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Berlin NH?

Started by tomhawk, October 09, 2009, 05:35 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 11, 2009, 12:40 PM NHFT
Berlin stinks sometimes from the paper mill.

The mill doesn't exist any more. It's not only closed down, it's torn down.


when i went up there the only place that really smelled bad was the area right down by the riverbank, its called something I forget, some "section" of town.  It had an awful stench.  I think someone told me that it was the wastewater treatment area down there, which would make sense.




Sometime in the last couple of weeks, Google maps turned on Street View for Berlin. For the main drag, anyway... side streets aren't on yet.

They also added Lancaster, Groveton, Stark, and Milan.

Free libertarian

Berlin had a much higher population when the paper mills and logging were booming.  There are usually alot of cheap apartment buildings for sale, but few employed people to rent them.  There used to be about 20,000 people so the infrastrucure is there, just not many jobs or people are left from the heyday.   

It's pretty darn cold in the winter too, which is due to start up there any day now.

Lloyd Danforth


I like the cold.  I think im going to check out Keene?  it don't look too big.  im disabled now.  and i will be collecting a check from a settlement .  1  check a month for the rest of my life.  a work related injury.  so i cant work anymore.  what better place to live out my life, than Gods country!  tom hawk.  there is one more thing?  can anybody post a application for purchasing a gun?  I should have no problem.  i just don't want to buy a nice place.  then find out i can hunt!?  im not a felon or ever arrested for drugs. 


Quote from: tomhawk on October 12, 2009, 10:31 AM NHFT
can anybody post a application for purchasing a gun?

If you buy from a licensed dealer, they supply the form (and you have to fill it out in person, per ATF rules). Other than that, there is no application or permit for buying guns.

Pat McCotter

Bill St Clair ave a pretty full answer here.

Pat McCotter

firecracker joe

ik always thought it was nice up north NH and had always thought it would be a good investment to buy an apartment building i berlin or surrounding areas and live in one apt while renovating the others then rent to cops cause that the only jobs up there now since the mill closed down ( but now it dont smell) and the state prison was built now their building a federal prison lots of steroid junkies and their families who cant get a job being a cop or security guard  and arent smart enough to work in the black market who cant build and dont have the ambition to do anything but rent from people like me. but now i think i would like to do that and then getl lome land in grafton,its just as nice in grafton as it is up north  so i am going to start looking at land in grafton come spring. look out grafton here i come.


Grafton is a liberty capital I've set as a final destination.

Free libertarian

 Grafton is getting to be quite the "destination" these days.   8)

Lloyd Danforth

I wonder if they carry Blueberry soda at the Mall?