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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Can't you stooges find someone with working brain to stop the Tunga?

Sorry, stupid question.

PattyLee loves dogs

Tunga, I have been doing some constructive activism while you have been posting. Protesting expansion of war, holding sign "Bring Troops Home". I think this to be more important than argument w Tunga, who is not open to thinking now. PL


Anti matter is real. They have been making the stuff in particle accelerators for the better part of goin on 20 years now. Yup. Anti electrons. Anti protons. Storing up on big electromagnetic rail roads at 90 percent of the speed of light and smashing em together to observe the effects over femto seconds. 
Particle beams if you will. It's limited in scope as the apparatus is typically big and bulky. However one can short circuit the storage rings and go directly to annihilation using a small nuke.
There are several different styles of nuke that we know of. That is to say there is a difference between an atomic bomb a hydrogen bomb a neutron bomb etc etc etc. 
The bomb builders didn't stop in the early sixties when most of the worlds nuke powers agreed that open air detonation was  bad for all the living things here on earth. No the bomb builders collaborated with computer builders to figure out new and better ways to wipe us all out.  They built bombs in cyberspace and practiced with them in virtual environs until they felt they had a workable model. Now; there is a perceived need among peoples of the world to covet. To that end; the bomb builders ran into the small world syndrome (SWS), more commonly known as MAD or mutually  assured destruction. Smaller nukes! Thats the ticket! 
Tritium was common in the earths atmosphere all the while we were blowing these matter anti matter annihilators up. Tritium is also naturally produced in interactions between the earths upper atmosphere and incoming solar energies. The level of tritium in the atmosphere is monitored as a way of verifying test ban treaties. China was the last to join the open air ban. People like to say Americans are arrogant. Tunga case in point. China takes the cake.
North Korea is still in the dark ages with its program so to be fair, the Chinese were really stupid to give the North Koreans all the technology that Billy Blowjob Clinton gave them. Thats a story thats already been told so Tunga will now come to the point. 
Sort of. 
Nuclear blasts propagate through space at light speed. Time and space are connected to each other in such a way that when one annihilates matter, that is when causes stuff that is to become stuff that isn't weird things happen. What happens to the time that is generated by the stuff that suddenly ceases to exist? That is a problem. Not that you should care except that certain effects on the material world in proximity to said detonation is effected in strange ways. 
On 9-11 cars parked some distance from the trade center burned and melted in certain areas but not others. Some type of selective  field effect ran through them. 
Dr. Wood documented electromagnetic anomalies at the exact same time the basement of WTC 1 ceased to exist.
Dr. Ward documented that tritium levels were 55 times over normal in the water that washed over the WTC remains. 
Most of the WTC recovery workers ( who were repeatedly told the air was safe to breath by the EPA) are sick or dead.
So you go right ahead and carry your CFC free sign of protest. The World Bank is real scared of you and your cardboard cutouts. 
The beings that want you to believe resistance is futile love it when you freeze your ass off out there on the street. They only respect one thing and that is force. Maybe your mind is up to the task. Maybe you need a gun to help give you courage. 
They are not going away until we as a people wake up and realize in a collective kind of way that these god damned murderous motherfuckers need to be exterminated in a really bad way. 
Just sayin. Word up. :)


peep the style and the kids checking for it
The number one question is 
How could you ignore it?
We drop right back in the cut
Over basement tracks
With raps that got you backing this up like
(rewind that)
Were just rolling with the rhythm
Rise from the ashes of the stylistic division
With these non-stop lyrics of life living
Not to be forgotten
But still unforgivin'
But in the meantime there are those who wanna
Talk this and that
So I suppose it gets to a point
Feelings gotta get hurt
And get dirty with the people spreading the dirt
(it goes) 
Try to give you warning
But everyone ignores me
(Told you everything loud and clear)
But nobody's listening
Linkin Park - Nobody's listening

PattyLee loves dogs

QuoteAnti matter is real. They have been making the stuff in particle accelerators for the better part of goin on 20 years now.

The positron was first created and identified in the lab by Anderson in 1932, so that's a bit more than 20 years. Not that antimatter has any relevance to the WTC attack, since antimatter-matter reactions release gamma rays, which would have caused lots of radiation-poisoning cases. And of course a rather loud nuclear-explosion "bang", which was not heard... only Boris and Natasha have hushaboom, the silent explosive.

