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Cord of Wood

Started by Dreepa, October 07, 2005, 09:55 AM NHFT

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What price are you guys paying for a cord of wood?
Seasoned?  Unseasoned?
Any places you recommend?
Know anything about wood pellets?

This is my first time having a wood burning stove.... and oil is getting expensive.



Quote from: Dreepa on October 07, 2005, 09:55 AM NHFT
This is my first time having a wood burning stove.... and oil is getting expensive.

So is wood!

Here in Texas, seasoned oak runs about $135 per cord, delivered. As cool weather gets here, it goes up to about $150.

I'd like a wood stove, but we have a fireplace. The fireplace is a net loss on heating; we have to burn more gas to replace the heat that goes up the chimney.  :-\

Pellet stoves are good, and efficient. The only caveat is that they do require electricity, so they can let you down during a winter storm if power goes out. I realize that's not as big a problem in NH, where the power lines are ready for winter.



Yeah I have heard quotes of $200 for a cord here.... I wanted to see if I was in the ballpark.

Can I burn pellets in a 'regular' woodburning stove?


Here in the seacoast I have heard folks say that cordwood is over $250. Of course this time of year it could be higher.


Quote from: Dreepa on October 07, 2005, 10:18 AM NHFT
Can I burn pellets in a 'regular' woodburning stove?

I suppose you could, but they'd hardly work as intended.

The pellets are designed to drop into a burn chamber, where they burn very completely and intensely. It's like dripping fuel oil onto a burner plate, except the fuel in this case is solid.



ok found this....


I suppose I should go check it out.

Russell Kanning

the expensive one here is $211 for seasoned


I heard from some people that they get wood delivered unsplit and in longer lengths real cheap. They split it and cut it themselves. I also heard you can get a permit to cut wood from trees that have allready fallen in the woods.

Wood pellet stoves have been selling like crazy because of high heating oil prices. Don't buy it if they say they will order it because the factories are backed up and it could be a long time before you get one. The pellets have been steadily going up also. The word is that they will run out of wood pellets this year so you should buy them early. One tone of pellets equals one and a half cords of wood. The pellet stove I got was from Home Depot. It cost $1100 for the one that heats 1400 sq. ft. and $1500 for the larger one. You will have to pay another $250 for the pipes. I figured I that I would save that much by not burning heating oil this year so it might pay for itself this year.

There are also corn stoves . They are just a little different than the pellet stoves. I understand that the sweet corn that is grown everywhere around here has too much sugar content to burn good.

Lloyd Danforth

I'll bet! Cleaning both creosote and caramel out of your chimney would be a pain in the ass!


Beware not all "seasoned" is ready to burn. I got three cords delivered when I first moved in 4 years ago. The stuff was pretty green. Better off to buy green and let it sit for a while.


Well I went and order 3 cords.

2 seasoned and 1 green.

$190 seasoned, $150 green.

$20 delivery fee.

Let's see how it goes.


Freezing weather will help season wood pretty quickly. I imagine in the North Country in January, there's a whole lotta sublimatin' goin' on!


Quote from: Dreepa on October 07, 2005, 09:55 AM NHFT
Know anything about wood pellets?

I?ve got a wood pellet stove in my kitchen and I love it.

Not sure about all of them but the one I have only needs a 4 inch flue.

I?m not sure about the price of pellets now as I buy them by the ton (100 bags) and that lasts me about 2 years.  One bag will go the whole day so it really depends on how much your home and how long you let it go.

The pellets come in two type regular and low ash.  I?d recommend low ash.  Home Depot has pellets really cheap last I checked but they are a low grade pellet and you spend a lot more time cleaning out the stove.  I think last time we bought a ton we paid $180 and that included delivery.  I could be wrong though.

I?ve seen stoves for as low as $150 so you can get one fairly cheap.  We have the $150 model you get at Home Depot (came with the house) but we?re eventually looking to upgrade to something a little nicer looking.  I?d love to get one of the ones that look like an old fashion cast iron stove.  The really nice ones like that go for closer to $1000.

Russell Kanning

That is good to hear. $150 is so cheap. :)

Kat Kanning