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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience Evolution Fund

Started by KBCraig, February 11, 2010, 05:22 AM NHFT

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Quote from: TackleTheWorld on February 13, 2010, 05:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: highline on February 13, 2010, 11:42 AM NHFT

Once we have a monthly income of about $10,000 the state will know that the threat of arduous litigation is real and that CDEF will be able to "play the game" full-time.

<Angry Rant>
No thanks.  I want no part of suits and lawyers and stinkin "on advise of council, I can't tell you anything about what really happened" and boot-licking obsequisity to judges, and "Hooray!  my case was delayed so many times, they forgot about it.  It's a victory for justice!"
Ack, it makes me want to strangle myself so I wont hear any of it.
</Angry Rant>


As disgusting as the system indeed is, it is our goal to make it less likely that someone like you would end up in it.  If the police always have to be on their best behavior because all the cameras they have become used to are now primary evidence in civil actions-- I think it is less likely that someone would end up in that unfortunate position.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on February 13, 2010, 05:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: highline on February 13, 2010, 11:42 AM NHFT

Once we have a monthly income of about $10,000 the state will know that the threat of arduous litigation is real and that CDEF will be able to "play the game" full-time.

<Angry Rant>
No thanks.  I want no part of suits and lawyers and stinkin "on advise of council, I can't tell you anything about what really happened" and boot-licking obsequisity to judges, and "Hooray!  my case was delayed so many times, they forgot about it.  It's a victory for justice!"
Ack, it makes me want to strangle myself so I wont hear any of it.
</Angry Rant>

That addresses one of the negatives potentially associated...

Not unlike the political process...
"Wait and give the system a chance to work." Years later nothing has changed. This situation is illustrated by the 20+ years NORML and associated groups sued the DEA to reschedule marijuana... even after their administrative law judge said they had to reschedule they just continued business as usual.

Another non-profit...
Experience around lots of non-profits in DC. The issues get lost and it all becomes about getting another mailing fundraising campaign financed, so with the revenue we can...    create another mailing.

Or the protection of personal kingdoms... professional activists. Saw my share of these power struggles and job creations. Nothing corrupts the hard-charging activist like pay checks and access to power... don't rock the boat too much. Add to that being an officer of the court...

A legal fund could have a positive effect... but, I think it should avoid modeling itself after the bigger players. Not getting the 501(c)3 satus is a step in the right direction.

Lloyd Danforth

QuoteStatement of Intent

I hereby state my solemn intent to move to the state of New Hampshire. Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.

While I don't claim to be doing everything I can, I don't exclude any non violent action.


You might be able to find a venture capital firm or a lawyer who would work with the CDEF tragically find a place where the government will violate someone's civil rights for profit. 

The activistt, the CDEF and the VC firm/lawyer might split the winnings 3 ways.

The first case will probably be the most profitable, because the taxpayers will not want to have to continue paying freedom activists every time their government over reacts. They would step back a little, when the CD

If you can convince a lawyer that it would be profitable and to partner with you, it would be easy to tell if this idea has a chance in hell. You would not need that $10,000 to start it off either.

Russell Kanning


i agree with Lauren and Roger ... i can't get excited about suing the government and hiring lawyers.

Lloyd Danforth

Granted: It's not as much fun as 'Circus'.  It's expensive, dirty and often, disappointing, but it is a viable option for fighting the government. Also, a lawsuit over a CD arrest keeps the act of CD in the news longer.

Russell Kanning

it is viable and maybe even very sustainable if you keep winning money awards
i just don't want to sue anyone in a government court ..... even the stinkin government :)

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 13, 2010, 07:47 AM NHFT
OK!   You and Kat go stand in a bus stop with signs the next time President Bush comes to Manchester.
Someone got $80,000, for getting arrested for exactly what you did.

$80,000 that the government stole from somebody.  I don't want stolen money.

Lloyd Danforth

I completely understand.  My position is that they already have the money or, creating the debt.  They just put it to some nefarious use, particularly, the feds. 80 K could go a long way supporting the Freedom movement in NH. They probably just bought a bomb with the money.
There is also the strategy out there to 'bury' them in extra expenses.  Make them run out of the funds normally available and let them show their hand by raising taxes on, say people making under 200,000......Oh! Wait!
Perhaps the taxpayers will get pissed enough to get smart and start a revolution.

Pat K

Hey I got a wild idea!

The people who want to sue should do so.

The people who don't want to shouldn't.

What are you looking at me like that for.
Run along now this has been solved. ;D



I wish that more of you saw the potential that CDEF could have for changing bad state behavior.

Even if you don't agree with what we're trying to do and choose to not support us: I love you anyways :D


Quote from: highline on February 14, 2010, 10:52 PM NHFT
I wish that more of you saw the potential that CDEF could have for changing bad state behavior.

Many of us see that potential. That is an entirely different subset from those who actually out there doing CD, and many of those CD activists feel differently.

That is, what it is.

Jim Johnson

I would not accept any moneys for what the city of New London, the state of Connecticut and US Federal Government has done to me by arresting my wife for trying to attend a City Council meeting that was throwing people out and stealing their homes.  They kept her locked away and prevented me from any contact with her.  Those actions caused the annihilation of my belief in Government.  It made me suicidal, continues to make me self destructive and prevents me from meaningful employment. 
Since then I have seen my friends abused, threatened and jailed by the Government for the most petty things.  Things that a rational person could not imagine to be an offense, but things the Government deems to be the most egregious of acts. 
Remaining Silent
Standing in a public place
Handing someone a piece of paper
Saying Unapproved Things
Participating in unregulated activity
Asking Bureaucrats to explain themselves
smoking harmless weeds

While the Government institutionalizes theft, instructs it members on lying, and murders with little question.
I know Government to be full from it's top to the base of it's pits with liars, thieves and murders... and I am powerless. 

Hate filled contempt is what I feel for the US Justice system.  I can not be made whole by any supposed justice the US government, or any other government, could offer... much more give.