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Is anarchism/minarchism/anarocapitalism hostile towards libertarianism?

Started by Rodinia, June 22, 2009, 04:34 PM NHFT

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Quote from: violence on July 02, 2009, 11:34 PM NHFTwhat don't you fucking get? i don't want a violent government. and a government (people) punishing people for REAL CRIMES. is NOT bad violence. yes there is a good and bad violence.

So, what are "real crimes," anyway?

Murder, theft, etc., right?

How about if I stand up and say, "hey, I don't want to be part of your system, so you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone"...?  Would that be a "real crime?"

I'm all for stopping violent thugs from attacking innocent people.  But any monopoly government has to, at some point, enforce its monopoly, against someone who is not doing anything violent to anyone - just refusing to participate.

Quote from: violence on July 02, 2009, 11:34 PM NHFTi would live under anarchy, i would prefer it to any government at all. but its simply not possible NEVER possible. because you will not convince everyone, and some people will form a government and kill you and/or take your stuff.

A system which was in place for a million years is "not possible?"  I don't think that word means what you think it means.  Statism is a novel invention.  At the time of the "agricultural revolution," farmers became tied to their land, and easy for thugs to control.  The farmer, lacking modern technology, had to devote most of his time and energy to his crops, and didn't have time or energy to resist the thugs.  So they proliferated.

Modern farming and weapons technology have removed that obstacle.  The farmer is no longer obligated to devote as much time and energy to his farm, and much of the population no longer farms, at all.  Modern firearms eliminate the power disparity between the young/strong/popular and the old/weak/alone, so that issue no longer applies.  Reason has changed the rules, and the statists can't win at the new game.



Quote from: MaineShark on August 04, 2009, 03:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: violence on July 02, 2009, 11:34 PM NHFTwhat don't you fucking get? i don't want a violent government. and a government (people) punishing people for REAL CRIMES. is NOT bad violence. yes there is a good and bad violence.

So, what are "real crimes," anyway?

Murder, theft, etc., right?

How about if I stand up and say, "hey, I don't want to be part of your system, so you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone"...?  Would that be a "real crime?"

I'm all for stopping violent thugs from attacking innocent people.  But any monopoly government has to, at some point, enforce its monopoly, against someone who is not doing anything violent to anyone - just refusing to participate.

Quote from: violence on July 02, 2009, 11:34 PM NHFTi would live under anarchy, i would prefer it to any government at all. but its simply not possible NEVER possible. because you will not convince everyone, and some people will form a government and kill you and/or take your stuff.



real crimes have a victim, real crimes have damage physically or financially.

I never said anything about government having a monopoly dealing with criminals, we should all be able to defend ourselves and our property.

you standing up and doing that a crime? is this bait? what is this? of course its not a crime. what the hell are you talking about?


Quote from: violence on August 04, 2009, 04:06 PM NHFTreal crimes have a victim, real crimes have damage physically or financially.

I never said anything about government having a monopoly dealing with criminals, we should all be able to defend ourselves and our property.

you standing up and doing that a crime? is this bait? what is this? of course its not a crime. what the hell are you talking about?

So, in your ideal society, there's this government, but if I don't want their services, I can do things on my own, or hire others to do things for me, and your ideal government won't object?



Quote from: MaineShark on August 04, 2009, 05:00 PM NHFT
Quote from: violence on August 04, 2009, 04:06 PM NHFTreal crimes have a victim, real crimes have damage physically or financially.

I never said anything about government having a monopoly dealing with criminals, we should all be able to defend ourselves and our property.

you standing up and doing that a crime? is this bait? what is this? of course its not a crime. what the hell are you talking about?

So, in your ideal society, there's this government, but if I don't want their services, I can do things on my own, or hire others to do things for me, and your ideal government won't object?


sure, what will your hired people do? protect you? commit crimes? steal from people? if they're acting like private police around you and i kill them would you object?


Quote from: violence on August 04, 2009, 07:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on August 04, 2009, 05:00 PM NHFTSo, in your ideal society, there's this government, but if I don't want their services, I can do things on my own, or hire others to do things for me, and your ideal government won't object?
sure, what will your hired people do? protect you? commit crimes? steal from people? if they're acting like private police around you and i kill them would you object?

They'll provide whatever "government-type" services I need, and can't provide for myself.  Like protecting me when I'm sleeping, or building roads, or putting out the fire if my house catches fire, or catching anyone who harms me and making them pay restitution for the damage, or whatever.

I'll pay them, and not pay your government anything.

