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Help and Ideas For Marijuana Protest

Started by JAC, December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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Alright, let me run a few things by you guys.  Any help would be appreciated.

1.  In early January, on the first of the month if possible, I'd like to move out to Keene.  I am going to perform the protest in Keene, and since the protest date will be January 10, I would only have to stay somewhere for a week or so.  This is just to make things easier for myself.  Obviously I'll pay you for the stay, so money is not a worry.  I don't know all the details of how I will move yet, I might have to arrange to keep my bed somewhere else or let someone here in Manchester use it.  But if I can get even a couch out in Keene that would be great.  Understand the risk you'd be taking if the police arbitrarily decide to search the place or something.

2.  Also concerning the press release, it'd be great to have more people helping me to send these things out.  Maybe even write one yourself and send it out.  Anything to spread the word and make absolutely sure that this gets national coverage.  I think that should be our goal, and I think it's achievable.  But since I have no experience in contacting the media, help in that aspect would also be appreciated.

3.  If you want to protest with me now is your chance.  I don't know if one person protesting or two or three would be more effective, but if you want in now would be the time to say so.  That way we can get your name on the press release as well.

If anyone has any thoughts, questions, or suggestions about the above information, then please post and let me and everyone else hear them.  We've got a little over a month to go and I want this thing to be executed well.  Thanks.  8)

Here's a link to the word document for the press release: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7MZ9NTAO

And here's the actual text of the press release - please give advice on both and let me know what should be changed to make it sound more professional and appealing to the media, thanks:

QuotePress Release

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         Contact:  James Andrew Carroll
   December 6, 2008            Phone:  (562) 505-1289

Young Man to Possess Marijuana as a Protest Against Current Drug Laws

KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE  –  A young, 18 year old man will purposefully possess marijuana to incite his own arrest.  At 1:00 PM on January 10, at 82 Main Street in Keene, New Hampshire, J. Andrew Carroll will illegally be in possession of marijuana as a protest against the drug laws of the country.

Echoing the thoughts of other liberty-loving people, Carroll says, "The drug war is an unconstitutional and inhumane breach of individual liberties which claims many victims, and dollars, each year."  Carroll claims he wants to "demonstrate the absurdity of putting a human being in jail for a crime with no victim."  He says the point is further demonstrated by the fact that he does not, personally, smoke marijuana, and only intends to possess it.

The war on drugs has garnered much public interest, as more and more people are becoming directly affected by it each day; and Carroll says that protesting the drug war in such a manner will bring even more attention to an already press-worthy issue.  He also says the protest will "change some minds, somewhere" about the American government's War on Drugs.

As a member of the Free State Project (FSP), an organization which is attempting to get liberty-minded people to move to New Hampshire to aid in reducing the size and power of government, Carroll moved to the Granite State from California only a few months ago.


It's an honor to have you perform this in Keene.  Is Jan 10th the absolute final date of this event?

I cannot take part in the protest, but I'll certainly attend with a video camera.  Once your press release is done, I can send it to virtually all the Keene-area media and post it to Free Keene.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on December 04, 2008, 12:18 PM NHFT
It's an honor to have you perform this in Keene.  Is Jan 10th the absolute final date of this event?

I cannot take part in the protest, but I'll certainly attend with a video camera.  Once your press release is done, I can send it to virtually all the Keene-area media and post it to Free Keene.
Thanks.  And yes.  Saturday, January 10th is the absolute final date.  I just need suggestions on finalizing the press release so that it's perfect before it can be sent out.  Then, as I have been told, it's good to follow up with phone calls and more press releases as the event draws closer.


I'll be blogging this along with some commentary about what others can do to bring the drug war to a screeching halt... if they have the will and courage for it.


just try not to bring any class D controlled substances across a state line, or have it in a quantity more than what could be considered for personal use. One joint would suffice for the purpose of your protest.

I only mention this because if differentiates between possible federal and state charges if they choose to arrest you.

You could do this without the possession angle and save yourself a lot of trouble.
IMHO it starts with decriminalization for possession of an ounce or less for personal use, like Massachusetts just passed.


Thanks Dale.

