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Visit Andrew in Westmoreland

Started by TackleTheWorld, June 04, 2009, 04:49 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

yea ... i don't think the cops will hurt him, since they are going to send him to the gym (mpr) ... he must be cooperating somewhat
if he doesn't start fights the other inmates will  be semi-friendly

Andrews Mom

Andrew start a fight, that's funny.  I just hope the inmates will be nice to him too.  You know you all tease about getting raped and such, that is the scariest thought to me.  He doesn't belong in jail as you all know and I don't want the experience to scar him. 

Andrews Mom

If any of you saw Andrew today just write a quik note to let me know how he looked and how his spirit was.  Thanks

Fluff and Stuff

A dozen or so of us showed up to see him today.  I saw him.  Andrew looked great.  The back of his neck was still sunburned from his long walk to jail.  He didn't have any blisters on his feet from the long walk, though.  He told me he hadn't been raped or in any fights.  He saw Sam once and smiled or something.  Andrew isn't eating but is drinking milk and should get out sometime around Wednesday.


Andrew was in good spirits, he complained about being bored.  Said he didn't have a mattress for part of the first night and tried to sleep on the floor but the bones against concrete was not a winning situation. He said he's got a pencil and stuff to read, but doesn't feel like he's being corrected.   


He seemed to be in very light spirits. I passed on your concern from the boards and he said you worry too much. :) Apparently the others know him from Sam, who has established quite an inroads with other inmates, and so Andrew was received very positively by the other inmates. They are not giving him any trouble.


is there a thread which shows why he is there?


Andrews Mom


Yes I am sure i worry too much but thanks for the update.  Glad to hear he is doing ok, I can not help but worry and can not wait till he gets out of there. He knows how I am, and he knows I worry WAY too much so I guess he will get through all this with or without me and I will be there waiting no matter what...

Russell Kanning

good to hear guys

the local government wanted him in jail for a few days for holding some weeds
i bet he has met a dozen more like himself
