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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 30, 2007, 09:48 PM NHFT
hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)

Yeah, I can give a summary of the event for KFP. More and more stuff keeps coming out, even 6 years on, so it might be good to keep your readership up-to-date.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 30, 2007, 09:48 PM NHFT
hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)

Press gets in for free  :)


"Press/Media Policy:

We encourage all members of the press and media to attend. Free admission with valid press credentials. Video or photographs allowed for only non commercial purposes. Press/Media information and questions please call Damon Bean 860-559-8203"

Not sure if they would accept my laminated KFP badge as "valid press credentials" though. Suppose it's worth checking!


Martin Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
Follows in footsteps of son Charlie Sheen, highlights implausible collapse of WTC 7, asks why building was "rigged"

Article and video: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/october2007/291007_sheen_questions.htm


Interviewed at an anti-war rally in L.A.

Russell Kanning

we heard the lead counsel for the government down in guantanamo explaining how and why they do things there on npr tonight.
He says the war began on 9/11 and that they are just protecting the usa. Everything for him comes down to 9/11 and not forgetting. He thinks people are forgetting.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Insurgent on October 31, 2007, 08:41 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 30, 2007, 09:48 PM NHFT
hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)

Press gets in for free  :)

We encourage all members of the press and media to attend. Free admission with valid press credentials. Video or photographs allowed for only non commercial purposes. Press/Media information and questions please call Damon Bean 860-559-8203"

Not sure if they would accept my laminated KFP badge as "valid press credentials" though. Suppose it's worth checking!
It has always worked for me. You can even say you head up the "9/11 desk".


Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 01, 2007, 09:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on October 31, 2007, 08:41 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 30, 2007, 09:48 PM NHFT
hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)

Press gets in for free  :)

We encourage all members of the press and media to attend. Free admission with valid press credentials. Video or photographs allowed for only non commercial purposes. Press/Media information and questions please call Damon Bean 860-559-8203"

Not sure if they would accept my laminated KFP badge as "valid press credentials" though. Suppose it's worth checking!
It has always worked for me. You can even say you head up the "9/11 desk".

"9/11 desk"--nice! I guess that I'll bring my camera, pencil and press pass and see what transpires. It looks to be a phenomenal event!


Quote from: Insurgent on November 01, 2007, 09:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 01, 2007, 09:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on October 31, 2007, 08:41 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 30, 2007, 09:48 PM NHFT
hey Jaqeboy .... could you give us a recap from the Hartford event for the Keene Free Press?
We could also use short articles from NHer folk who are 9/11 Truthers. We have not run an article for a while. Time to stir the pot. :)

Press gets in for free  :)

We encourage all members of the press and media to attend. Free admission with valid press credentials. Video or photographs allowed for only non commercial purposes. Press/Media information and questions please call Damon Bean 860-559-8203"

Not sure if they would accept my laminated KFP badge as "valid press credentials" though. Suppose it's worth checking!
It has always worked for me. You can even say you head up the "9/11 desk".

"9/11 desk"--nice! I guess that I'll bring my camera, pencil and press pass and see what transpires. It looks to be a phenomenal event!

You need one of those old school hats, like Matt Drudge wears. Then you tuck this tag under the ribbon that says "PRESS."

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Insurgent on November 01, 2007, 09:26 PM NHFT
"9/11 desk"--nice! I guess that I'll bring my camera, pencil and press pass and see what transpires. It looks to be a phenomenal event!
If you can get us a nice picture of the crowd or something like that along with the short account, it will help a lot.


MaineShark, I remember you were concerned about what Architects and Engineers have to say about WTC tower collapse phenomenon. Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, will be at the Hartford Conference this weekend. Can you make it? If it's a financial hardship, I'll pay your way in and put you up for the night.

Details at http://911hartford.org. Call me if you want to meet down there for lodgings and hangin out, ok?

Russell Kanning

does that mean it is too complicated for us bumpkins? ;)


Quote from: lawofattraction on November 03, 2007, 07:24 PM NHFT
This Devvy Kidd article should be of interest to the 911 truthers among us:


Great article, law--thanks for the find!

"My recent column on 911 brought in a handful of emails calling me all kinds of colorful names and worn out labels. It never ceases to amaze me when people send email accusing me of saying all sorts of things in one of my columns that aren't there..."


Quote from: lawofattraction on November 03, 2007, 07:24 PM NHFT
This Devvy Kidd article should be of interest to the 911 truthers among us:


The Dynamite Redhead says:

"I say those who call family members, first responders, FDNY personnel, former commercial airline pilots and just average Americans who ask reasonable questions, nut cases and worse, and who haven't done a single minute of research, you are gutless cowards. Because to find out the truth would require you to step up to the plate and do the morally right thing: join millions of us in demanding a new, unbiased investigation and a grand jury and that would disturb the old comfort zone."


Some good aerial shots (58) from the first footnote link in the Devvy Kidd article:


Still looking for good shots of the damage on the south side of WTC7 (facing the towers), but these still seem hard to come by. The theory that the damage on the south face makes it obvious it fell due to damage would depend on some shots showing extensive damage there for me to believe it. I have heard both that there are shots that show extensive damage and shots showing no damage, but haven't seen either.

These frames do show WTC7, which jumps out of the picture often due to it's trapezoidal footprint: 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 45, 46, 47, 50, then after the collapse: 51, 52, 55, 56.

The NIST final report on WTC7 is due out before the end of the year and they supposedly have thousands of pics and many videos, all of which they purchased from private parties.

The latest they have apparently said is what's in the June 29, 2007 status report press release.

At the Hartford Conference, Richard Gage says he and his organization ae911truth.org had asked NIST what the latest was, and that's when they responded "end of the year."