Quote from: neggy on December 04, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFTjust try not to bring any class D controlled substances across a state line, or have it in a quantity more than what could be considered for personal use. One joint would suffice for the purpose of your protest.

I only mention this because if differentiates between possible federal and state charges if they choose to arrest you.

You could do this without the possession angle and save yourself a lot of trouble.
IMHO it starts with decriminalization for possession of an ounce or less for personal use, like Massachusetts just passed.
I won't be crossing any state lines; and I will be possessing under an ounce.




As he's not a smoker, a joint seems inappropriate.  I believe he plans on simply holding out a piece of cannabis in his hand.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: neggy on December 04, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

IMHO it starts with decriminalization for possession of an ounce or less for personal use, like Massachusetts just passed.

It seems to end with the decrim. why change the law if now one goes to jail anymore... at least that is the way most people view things. Of course, have baggies, scale, hand it to a friend... all equal intent to distribute. People still get jail time, but the average person thinks the drug war is over. More people are arrested for marijuana than anytime in history. It is a huge jobs program, that resists incremental change.

Until the moral issue is the focus ie. does a person own their own body and is it wrong to attempt, through the law, to control their peaceful behavior, nothing will really change.

The drug war is lost and the powers that be know it, now it just takes people to claim the victory. History needs to remember this awful period of history and think of it in the same light as slavery or witch trials.


Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 12:20 PM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on December 04, 2008, 12:18 PM NHFT
It's an honor to have you perform this in Keene.  Is Jan 10th the absolute final date of this event?

I cannot take part in the protest, but I'll certainly attend with a video camera.  Once your press release is done, I can send it to virtually all the Keene-area media and post it to Free Keene.
Thanks.  And yes.  Saturday, January 10th is the absolute final date.  I just need suggestions on finalizing the press release so that it's perfect before it can be sent out.  Then, as I have been told, it's good to follow up with phone calls and more press releases as the event draws closer.

If you don't want to spend any extra time in jail, I would switch to an early weekday. Nothing gets done on Sun. Do you have a bondsman already? How do you plan to handle the defense?

K. Darien Freeheart

I completely congratulate you on this step! Money is too tight to do this in January, but I'll certainly cover it in my avenues.

Dave Ridley writes press releases. In addition to writing the media, I might suggest contacting some of the local groups like NORML and the SSDP (There is a FLEDGLING SSDP group outside of Keene that were REALLY excited about the prospect of MJ civil disobedience). I can pass this along to a few people in the national groups as well if you'd like.


Quote from: Kevin Dean on December 04, 2008, 02:58 PM NHFT
I completely congratulate you on this step! Money is too tight to do this in January, but I'll certainly cover it in my avenues.

Dave Ridley writes press releases. In addition to writing the media, I might suggest contacting some of the local groups like NORML and the SSDP (There is a FLEDGLING SSDP group outside of Keene that were REALLY excited about the prospect of MJ civil disobedience). I can pass this along to a few people in the national groups as well if you'd like.
Of course I'd like! :D  Anything to spread the word.

Mike Barskey

This might be worth considering: the police might want to intercept you on your way to the protest, and arrest you for possession when there is no audience or media around. One possible way to avoid that would be to hide your pot at the site of the protest the day before so you won't actually possess it until you arrive at the protest site.

K. Darien Freeheart

I read your press release and have one suggestion, which is kind of my theme now it seems...

The term "libertarian" sucks. There are a TON of people who don't consider themselves libertarians but absolutely DO want the liberty you'll be putting your ass on the line for. I've found that replacing "liberty loving" with "libertarian" appeals to more people. I don't consider myself a "libertarian" but I love liberty and will work for it. :)

Anyway, I'll pass this on to those I can. :)


Quote from: Kevin Dean on December 04, 2008, 03:17 PM NHFT
I read your press release and have one suggestion, which is kind of my theme now it seems...

The term "libertarian" sucks. There are a TON of people who don't consider themselves libertarians but absolutely DO want the liberty you'll be putting your ass on the line for. I've found that replacing "liberty loving" with "libertarian" appeals to more people. I don't consider myself a "libertarian" but I love liberty and will work for it. :)

Anyway, I'll pass this on to those I can. :)
Good point.  I want to be as inclusive as possible.  Thanks.