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Ever Dine With A Waitress Abuser?

Started by Lloyd Danforth, November 13, 2008, 07:22 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

There is a combo store and gas station on rt 118 in Canaan.  A young man who works there acts so grateful that you are shopping there that you expect him to offer to carry you to your car.
Doesn't matter what you say to him, he throws it back to you:

Me, you, anyone: Have a good day!

Him: NO!!  YOU have a good day!

He creeps me out, but, I'd have him work for me. ;)


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 13, 2008, 07:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on November 13, 2008, 07:17 PM NHFT
there's a radio guy, Howie Carr, that has admitted to spitting on the coins as he hands them over.

I've only heard him deny it.  I would love it if someone  Tasered his ass!
Carr is a despicable excuse for a so called civilized person. 
I am never intentionally rude to people i don't know, without provocation.  And I usually go out of my way to avoid provocations.  Years ago when I was an assistant manager at a fast food place, I was asked how I handeled customers so well.  The person asking said they could never have that kind of patience.  I told them it wasn't patience, ( i'm unfortunately not too patient) it was an understanding that most people just want what they expect and not too much more.  If we screw up, or there is some misunderstanding, then they are gonna be angry.  I would tell the cashiers that they are not here to be abused, and if a customers was abusive to call a manager as that is one of the things we were paid to do.  I was quite good at handling even drunk people.   :)  IMHO. 
Respect goes along way in keeping things peaceful. 


I wouldn't dine with an asshole.
Giving money over the suggested price to the person whose job it is to bring you the food is one thing.
Being a dick for no reason makes no sense.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 13, 2008, 07:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on November 13, 2008, 07:17 PM NHFT
there's a radio guy, Howie Carr, that has admitted to spitting on the coins as he hands them over.

I've only heard him deny it.  I would love it if someone  Tasered his ass!

hehe I heard him live say it on the air. . . ever since he got a LOT of grief about it and started to say it was just a joke.  I love Howie because he's such a dipshit!  He wants to taser everyone, pot heads are scumbags (even though he has admitted to smoking pot himself), he comes on and tells everyone back in January and February that he won't take calls from Ron Paul supporters and that they're all crazy anarchists who want to see the world fall apart and everyone die.

then he talks about how he's all about the free market.  "A little bit of regulation is needed for the free market to work."


Lloyd Danforth

I'm thinking that with 5 daughters, one of them will get arrested someday just for doing one of the (many) things normal people do that he thinks there should be a law against.


  When I was a cashere at Zayers in Haverhill Ma., I was so discustingly nice, I was looked at like I was messing with the customers, I even got my manager called on me because I was nice :-\.
  One day a collage dude walked in with a box of tampoons and some makeup, with high heels, mini skirt, makeup and stilettos, with his hair done the 'wet look" this afican American dude, without a smile and Me without as much as a smile did the transaction.  The others in the store lost it, Charmine my friend had to go out back he was laugfhing too hard.
   I love being polite to everybody, My Dad insisted I did when I was a kiddie and my Mom brought me to church. (I'm such a good boy".


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 14, 2008, 06:57 AM NHFT
I'm thinking that with 5 daughters, one of them will get arrested someday just for doing one of the (many) things normal people do that he thinks there should be a law against.

either that or the basketball scheme will be successful someday.


Quote from: Friday on November 13, 2008, 07:35 AM NHFT
My mom is like that sometimes, to waitresses, bus drivers, etc.  One time when I was a teenager, we were in McDonald's, and the teenaged girl taking our order asked if we wanted fries with that (which, if you've ever worked in a fast-food place, you know you are *required* to ask), and my mom said snottily "If I'd wanted fries with that I would have said so."  I was so embarassed, not only because of her rudeness, but because it just so happened that the teenaged girl was in my class at school, and her big sister was the one who picked me up every morning to carpool.   :-[

I worked fast food too, in college though.  Years later I was in McD & the guy in front of me was just laying into the girl on the register for messing up his order - calling her stupid & asking how hard her job is, etc...

I layed into him telling him its harder than it may look, asking if it made him feel powerfull to pick on a young woman, if he ever made a mistake etc...

He shut up, appologized (when I told him to), looked very scared, & left w/out incident.

That felt good - I believe in sticking up for people.

When I got to the register the girl was so scared she whispered thank you & took my order... come to think of it - she should have given it to me for free... what a little bitc.. (joking  :P - about it shoulda been free)


to answer the question - I don't recall ever doing that.  I recall my dad or other people getting upset about the food being bad or once when we didn't get seated, apparently because my friend was black - legitiment reasons w/results not getting "abusive" (IE mistakes happen - no reason to blow it out of proportion or be abusive).

I remember being blunt w/a BK staff for serving me a chicken sandwich w/mayonaise on it, when I had asked for "no" mayonaise & when I (politely) asked for another - I caught them wiping it off & rewrapping it - I called them on it - told them they were unprofessional & tacky.

I don't know what I would do if in that situation - probalby depends on my mood at the time.  I know I wouldn't ever dine w/that person again.

I think most of us have little, to no experience w/this because the company we choose to keep are a lot like us.  Most of us seem, honarable, polite, & respectfull in our normal character.  Even someone who can be rather brash in known company will be on their best behaviour in public or even certain private situations.

Kat Kanning



I worked as a waitress summers when I was in college and thought it was probably the hardest job I would ever have.  I am so nice to waiters and waitresses that they begin to think they are my best friend and hang around the table talking way too much and then I have to keep being nice when I really want to say, ok that's enough, go away.  I think it happens because of all the people who are rude and mean to them and they really appreciate niceness.  So I urge everyone to be nice to them so they don't spend so much time with me :)