'm visiting. If not for my allergies, I'd cuddle them for hours.

I don't love dogs because of their unconditional love or affirmation I love them because they protect me and obey me, I could care less if they love me.  Smiley!


Quote from: dalebert on May 20, 2008, 09:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 20, 2008, 09:16 AM NHFT
Didn't he write a scary story about a dog?

Sure but he makes heroic characters out of dogs as well. I know there's a dog in The Stand who keeps one of the heroes alive when he's wounded and can't move, killing animals and bringing them to him to eat and such.

He did, it was Cujo, a dog that had rabies while this family was stuck in their station wagon.   I love The Stand, yeah it was when that guy Stewart, (I think his name was in the movie), fell in that ravine and broke his leg.  The dog took care of him.

It's been my life long dream to meet Stephen King and sit there with him and come up with ideas for books.  I know he doesn't need my ideas but I'd love it anyway.


Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: raineyrocks on May 20, 2008, 04:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on May 20, 2008, 09:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 20, 2008, 09:16 AM NHFT
Didn't he write a scary story about a dog?

Sure but he makes heroic characters out of dogs as well. I know there's a dog in The Stand who keeps one of the heroes alive when he's wounded and can't move, killing animals and bringing them to him to eat and such.

He did, it was Cujo, a dog that had rabies while this family was stuck in their station wagon.   I love The Stand, yeah it was when that guy Stewart, (I think his name was in the movie), fell in that ravine and broke his leg.  The dog took care of him.

It's been my life long dream to meet Stephen King and sit there with him and come up with ideas for books.  I know he doesn't need my ideas but I'd love it anyway.

I ran into him in Bangor in 1990 and it was like........"like your books"........."thanks"....and we both walked on.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 20, 2008, 10:11 PM NHFT
I ran into him in Bangor in 1990 and it was like........"like your books"........."thanks"....and we both walked on.

That story will live with me for the rest of my days.

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: raineyrocks on May 20, 2008, 04:05 PM NHFT
That's so mean but so good at the same time!  Almost everybody I know likes cats, I used to but don't anymore.  I was just trying to be nice to one of our cats that has FELV and she scratched the crap out of me.  So much for that now I probably have cat AIDS or something, little scum!

All of my favorite cats with real unique personalities and brains are dead now.  We're left with dumb, floor pissing, puking, crapping morons!  Sorry for all you cat lovers but we all have our opinions.

Sounds like you're just stuck with some bad representatives of the feline species, Rainey. I grew up with cats on the farm, many of whom were my pets. That, and four years of routinely entering other people's homes as a pest control technician, and meeting their pets, have led me to conclude that cats have about as widely varied personalities as humans, if not more so. At one extreme I once encountered a customer's cat that wanted to attack me viciously every time I came near it, and another customer had an extremely affectionate cat that would follow me as I went throughout the house doing my work, jumping on chairs and furniture in front of me just to keep getting attention.

The coolest cat I ever met was a regally beautiful calico cat in a clothing store. As I was standing at the front counter talking to the store clerk, I noticed the cat emerging out of the rear of the store. As I watched, it trotted straight up to me and flopped down right at my feet as if it was expecting a back rub. I had never seen a cat do anything quite like that, and asked the clerk if they would sell it to me. Her answer, of course, was a definite "No!".  ;D

That story has a tragic ending, though. The next time I visited the store, I inquired about the cat. They told me it had been under the house next door as it was getting ready to be tented for termites, and would not come out. They tried to negotiate with the exterminators to return on a different day, but they adamantly refused, and the cat died from the poison gas.

I'm guessing the exterminators did not like cats :(

Lloyd Danforth

Lauren would like the name and address of that exterminating company



If I knew it, I would be all too happy to oblige!


Quote from: srqrebel on May 21, 2008, 08:24 AM NHFT
That, and four years of routinely entering other people's homes as a pest control technician, and meeting their pets, have led me to conclude that cats have about as widely varied personalities as humans, if not more so.

I'll back you up on that for the most part. I wouldn't quite compare them to humans, but they have extremely varied personalities.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 20, 2008, 10:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 20, 2008, 04:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on May 20, 2008, 09:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 20, 2008, 09:16 AM NHFT
Didn't he write a scary story about a dog?