So Tunga (who named himself after a flea genus that carries anti-human diseases) knows that Admiral Poindexter was brought back after his Iran-contra conviction to run the TIA; an interesting fact known to few humans. Yet Tunga speaks English of no historically known dialect, and spends all his time posting mutually contradictory conspiracy theories on Internet forums.

Conclusion (using Tunga's methods of non sequitur and conclusion-leaping): Tunga is not in fact human, but is one of David Ickes' reptilian aliens. In fact, he's probably having tea with the Queen of England right now, on her antimatter-powered samovar.

But let's not stoop to anti-Reptilian-Alien bigotry... Tunga has every right to conquer and enslave the Earth and its Internet forums, as long as he does it without violating the non-aggression principle, the Prime Directive, and the Codicil of Centauri IV.


Except, what does "how's Coutu" mean?

Plus underground explosions can be muted. And as we pointed out there are many different types of nuke with different fallout. The EPA lied about the air and who knows if they even checked for radiation?

Do you think the tritium results were faked?

How is it that you know so much about the Tunga ( with exception of his true earthly origins) and nukes, but you won't explain why there was only one small jet engine at the pentagon and none in shanksville?


Tunga was born in the year of the dog and he is really starting to like you too.
Let's go shooting? Not at each other of course. That would be a violation of the prime directive.

PS; trust me, the queen is a lousy lay. 

PattyLee loves dogs

Quoteyou won't explain why there was only one small jet engine at the pentagon and none in shanksville?

How would we even know that for sure? As long as government agencies control all the forensic evidence, there's no way to sort out what happened. Look at the Waco episode, where all the evidence was bulldozed and burned (except for the critical door, which disappeared entirely). I agree with David Friedman that the only workable solution is private competing protection agencies. I was at Waco protesting before the final attack, BTW.

But none of this has anything to do with getting the existing humans with their existing memes to stop the Afghan and Iraq crusades, or Aid To Dependent Dictators in general. And all the information necessary to argue against foreign intervention is right in the standard histories; there's nothing secret about US aid to Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Castro, Bin Laden, etc. etc.

Throwing out wild claims about nuclear bombs at the WTC does no one any good. Digging for evidence is good, but just making wild unprovable assertions only helps Admiral Poindexter. And simultaneously making mutually contradictory unprovable assertions for conventional shaped charges, thermite, beam weapons, nuclear bombs, and jet fuel helped along by sabotage of the sprinkler system (I know I missed a few people's hypotheses, sorry) falls squarely into the herpetological extraterrestrial area.


Heres how serve reptiles;


Patty, the wild claims you are so desperate to discredit are sourced from the governments official documentaion.

So you were at Waco? Your a fan of the fifty caliber? Sorry but there's no place around here big enough to soot the freakin thing. We were thinking more allong the lines of Smith & Wesson or Kalishnikof. Seriously let's go shoot together.

None of the agencies under homeland security have any business changing the toilet paper in this country let alone protecting us. You want to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic? Whatever blows your dress up.

You are way to smart to believe intelligence agencies could police each other without completely annilhalating themselves. Talk about contradiction. 

Coutu? What is that?   

PattyLee loves dogs

Tunga, Jean Coutu  posts on these boards. He is organizing an event in August for support of free speech. He works against creepy politicians. I have never met him or anything but it broke by heart when I heard he was in jail with a felony conviction for attempting Good Samaritan work during a NH ice storm. He came to the aid of ladies without electricity,  using a generator and for this, apparently now is selectively prosecuted. Can you send money to him to help his legal defense? I can't.
I am flattered about the offer to shoot but I will decline. I am much more interested in 2nd amendment defense and am not actually interested in shooting guns anymore. I can refer you to the group Second Amendment Sisters who could use support.

For now I am focused on this criminal expansion of war. I will be concluding my posts on this 9/11 thread  but carry on.
I am just wanting to focus on antiwar stuff.
I invite you and all who might be reading this to protest at warmongering, flipper Congresswoman Shea Porter's office:
Friday, 12/11 at
11:00 AM
33 Lowell Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Thanks a lot. ;)




This note accompanied the forward that had the You Tube link to the CBC programme previously posted.
QuoteThe following You Tube links provide a copy of this documentary,
(recently shown on Canadian TV, November 27th, 2009).
This video is currently being blocked at the CBC's official
website from being viewed by US citizens. However, someone has posted
this video on YouTube, (and it is currently available, as of
12/06/09). Watch them while you can. They could be removed.

PattyLee loves dogs

Please read this editorial from Antiwar.com and I hope this convinces some thinkers that  we need help on the antiwar protests now. PL:

Trutherism and the future of the antiwar movement.

