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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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I know, don't believe everything you read, but here is one possible explanation from when Saddam was captured:


QuoteKobilinsky says that the military appear to already have Hussein's genetic profile stored away for comparison. US forces claimed to have samples from the dictator in April 2003. This could be from personal items such as a toothbrush or cup he drank from, Kobilinsky told New Scientist.

"They certainly had access to the two sons, Uday and Qusay, who were killed," he says. A "very quick way" of identifying Saddam Hussein would be to compare the new sample with variable regions called short tandem repeats on the sons' Y-chromosomes. As this male sex chromosome is passed directly from father to son, it should match.

Kobilinsky suspects both Y-chromosome DNA and other DNA from the nucleus's of Hussein's cells would have been tested.


I'm wondering how the govt got the DNA, why they collected it, and when (regarding the 9/11 terrorists - not saddam)


Quote from: alohamonkey on January 08, 2008, 10:23 PM NHFT
I'm wondering how the govt got the DNA, why they collected it, and when (regarding the 9/11 terrorists - not saddam)

Jesus, he used to be on the payroll.  There were myriad opportunities.

If you like the cloak & daggar theories, back when old Rummy was buddy-buddy with the dictator, the CIA was probably sending him call girls.  That's a good way to get a voluntary sample straight from the source.  His sons were also carousers so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up some good samples to the CIA as well.

And you don't even really need his DNA to rule out a doppleganger; the DNA of a close relative will do.  Like one of his three daughters, perhaps, who aren't nearly as well guarded as the dictator and his sons were.  His daughter Rana defected to Jordan back in the 90's.  Her DNA should be good enough to positively ID the corpses of her brothers.  The other daughter, Raghad, also defected to Jordan.   They would probably be quite complicit in any Jordanian efforts to catalog Hussein family DNA (which is just a back channel to the CIA DNA database)


Quote from: yonder on January 08, 2008, 10:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: alohamonkey on January 08, 2008, 10:23 PM NHFT
I'm wondering how the govt got the DNA, why they collected it, and when (regarding the 9/11 terrorists - not saddam)

Jesus, he used to be on the payroll.  There were myriad opportunities.

If you like the cloak & daggar theories, back when old Rummy was buddy-buddy with the dictator, the CIA was probably sending him call girls.  That's a good way to get a voluntary sample straight from the source.  His sons were also carousers so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up some good samples to the CIA as well.

And you don't even really need his DNA to rule out a doppleganger; the DNA of a close relative will do.  Like one of his three daughters, perhaps, who aren't nearly as well guarded as the dictator and his sons were.  His daughter Rana defected to Jordan back in the 90's.  Her DNA should be good enough to positively ID the corpses of her brothers.  The other daughter, Raghad, also defected to Jordan.   They would probably be quite complicit in any Jordanian efforts to catalog Hussein family DNA (which is just a back channel to the CIA DNA database)

Speculation on the source DNA, inconclusiveness of comparison to familial DNA. We've been having these same discussions ever since he was murdered.


Quote from: yonder on January 08, 2008, 10:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: alohamonkey on January 08, 2008, 10:23 PM NHFT
I'm wondering how the govt got the DNA, why they collected it, and when (regarding the 9/11 terrorists - not saddam)

Jesus, he used to be on the payroll.  There were myriad opportunities.

If you like the cloak & daggar theories, back when old Rummy was buddy-buddy with the dictator, the CIA was probably sending him call girls.  That's a good way to get a voluntary sample straight from the source.  His sons were also carousers so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up some good samples to the CIA as well.

And you don't even really need his DNA to rule out a doppleganger; the DNA of a close relative will do.  Like one of his three daughters, perhaps, who aren't nearly as well guarded as the dictator and his sons were.  His daughter Rana defected to Jordan back in the 90's.  Her DNA should be good enough to positively ID the corpses of her brothers.  The other daughter, Raghad, also defected to Jordan.   They would probably be quite complicit in any Jordanian efforts to catalog Hussein family DNA (which is just a back channel to the CIA DNA database)

Oh yeah.  It wouldn't have been a problem at all to collect the Hussein family DNA.  I posted a link a few posts back with an interview about how the editor/researcher of Popular Mechanics said the govt positively identified the 9/11 hijackers through DNA.  I'm wondering how they collected the DNA samples from them. 


Quote from: alohamonkey on January 09, 2008, 07:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: yonder on January 08, 2008, 10:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: alohamonkey on January 08, 2008, 10:23 PM NHFT
I'm wondering how the govt got the DNA, why they collected it, and when (regarding the 9/11 terrorists - not saddam)

Jesus, he used to be on the payroll.  There were myriad opportunities.

If you like the cloak & daggar theories, back when old Rummy was buddy-buddy with the dictator, the CIA was probably sending him call girls.  That's a good way to get a voluntary sample straight from the source.  His sons were also carousers so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up some good samples to the CIA as well.

