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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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My request to Steve Foskett of Worcester Telegram and Gazette:

To: Steven H. Foskett Jr., Worcester Telegram and Gazette;

I'm just writing because of the governor's comment that "The steel girders look like piles of spaghetti". I've seen the photo on the site that is from high up. Do you have any closer photos of the steel girders that you could send to me?

I'm a metallurgist and I hope you understand that there is considerable discussion amongst our community regarding whether or not steel girders will melt in a building fire (in reference to the WTC 1, 2 and 7 collapses). I'm just doing my due diligence in keeping abreast of this issue, so anything you have would be helpful for my files.


Thanks for your interest. The only photos I know of are the ones posted to
our website, www.telegram.com. We take all our photos digitally, and the
ones we don't use are typically discarded rather early. We'll be running
more stories all week, including Sunday, so there will be more photos
running. So keep checking back to see if there's something that helps you

Sounds like interesting stuff.



Btw, there's a strong possibility that the girders in this mill were iron, not carbon steel. We could check on the contruction epoch, but I'd bet they're iron.


Quote from: jaqeboy on July 25, 2007, 10:55 AM NHFT
Btw, there's a strong possibility that the girders in this mill were iron, not carbon steel. We could check on the contruction epoch, but I'd bet they're iron.

The melting point of Iron is 1535º C ( 2795º F ) http://www.noblemind.com/search.exe?keyword=Iron+Melting+Point&var=2

Not sure what the critical temp is for iron as far as structural safety calculations are concerned. I'm sure lots of things were calculated differently when this mill was constructed.


Made similar request to Richard A. Nangle

--- his reply ---

I'll see what i can pull together and e-mail them to you. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days write again.

Richard A. Nangle
Worcester Telegram & Gazette


Jaqeboy is quite the conversationalist, eh?  ;D


Sorry if that was a monologue - it was late, no one else was on and I was on a tear!



Quote from: alohamonkey on July 28, 2007, 01:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on July 28, 2007, 09:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on July 28, 2007, 12:57 AM NHFT
I know, I'm the one that suggested moving this, but...

Quote from: KBCraig on July 27, 2007, 07:43 PM NHFT
This was not an open-air flame. It was forced-air, from the massive draft....


To what are you referring here? Where was there a massive draft in WTC7? Just want to know if you have some line on something I have not heard about.

Where? Ummm... everywhere. Big fire in what amounts to a large chimney, means massive draft.

I'm not following you here man.

The notion that there was a large chimney effect and a massive draft doesn't seem to be supported by the photos that I have seen, such as on this page: http://killtown.911review.org/wtc7/fire.html

Do you have some pics that show the fires burning with this large chimney effect? The flames in the above pics appear to burning outside the windows to get their oxygen.

Did they release blueprints of the building? Does it show a large chimney that could carry the smoke, etc. up a flue-like passage? I want to see the possibilities here. Are the 9/11 Truth sites cherry-picking the photos of WTC7 to manipulate us?


BTW, speaking of WTC7, has anyone seen any other information about this official who claims to have been present when there were explosions in WTC7 before the collapse of 1 & 2?

Don't know what to think of this! I guess the idea is that the Loose Change crew will reveal all when LC Final Cut is released.



Another "burning" question: Has everyone seen the Alex Jones interview of Aaron Russo?


Just showing it to a friend and it occurs to me that we should show it at the next Merrimack Valley 911 Truth event as an intro, so MOPs (members of the public) will get an insight into the bigger picture of how the establishment players, like the Rockefellers, think and operate. Looks like Nick Rock was terribly indiscrete about the planning of the "event" and the follow on war on terror. Has anyone heard any negative feedback about the Russo interview? Any reason to doubt it?

Russell Kanning

We have started a new movement

Bumpkins 4 9/11 Truth

It has room for country bumpkins, truth seekers, conspirace debunkers, rubes, hicks, and yokels like me that are interested in getting to the bottom of what happened on 9/11.

We will put up a new page on the wiki soon.

Let us know (or just do it) if you want to add your picture, your ideas or you think we are all just dumb hayseeds who should leave the analysis to the experts, the official government 9/11 commission, the various scholars, or the mainstream media.


The Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth interviewed a couple of Presidential candidates and got it all on video:

Mitt Romney

Mike Gravel


If anyone would like to receive announcements of 9/11 Truth events in the region, Boston 9/11 Truth manages a moderated announcement list that you can subscribe to here:

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit http://lists.boston911truth.org/mailman/listinfo/announce


There are a slew of 9/11 Truth events coming up, including a meeting in Keene tonight.

A bunch of things are posted on the Merrimack Valley 911 Truth calendar for convenience. I think the policy there is to post everything that is within an hour - 1.5 hour drive from Manchester.

Of great interest will be 2 conferences and many street actions on September 11th in New York. I believe there will be a charter bus arranged for transport to that event, but info will be posted on MV911T.