      One of the more politically disastrous outcomes of the modern anti-war movement and the disposable left is the rise of trutherism as a popular pseudo-ideology. While trutherism isn't any more toxic or retarded than the stalinoid bullshit from communist cargo-cults like International ANSWER, it is far more popular and widespread. Most "workers" party members are geriatric at this point, and it is clear that communism is at long last a dead horse, dangerous only to those dumb enough to try and ride it. Trutherism however, is young, vital, seductive and viral to a younger generation too illiterate of history and afraid of reality to resist the siren song of a conspiracy theory worldview.

      It is so deeply embarrassing to any intelligent member of the anti-war movement that trutherism has become our de-facto ideology that we tend to just dismiss or ignore it. Trutherism is such complete bullshit that the desire to ignore it is certainly understandable, but it isn't going to go away of its own accord. As of right now truthers seem incapable of organizing anything more complex than a movie night, but the links between thruthers and holocaust deniers are not accidental. We have enough of an image problem in the anti-war movement without the white supremacist fringe being invited in. Are we not marginal enough already? Do we need to make it that much easier for our enemies to ridicule and discredit us? Do we need to make it that much harder for normal people to listen to us? Is this a political movement or collection of crackpots?

      Trutherism needs to be taken seriously, not as a set of ideas or a political position, but as an endemic disorder of the disposable left that has spread throughout the anti-war movement like syphilis in a cheap whore house. Unchecked it will produce the same result: incurable dementia. Fighting it begins with a clinical examination of trutherism.

      Like Nazism, trutherism is a strange mix of the extreme left, the extreme right and the whack-job fringe. Like Nazism it has a powerful appeal to the socially and emotionally retarded, the half educated, the deeply paranoid, the complete loser, and the failed joiner. The basic worldview of trutherism, its pseudo-epistemology, its standards of evidence, logic and argument are those of ufology. In a sense trutherism is ufology as politics, the half-baked worldview of coast to coast AM applied to the atrocity of 9/11 and the crisis of empire it provoked. In this culture a blurry photograph, an unverifiable source, and an internet rumor are all believed without question while any normal standards of evidence and logic are treated with the bitterest skepticism. Any challenge to truther bullshit is usually seen as part of the CONSPIRACY, and debunking truther arguments is as pointless as debunking big foot sightings or UFO abduction reports. Like religious fanatics, the more truthers are challenged, the more they cling to their beliefs, and like ufologists, more fabricated evidence will always be produced to replace that which has been completely debunked.

      Like ufologists, truthers see themselves as possessing a magical "truth" that elevates them above the common masses of "sheep", having discovered the secret key that unlocks the secret meaning of human history. Here their own metaphor of "taking the red pill" is very apt. Like a crack addict who instead of seeking to understand or deal with his personal problems, solves them with a crack pipe, truthers ignore the profound political problems facing the anti-war movement in favor of a simplistic video game narrative that casts them as persecuted dissidents fighting a world dominating conspiracy. Just as Adolf Hitler discovered a world wide conspiracy of Jews and Masons against the German nation and the Aryan race, truthers have discovered an evil conspiracy (which just happens to have so many Jewish members) against freedom and liberty, a conspiracy so strange and stupid that it blew itself up in order to launch wars it could have launched anyway. Why this conspiracy, one apparently powerful enough to fabricate 9/11 and murder thousands of members of the financial and military elites, and get away with it, doesn't just round up the truthers and shoot them, is never explained.

      What trutherism takes from the extreme left is the long and stupid tradition of taking absurd political positions instead of actually doing something radical. This is how we get environmentalists who argue for the extermination of their own species (you first, brother) and vulgar feminists who declare that all sex is rape (does that apply to your own parents and children?). This is one of the core traditions of disposable leftism. It replaces the hard work and danger of actually fighting for the exploited and oppressed with a meaningless verbal activity. Real radicalism asks a lot of you, but becoming a political crank requires nothing more than stupidity. Here trutherism , like so much of the disposable left, is a Saturday-morning-cartoon ideology for a Saturday-morning-cartoon resistance, a pretend movement for people too stupid to know the difference between real dissent and resistance and the cargo-cult rituals of the protest ghetto to nowhere. When "revolution" is just another vapid form of consumerism, trutherism sells and reality doesn't.