Sure but he makes heroic characters out of dogs as well. I know there's a dog in The Stand who keeps one of the heroes alive when he's wounded and can't move, killing animals and bringing them to him to eat and such.

He did, it was Cujo, a dog that had rabies while this family was stuck in their station wagon.   I love The Stand, yeah it was when that guy Stewart, (I think his name was in the movie), fell in that ravine and broke his leg.  The dog took care of him.

It's been my life long dream to meet Stephen King and sit there with him and come up with ideas for books.  I know he doesn't need my ideas but I'd love it anyway.

I ran into him in Bangor in 1990 and it was like........"like your books"........."thanks"....and we both walked on.

Lloyd I'm totally jealous!  I probably would've been arrested for stalking him.  Now when you say you "ran into him" you don't mean that time he got hit by that car do you?  Oh wait, never mind you said, "we both walked on."



Quote from: Puke on May 21, 2008, 05:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 20, 2008, 10:11 PM NHFT
I ran into him in Bangor in 1990 and it was like........"like your books"........."thanks"....and we both walked on.

That story will live with me for the rest of my days.
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 21, 2008, 06:34 AM NHFT
Me too

Me too!


Quote from: srqrebel on May 21, 2008, 08:24 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 20, 2008, 04:05 PM NHFT
That's so mean but so good at the same time!  Almost everybody I know likes cats, I used to but don't anymore.  I was just trying to be nice to one of our cats that has FELV and she scratched the crap out of me.  So much for that now I probably have cat AIDS or something, little scum!

All of my favorite cats with real unique personalities and brains are dead now.  We're left with dumb, floor pissing, puking, crapping morons!  Sorry for all you cat lovers but we all have our opinions.

Sounds like you're just stuck with some bad representatives of the feline species, Rainey. I grew up with cats on the farm, many of whom were my pets. That, and four years of routinely entering other people's homes as a pest control technician, and meeting their pets, have led me to conclude that cats have about as widely varied personalities as humans, if not more so. At one extreme I once encountered a customer's cat that wanted to attack me viciously every time I came near it, and another customer had an extremely affectionate cat that would follow me as I went throughout the house doing my work, jumping on chairs and furniture in front of me just to keep getting attention.

The coolest cat I ever met was a regally beautiful calico cat in a clothing store. As I was standing at the front counter talking to the store clerk, I noticed the cat emerging out of the rear of the store. As I watched, it trotted straight up to me and flopped down right at my feet as if it was expecting a back rub. I had never seen a cat do anything quite like that, and asked the clerk if they would sell it to me. Her answer, of course, was a definite "No!".  ;D

That story has a tragic ending, though. The next time I visited the store, I inquired about the cat. They told me it had been under the house next door as it was getting ready to be tented for termites, and would not come out. They tried to negotiate with the exterminators to return on a different day, but they adamantly refused, and the cat died from the poison gas.

I'm guessing the exterminators did not like cats :(

But see? That's what I mean, the calico cat plops right down at your feet and "expects" a back rub!  They're so ignorant!  The ending of that story really sucks I will say.  I don't want any cats killed just because I don't like them anymore.  I had a few real cool, smart, cats that I liked but they died, (of old age, a couple had cancer too), now I'm just stuck with "rebo" cats.

One time I lived in this apartment building and this cat would lay in the middle of the road all the time.  I knocked on her owners door and told her that her cat looked sick and she should do something about him/her instead of letting her lay in the middle of the road, well the old lady ignored me. 

So I was parking and saw this commercial van speeding down my street and I knew he wasn't going to stop for the cat so I quickly got out of the car hoping I had time to save the cat.  The bastard hit the cat and I ran down the street after the van calling him every name in the book.  I sat with that cat, (half his face was missing), until he died and I cried and cried.  I told the old lady and she acted all upset, sure now when it's too late!  I asked her if she wanted me to bury her cat for her, she said no, just put him in the dumpster.  I told her she disgusted me and found a proper burial place for the cat.
