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More Londonderry thievery

Started by KBCraig, October 20, 2005, 09:18 AM NHFT

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Quote from: freedominnh on November 02, 2005, 08:46 AM NHFT
Did anyone tape record?? Is there a video record at town cable facility, typically you give them 3 or 4 tapes and they give you back the recorded copy.? You need to try and transcribe everything said during those televised hearings.? Do it before the tape gets misplaced...? maybe send in a straw....? might not realize what tape(s) it is.....?
Sonds like a plan. The meetings are taped by our cable studio.


Quote from: freedominnh on November 03, 2005, 04:11 PM NHFT
APB, I spoke with Atty Hogan? a few minutes ago.? He seems to think he is already representing one of your abutters.? Seems State knows the offers were ridiculously low.? Correct no. is 659-9090?
Thanks for the info! I left him a message on his voice mail on friday. Hopefully, I will hear from him in the AM.


Jim Coburn (R) who plans on running for Gov next year talked to a bunch of porcupines on Saturday.  He said that the NHGOP is going to look at the ED issues in NH.  I brought up Londonderry but he said he was not aware of the situation.

You might want to email him.


If you think the NHGOP is going to help on this, then your republicans must be very differant from the twofaced corporate conservatives in the rest of this country.


Quote from: Eli on November 07, 2005, 08:28 AM NHFT
If you think the NHGOP is going to help on this, then your republicans must be very differant from the two faced corporate conservatives in the rest of this country.
Thanks, for the info! Rep Coburn has no excuse now, not knowing.

Representative Coburn,
It was brought to my attention that you might run for Governor and that you had no idea on what was happening in NH on Eminent Domain.

Well, My name is AL Baldasaro and I am a member of the Republican State Committee and the RNC. Last night, I officially stepped down as the Londonderry Republican Chairman (LRC) to run for the open seat, left by Representative Paul Smith of Auburn. I am determined to stop the Eminent Domain; which is actually; "legal thievery" in NH. For the past two years, I, along with other residents, have been trying to keep the Eminent Domain in the press, so many other voters know what the real truth is. I am also planning on going after the Tax and Spenders that are forcing our long time residents; out off our, Live Free or Die State.

The below letter is what I sent to the Governor, Attorney General, all Senator's, Londonderry & Auburn State Reps. For your info, I am now informing you with a copy of my letter, so you now know what is going on with Eminent Domain.

If you have any questions or concerns for the land owners of NH, than hopefully you will jump on board and make a difference.

Please pass this letter on to other Republicans, as I plan on making this a HOT ITEM throughout the state. Feel free to contact me for any concerns on Eminent Domain or any other issues that you think that I should be aware of..

Thank You,

AL Baldasaro
Candidate for State Representative



Quote from: Dreepa on November 07, 2005, 12:22 PM NHFT

I second that motion. Great work APB! I truely hope you succeed for your own sake and for all the other property owners in America. You are still fighting for America just not on enemy soil.


Also APB you should start a new thread here about your campaign.  Asking for volunteers etc.  When is the election?
Also maybe contact NHLA ( www.nhliberty.org) they might be willing to help.


Quote from: Dreepa on November 07, 2005, 12:29 PM NHFT
Also APB you should start a new thread here about your campaign.? Asking for volunteers etc.? When is the election?
Also maybe contact NHLA ( www.nhliberty.org) they might be willing to help.
Awesome site! Right up my alley. I have already register and sent an e-mail. Thanks ;D


Quote from: Dreepa on November 07, 2005, 12:29 PM NHFT
Also APB you should start a new thread here about your campaign.? Asking for volunteers etc.? When is the election?
Also maybe contact NHLA ( www.nhliberty.org) they might be willing to help.
Londonderry Candidate Forum is scheduled for Dec. 3rd at 1:00 PM at the Town Hall. The Primary is Dec 20 and the general election is set for Jan 24, 2006.


QuoteLondonderry Candidate Forum is scheduled for Dec. 3rd at 1:00 PM

I haven't seen this announced anywhere in the local papers....?

Dave Ridley

Here's what I did when Salty was arrested for "trespassing" on his own land in londonderry; I called the city and told them I was a blogger of sorts for NHfree.com, which is true, and asked for them to explain themselves.

  603 432 1100  dave carron  town manager is the guy I talked to.   At least it puts them on notice the new media is paying attention.


Quote from: GT on November 08, 2005, 09:28 PM NHFT
QuoteLondonderry Candidate Forum is scheduled for Dec. 3rd at 1:00 PM

I haven't seen this announced anywhere in the local papers....?

Two emails to the Town asking about the potential candidates and the Candidate forum, No responses. There was brief mention in the local paper about a candidates nigt on Dec 3. Only thing they said was that it would be taped for future rebroadcast. No mention of he time or the location. Seems to be a trend giving very little information to the people.

Michael Fisher

Tonight, someone told me that one day, the chairman of the Town of Londonderry was entrapped by the police for trying to date 15-16 year old girls.   :o

Entrapment angers me, but that guy is a pppsssyyyyccchhoooooo!!!


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on November 11, 2005, 04:26 PM NHFT
Tonight, someone told me that one day, the chairman of the Town of Londonderry was entrapped by the police for trying to date 15-16 year old girls.? ?:o

Entrapment angers me, but that guy is a pppsssyyyyccchhoooooo!!!

Chairman of the Planning Board and the story only made page three of the local paper! Student suing town over yearbook photo with shot-gun on page one.