      What trutherism takes from the extreme right is an intense political paranoia and a belief in conspiracies and secret societies as the only engines of human history, a deep ignorance of how societies actually work and how people in power actually behave. This paranoid conspiracy culture flourished on the far right during the Clinton years in stories of black helicopters, secret UN plots to take over the country, shadow governments in waiting and concentration camps being prepared for patriots and Christians. This is the culture that motivated Timothy McVeigh, and then refused to believe that he had anything to do with his act of terrorism. Like an opportunistic parasite this culture switched hosts after the 2000 election debacle and 9/11, but it maintains its roots on the extreme right, which is why if you click enough 911truth links you will find yourself reading the Protocols of The Elders of Zion.

      Trutherism also builds on a tradition of the isolationist and paleoconservative right, that of rewriting the history of the second world war. Some of these projects are perfectly reasonable attempts to examine allied mistakes, debunk war propaganda and shed light on the record of allied war atrocities. Others are much less reasonable attempts to portray the axis powers as having been forced into their wars of genocide and world conquest by Churchill and FDR. At the extreme end it is claimed that the British attacked pearl harbor (or some other nonsense), and it is in these fantastic pseudo-histories that we find a direct parallel with trutherist claims that the attack on 9/11 was a giant hologram. These attempts are sometimes motivated by a deep hatred of America or a strange sympathy with Adolf Hitler (to which Buchanan has actually admitted), but they are mostly an attempt to reverse the political death blow that the second world war dealt to American Isolationism. Here there is another direct parallel with trutherism in the attempt to solve the problem of how to avoid war when you have enemies determined to wage it, enemies that will give you the choice of fighting or being herded into a concentration camp, with conspiracy theory and false history. This is, of course, the most profound problem facing the anti-war movement, and it will not be solved by pseudo-history or self-delusion. As Saul Alinsky said, the price of victory is a better idea.

      With all these parallels on the far right it can certainly be argued that trutherism isn't leftism at all. So what is trutherism doing all over the left? Why are so many leftists and progressives who should know better either tolerant or even sympathetic with trutherism? The answer is that while trutherism isn't leftism, it is a form of disposable leftism, because diposable leftism is leftism hollowed out of any meaning or purpose, detached from political reality and turned into a form of vapid consumerism. In this universe trutherism is more viable than Marxism, because Marxism requires a lot of reading and hard work to master, while becoming a truther is like watching an episode of the X-files. For all its many defects and historical crimes, Marxism has produced real radicals and viable movements. All trutherism produces is noise and nonsense, and the further marginalization of the anti-war movement. The price the anti-war movement is paying right now for the rise of trutherism can be seen in the Obama administration, where we are utterly ignored because we have no political credibility. Obama was happy to use us a tools in his primary fight with Hillary, but once that was over with he looked at us a political albatross and moved quickly to outflank McCain on the right. Now the war in Afghanistan is being escalated while there is no real evidence that we are leaving Iraq, and we are left to complain like crybabies as we are sold down the river. Squandering your own political credibility by harboring conspiracy theory cranks has real consequences, and now we are facing them. Stop complaining and pick a mirror, bro. We deserve exactly what we have gotten.

      It is long past time for every responsible member of the anti-war movement, the real left (and the small part of the libertarian movement that is actually opposed to war) to make a clear stand against trutherism and to do everything in their power to deny it any platform or voice. When we fail, people die. Right now the body count from the bush wars in somewhere near 100,000 dead human beings. I understand that for most of you these are just numbers, just images on a screen, and that your activist vanity prevents you from processing the fact that we are part of the reason these people are dead, as we failed in our historical mission to stop these wars. Their blood is on our hands too. When we tolerate truther bullshit, when we do anything less than everything we can do to drive it out, we are setting ourselves up for even more failures in the future, and the failures of the anti-war movement mean victories for the war party: bombed out cities, slaughtered children, abu-ghraibs, and a world moving towards nuclear war. The large coastal cities most of you live in will be targets in a nuclear war. It is time to grow up. Long past time.


Hi, PL, I found the link to that piece here: http://antiwar-talk.com/topic.php?id=59

What's interesting about this piece is its use of one propaganda technique after another. See: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0111500/proptech.htm

One should wonder what is so appealing about:
Quoteto make a clear stand against... to do everything in their power to deny it any platform or voice.
If you did want to keep people from finding out the truth about some historical event, wouldn't it be helpful if you could deny truth seekers a platform or voice.

There is actually a countervailing view that the antiwar movement will never get anywhere without acknowledging the truth about the 9/11 attacks. I'll look for one of the good articles about that for you.

Thank you for being concerned and actively speaking out (and standing with signs in the cold weather).