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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Thanks Jaq. I look forward to reading it. Kola


Quote from: Russell Kanning on January 09, 2008, 06:29 PM NHFT
not much there

There's supposedly a satellite photo of the Shanksville crash site in the days before the "crash" that shows the same gash in the ground, but I haven't seen it.


Local meeting:
January 13, 2008
7:00 PM

Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group planning meeting at Dave Diamond's apartment, 4 High Ridge Dr. in Dover.
Please park in UNNUMBERED spots only.
For more information about the location contact Dave at ddiam@ttlc.netor phone (603) 749-9159.
For information about the agenda contact Peggy Brewster at brewstout@roadrunner.com, phone 973-1555.
Please join us for planning and discussion.


We'll be showing a short movie at the meeting with time for discussion afterwards.

Flight Of American 77
Chapter Two of the Pandora's Black Box Series
produced and supported by Professional Pilots.

This feature film follows the flight as it happens in real time throughout the Air Traffic Control System on September 11, 2001. Analysis includes The Flight Data Recorder, The money and cover-up, Air Traffic Control and Radar, NORAD response and the shocking conflicts/possibilities based on information provided by the US Government.


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 06, 2008, 09:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on December 28, 2007, 04:12 PM NHFT
Maybe they'll start a group called "Former heads of State for 9/11 Truth"   ;D
Hmm, not far off :
Article: We are all prisoners now
How about former cabinet ministers:

See: http://www.911blogger.com/node/13340

Fujita Yukihisa,DPJ, asked the question regarding the truth of 9.11 to the current Prime Minister Fukuda. With the panel,he explained the conspiracy theory and made the pants of prime minister sweaty because he was the Chief Cabinet Secretary under Koizumi cabinet in 2001. He pointed out the fact that the 7th tower collapsed even though air plane did not hit it and there was the suspect of insider dealing that people benefit by using the Put Option.

If the attack was not done by Al-Qaeda,then the Iraq war cannnot be justified, so the decision of sending the Japanese self-defense force to Iraq cannot be justified as well. Thefore, the self-defense force does not need to provide the oil to the American military in order to support the operation in Iraq. It is China and Japan buying the large share of American Treasury bond,so if China and Japan stop buying the bond, America cannnot finance the war in Iraq anymore whoever become the President after Bush. Hopefully, Ron Paul will become the President and bring peace to the world.

"How could terrorists attacked the Pentagon?" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5LHUInaZ9M


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 12, 2008, 05:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on January 06, 2008, 09:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on December 28, 2007, 04:12 PM NHFT
Maybe they'll start a group called "Former heads of State for 9/11 Truth"   ;D
Hmm, not far off :
Article: We are all prisoners now
How about former cabinet ministers:

See: http://www.911blogger.com/node/13340


"How could terrorists attacked the Pentagon?" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5LHUInaZ9M

Here is a translation of his full comments:



Quote from: jaqeboy on January 09, 2008, 03:11 PM NHFT
The Shell Game, by Steve Alten

This is a new fictional work that interweaves 9/11 Truth questions into the story. Many in the 9/11 Truth movement were not happy that a book would conflate truth and fiction, but it sounds like many in the movement are coming around. The website for the book has numerous links to truth movement sites.

EXPLOSIVE book "The Shell Game" author interviewed on Visibility
9/11 Radio – Jan. 20, 2008 Steve Alten has interviewed and will
interview on many programs including Pacifica radio including, KPFA
San Francisco, KKFI Kansas City, etc.


You can hear the interview at the below link:


Just started watching a new 911T video: 9-11 New World Rising. This might be worth a watching by anyone curious about the WTC collapses.

Video trailer on YouTube - full-length video viewable as a Google Video from the home site above.


Good video and great music. Thanks!


Michael Badnarik, 911 Truther!


New Hampshire's own Student Scholars for 911 Truth at work... they're everywhere, interviewing everyone.


Off topic kind of:

I thought this thread was in the 100's for as long as it's been going on.  I'm surprised it's only 88 pages! :D


I have a question.

Has any of the material either pro/con 911 being an inside job or whatever changed anybody's mind since the beginning of this thread?


good question.

Like Kat said once, though, she started this thread as a repository for research information, so I've been using it that way. I'm not sure I could convince anyone of anything, but if someone is curious, the could view the material posted and make up their own mind.

Then, with the scheduled events and news posted at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth, the curious could get more information to assist in their decision-making.
