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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I was banned from Murphy's Taproom

Started by Mike Barskey, October 28, 2008, 08:50 PM NHFT

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seems fair.  Reminds me of the days at Wendy's, working the back cash window. . .seeing a cop roll up and wait at my window for an uncomfortably long time before deciding to pull out his wallet.

Shit aint free.

I'd never discount a government worker. . . need a good reason to charge someone an extra 15%. . . a piece of tin might be a good reason.


Quote from: dalebert on November 04, 2008, 08:07 PM NHFT
I'm probably not going to open any sort of establishment like this anymore, but back when I was considering opening a coffee shop, I was SERIOUSLY considering having a policy of not serving anyone wearing a government uniform. "We'll gladly serve you when you are not wearing the symbols of oppression."

I really wish you'd reconsider.  I would love for a place like that to exist.

Russell Kanning

why not start it underground and never invite the thugs

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: lastlady on November 04, 2008, 01:50 PM NHFT
I also find it interesting that at the 2 FSP owned restaurants in NH, they both give discounts to the police and fire departments

I don't know if I can cast any stones in this instance.  In the modern world, that badge, all by itself, is the equivalent of "Nice little place you got here--it'd be too bad if anything were to happen to it."

Kat Kanning


 Wow, when I go out and, I'm poor, I tip at least 20%.  If I can't afford to go out, I do not go.
  If I go to a place that is giving a discount for a group of us, I always tip MORE, but, that is just me.
  Every resistance group gets behind the people, the people have to LIKE the resistant group and want to join the resistance group in order for the groups goals to succed.
  If the free staters are cheapscates that have contempt for the every day "shlub" that waits on them, I can't see the Project going far.
  Everything you do is WATCHED!  You can't do anything as a free stater without thinking of the rest of the group, how it will effect the group as a whole.  You my have generocity inbeded in your bones, you might do community work, but, if there isn't a bit of generocity for the young poor kiddies that wait on you.....
  Now, I digress.  When these same shlubs add money onto my tab, I get very angry.  If this happened, you are all rite in my eyes.


Quote from: grasshopper on November 05, 2008, 11:43 AM NHFT
  If the free staters are cheapscates that have contempt for the every day "shlub" that waits on them, I can't see the Project going far.
  Everything you do is WATCHED!  You can't do anything as a free stater without thinking of the rest of the group, how it will effect the group as a whole. 

I am an individual and if you've been reading this thread most people do tip, only one person that I can see said they didn't on principle. I can do plenty without thinking of the Free State Project and often do. I can't stand "group think", and never want to be identified as anything other than myself.


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on November 05, 2008, 08:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on November 04, 2008, 01:50 PM NHFT
I also find it interesting that at the 2 FSP owned restaurants in NH, they both give discounts to the police and fire departments

I don't know if I can cast any stones in this instance.  In the modern world, that badge, all by itself, is the equivalent of "Nice little place you got here--it'd be too bad if anything were to happen to it."

Not casting stones just noting something I find interesting.


  I'm an ass sometimes, but do not think I was not thinking as a group, we/you are thought of as a group, the "free staters".  If Kieth got mad, he might have been tired but he got mad.  Hi might have taken it out on somebody, anybody.  It is too bad it happened.  I should have been there.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 04, 2008, 01:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on November 04, 2008, 01:50 PM NHFT
I find it interesting that the owner has denied the ban, he states that he told Mike to not eat at his restaurant if he doesn't intend on tipping, but that he didn't ban him. I also find it interesting that at the 2 FSP owned restaurants in NH, they both give discounts to the police and fire departments, but no discounts to the FSP members who have without a doubt contributed heavily to the success of the establishments.

Hear hear!  :clap:

Uh, we're already all taking advantage of Keith's Tuesday night discount ($4 beers for $2), which is actually why Tuesday was chosen as the Taproom night by Michael, if I'm not mistaken.

If I were to run a restaurant, I'd probably try to attract the thugs to patronize my business too—getting cops and politicians drunk and chatty would probably be a very nice intelligence-gathering opportunity. >:D


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on November 05, 2008, 01:52 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 04, 2008, 01:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on November 04, 2008, 01:50 PM NHFT
I find it interesting that the owner has denied the ban, he states that he told Mike to not eat at his restaurant if he doesn't intend on tipping, but that he didn't ban him. I also find it interesting that at the 2 FSP owned restaurants in NH, they both give discounts to the police and fire departments, but no discounts to the FSP members who have without a doubt contributed heavily to the success of the establishments.

Hear hear!  :clap:

Uh, we're already all taking advantage of Keith's Tuesday night discount ($4 beers for $2), which is actually why Tuesday was chosen as the Taproom night by Michael, if I'm not mistaken.

If I were to run a restaurant, I'd probably try to attract the thugs to patronize my business too—getting cops and politicians drunk and chatty would probably be a very nice intelligence-gathering opportunity. >:D

Ha, very clever, the keep your friends close and your enemies, (so to say), even closer!  :D   There could be an "undercover" waitress that pays extra attention to what "they" are saying when they're drunk too. 8)   I need a job but I live too far away plus I'm way too clumsy to be a waitress.  :P


Russell Kanning

Quote from: raineyrocks on November 08, 2008, 01:45 PM NHFTI need a job but I live too far away plus I'm way too clumsy to be a waitress.  :P
don't worry ... you will still get 20% tips


Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 10, 2008, 06:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on November 08, 2008, 01:45 PM NHFTI need a job but I live too far away plus I'm way too clumsy to be a waitress.  :P
don't worry ... you will still get 20% tips

HA! So true!  :D


Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 10, 2008, 06:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on November 08, 2008, 01:45 PM NHFTI need a job but I live too far away plus I'm way too clumsy to be a waitress.  :P
don't worry ... you will still get 20% tips

:)  When I worked in Dunkin Donuts my white tennis shoes were brown with coffee stains within a couple of hours.  I was horrible but I did make well over $100 in tips a week and that was back in the '80's  so who knows?    I was cute and young then too but I kind of still had the same personalitly except a little more "free", no kids, husband, blah, blah.
This one guy offered me $100 and my twin sister, (she was the donut finisher), told me to give it back because he'd expect something so I did.  We worked the midnight shift and we would fight all the time, the guys would always take my side though.   She says I was supposed to put the donuts in the case after she was done filling them.  I told her to kiss my butt as I was sitting on the counter talking to everyone in the place.   We called each other names, she slammed the racks in the case and gave me evil looks and everyone felt sorry for me. >:D

Yeah I know what a scumbag I was for that, I kind of aplogized to her!   When we both quit the owners begged me to stay and said, "see ya", to my sister.   She was so mad!  She worked harder than I did, was on time, extra shifts, blah, blah but I had pizzazz and filled up the place at night and I guess made them more money.  :-\

Yeah I know Russell, I'm going on and on, sorry!  ;D