And you don't even really need his DNA to rule out a doppleganger; the DNA of a close relative will do.  Like one of his three daughters, perhaps, who aren't nearly as well guarded as the dictator and his sons were.  His daughter Rana defected to Jordan back in the 90's.  Her DNA should be good enough to positively ID the corpses of her brothers.  The other daughter, Raghad, also defected to Jordan.   They would probably be quite complicit in any Jordanian efforts to catalog Hussein family DNA (which is just a back channel to the CIA DNA database)

Oh yeah.  It wouldn't have been a problem at all to collect the Hussein family DNA.  I posted a link a few posts back with an interview about how the editor/researcher of Popular Mechanics said the govt positively identified the 9/11 hijackers through DNA.  I'm wondering how they collected the DNA samples from them. 

Wingardium Leviosa   ;D


Quote from: jaqeboy on December 14, 2007, 08:50 AM NHFT
PS, I think it's easier to do the research than it is to get into the interminable speculations and counter-arguments to speculations, such as "chimney effects." You could probably word-search the Commission Report, the FEMA report and the NIST report (the 3 official documents) on chimney effect faster than you could make a speculative argument for it and then argue back and forth about it. You could google chimney effect WTC7, etc., etc. - lots of ways to get to that. I don't think anyone has to question or de-bunk chimney effect re the fires in WTC1, 2 or 7. It's not even one of the issues suggested (except on this thread  ;D  )

Just to further flog a hopefully dead horse: the "chimney effect" or "stack effect" in the WTC towers... This YouTube video of MIT engineer Jeff King touches on the design of the buildings, and specifically mentions:

at 5:17 - ..."specifically designed to prevent "chimney effect", and

at 5:34 - ... "hermetically sealed system", and "fire shutters that apparently worked"...

This was recorded at the L.A. conference of May, 2006



The Shell Game, by Steve Alten

This is a new fictional work that interweaves 9/11 Truth questions into the story. Many in the 9/11 Truth movement were not happy that a book would conflate truth and fiction, but it sounds like many in the movement are coming around. The website for the book has numerous links to truth movement sites.


Russell Kanning


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 09, 2008, 03:11 PM NHFT
Many in the 9/11 Truth movement were not happy that a book would conflate truth and fiction, ...



Quote from: Russell Kanning on January 09, 2008, 06:29 PM NHFT
not much there

Sooooper passsport.  ;)

Took me a minute to find this one. How to create an angry American:



Isn't puppetgov great!

We have a lot of videos captured at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth's site: http://9-11.meetup.com/307/pages/Videos/


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 09, 2008, 03:11 PM NHFT
The Shell Game, by Steve Alten

PRESS RELEASE -- N.Y. Times Best Selling author releases cautionary
tale exposing deceptions of Bush Admin.

Why were there no jet-fighters dispatched on 9/11? Why was NORAD
engaged in upwards of five separate military exercises in Canadian
air space on the day of the worst attack in U.S. history? Why were
false blips allowed to be projected onto FAA screens, confusing air
flight controllers? Why was Cheney in-charge of NORAD on 9/11? Did
the Vice President order a stand-down so that the attacks would

These probing questions, ignored by the 9/11 commission, have been
posed over and again by frustrated 9/11 Truth organizations who have
demanded answers yet receive scant media attention. That could all
change with the release of a new book: The SHELL GAME, by NY times
best-selling author Steve Alten. Written in the guise of a fictional
thriller, this cautionary tale exposes the deceptions of the Bush
Administration to a mainstream audience while detailing the next
9/11 event, already in the planning stages, that will make the case
for an invasion of Iran...all part of the neo-conservative agenda.

Two revealing 90-second book trailers were released on YouTube at
The trailers lead viewers to a new website:
http://www.theshellgame.net featuring links to Peak Oil and 9/11
Truth websites and videos.

The author, who has had several novels appear on best-seller lists,
believes the topic is timely, and that most Americans want to be
informed about the real motives behind the 9/11 attacks. "I first
began researching The SHELL GAME in 2003 because I was interested in
Peak Oil and the implications of what happens when we run out.
Everything the Bush Administration has done, from secret energy
meetings to their quashing of 9/11 investigations by the FBI, to the
invasion of Iraq and now the threats surrounding Iran have to do
with society running out of oil. What the SHELL GAME does is
disseminate the information in an entertaining, often shocking
storyline. The hero of the novel goes on an odyssey into the dark
heart of where America has been headed for the last half decade.
The Patriot Act, false flag terrorism, the politics of oil control,
the lies that lead nations to wars . . . all the things activists
have begged people to look at for these long years . . . will be
exposed to a mass public that enjoys reading page-turning action

The book, which officially debuts on January 22, has garnered strong
reviews and has nearly pre-sold its 40,000 first edition printing.

To interview Steve Alten, contact Lissy Peace at Blanco & Peace: 312-


Maybe the New Hampshire Underground book editor could land an interview with the author...


The Shell Game Book Trailer:
