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Started by dalebert, November 21, 2008, 09:17 AM NHFT

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Quote from: dalebert on November 21, 2008, 12:58 PM NHFT
I did express concern that a couple of reasonably prominent people involved with the FSP came to the defense of a couple of bigots, while at the same time criticizing me for calling them that when the term fits perfectly and when we should be distancing ourselves from their attitudes publicly.
I share your concern.
Instead, there seems to be this eagerness to kiss the butts of anyone who might add one or two to the counter in a sort of desperate eagerness to reach that magic 20,000.

They're most certainly not worth the damage control that they're trying to exercise over me appropriately using the "B" word.  ::)
Completely agree.

Lloyd Danforth

The FSP has become a moribound organization that throws a couple of festivals.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 22, 2008, 06:35 AM NHFT
The FSP has become a moribound organization that throws a couple of festivals.

They're even screwing those over by not catering to Jason Osborne.  At this point, he may not be attending (and giving thousands in sponsorship dollars) either festival in 2009.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 22, 2008, 11:22 AM NHFT
They're even screwing those over by not catering to Jason Osborne.  At this point, he may not be attending (and giving thousands in sponsorship dollars) either festival in 2009.

It's a good thing the FSP has nothing to do with anything activism related.  :-\


that's too bad I was hoping to meet the man at Burning Porc!

there's going to be a lot of thirsty porcupines out there. . . thank god I'm just a tokin' porcupine


Ian, has Jason considered setting it up on Hoyt Farm during Porcfest? I think a lot of people may just camp there and go to PF for a day or two when most of the stuph is going on. It's only about an hour away.

Lloyd Danforth

I believe the Tea Totalers at Hoyt Farm have extended him an open invitation in another thread.


Burning Porc is not an FSP festival, so Jason is in talks to be involved and bring the Fun Tent to Burning Porc.  I have not heard more than they are in talks. 

Pat K

If I was was a conspiracy type
I might think there was a "backroom "
push to turn the FSP into a republican
PTA organization.


I think it runs the risk of becoming so watered-down as to be no better than any other political movement. They lose their principles and then it's just about people trying to get a seat at the table. A bunch of games making people feel important, feel like they're part of something, but it's empty.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Pat K on November 22, 2008, 04:09 PM NHFT
If I was was a conspiracy type
I might think there was a "backroom "
push to turn the FSP into a republican
PTA organization.
that is funny


Quote from: dalebert on November 22, 2008, 04:33 PM NHFT
I think it runs the risk of becoming so watered-down as to be no better than any other political movement. They lose their principles and then it's just about people trying to get a seat at the table. A bunch of games making people feel important, feel like they're part of something, but it's empty.

The FSP should not be getting involved in politics or playing stupid mind games.

I'm glad to see that the Liberty Forum is bringing in more stuff on market-based non-political activism, so I think it will be worth going to even if there isn't a Fun Suite. PorcFest seems to be another beast altogether.


Quote from: dalebert on November 22, 2008, 04:33 PM NHFT
I think it runs the risk of becoming so watered-down as to be no better than any other political movement. They lose their principles and then it's just about people trying to get a seat at the table. A bunch of games making people feel important, feel like they're part of something, but it's empty.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that's what it is. I'm saying I worry that it will go that way. However, I remain optimistic because a movement will continue here regardless of what happens to the "official" FSP.


I am not interested in having anyone cater to me other than those who have been contracted to do so. I don't expect FSP administrators to do anything special on my account.

If I think what they are doing is cool, I'll help out. If it's located in a place where I was treated like a nigger for an entire weekend, then I'll stay home. If it's located at a place where the fun is sucked out, then I'll stay home.


MF, it sounds like Hoyt Farm is going to be active all through Porcfest and then some. It's on private property and camping will be free. It's only about an hour to Gunstock for anyone who wants to do PF stuph, which is mostly just over the weekend portion anyway. I really think you should consider having the fun tent there unless I'm mistaken about it being open at the time.