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Sure is quiet...

Started by KBCraig, July 27, 2005, 10:47 PM NHFT

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That's okay, all you PorcFesters... Don't worry about us...  :'( *sniff*  :'(

Do you realize what joyous hope it gives us to see people wearing sweaters while camping in July???[/b]

Please, please, p-p-p-p-leeease get me out of Texas!


yeah real quite... I find I have lots more time on my hands instead of reading these boards.  of course I should be packing.... only 30 days left. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Dreepa on July 27, 2005, 11:34 PM NHFT
yeah real quite... I find I have lots more time on my hands instead of reading these boards.  of course I should be packing.... only 30 days left. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You suck so bad! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Gee, do you think Kevins jealous?  ;D
It is quiet around here.

Michael Fisher

I've been really busy this week.   :o That's my excuse!


Kevin.... I suck one day more right now.. ;D ;D
I just planned out the route we are going to drive on. ;D

Driving down to LA next weekend to say goodbye to friends.

Michael Fisher


Can't wait to have you here!!!


hey, Dreepa... If you see any car parts laying on the side of I-80 between Reno and Loveland, a buf of mine had a load break loose a couple of days ago... They need to be dropped off in Penna... LOL


Well Texas sucks just a little bit less tonight. It's actually cool out, a chilly 72F at 1 a.m.!

And Mary's psychotic manager got fired today.

And, we went to the Four States Friends of the NRA banquet tonight and I won a Winchester 1300 12 gauge. So things aren't so bad!

If you've never been to a FoNRA banquet, find one and go! This was our fourth one, and we're probably slightly ahead, money-wise. Tickets (for this particular banquet) are $20, and we usually buy a $100 raffle ticket package, plus another $20 contest or two. We enjoy a fine prime rib dinner and a free open bar, and the company of some good people. Not to mention the antics of the auctioneer, which are worth the price of admission. The money goes to the NRA Foundation, and supports youth safety education and shooting sports programs. In four years, we've probably spent a total of $750, received $250 worth of prime rib and drinks, and I've won a shotgun, an airline-grade locking rifle case, and a .45 pistol. The prizes alone total about $800, so we're money ahead even if you don't include the dinner and the fun.

At our table, one of my co-workers also won a 1300, but his is the Defender model. A retired co-worker won two Benelli Nova shotguns! And at the next table, another of my co-workers won a Weatherby Vanguard package. (There were 9 friends from my workplace, at least that I saw. Maybe more; it's a big crowd.) Several of these folks attend all the surrounding FoNRA banquets, and have come out quite well.




Quote from: SWilliams on July 29, 2005, 01:06 AM NHFT
hey, Dreepa... If you see any car parts laying on the side of I-80 between Reno and Loveland, a buf of mine had a load break loose a couple of days ago... They need to be dropped off in Penna... LOL

Reno is my first stop.
Orem Utah is the second stop.
Believe it or not I will be in Penna... the middle of Sept.  ;)


The sound of a pin dropping.



I know the PorcFesters are bundling up tonight for the predicted low of 40F (you suck! It's almost 2 a.m. in Texas, and my central A/C and supplemental window unit are both running full bore!)

I've read how the WiFi connection at Roger's isn't the greatest. I know this is the big weekend, with speakers and dinners and Stuff To Do, and Porcers to meet. But c'mon, people! We're in withdrawal out here in the hinterland! Throw us a bone! A random pic or two! A brief message about the day's activities, and PatK mooching beer, or Mike F. drawing down on a farting butterfly!

puh-puh-puh-puh-LEEEazzzze! </rogerrabbit>

:'( :'( :'( :'(


Kat Kanning

Boy, that was fun!  And when we got home to Keene, it was cool and raining :)  ;D

Russell Kanning

Quote from: KBCraig on July 31, 2005, 02:01 AM NHFTA brief message about the day's activities, and PatK mooching beer...

That never happens......PatK buys enough 4 himself and others 8)