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More Londonderry thievery

Started by KBCraig, October 20, 2005, 09:18 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Sorry I am a little late getting in on this thread...I'm not caught up at all on the issue, but what are your thoughts on staging a demonstration about this and if so where , when  and how should we stage it?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 13, 2005, 08:31 PM NHFT
Sorry I am a little late getting in on this thread...I'm not caught up at all on the issue, but what are your thoughts on staging a demonstration about this and if so where , when? and how should we stage it?

I am not familiar with the procedures on demonstration, but I and other neighbors like the idea of unlocking the secrets of Eminent Domain in NH. As you know this has been a hush,hush thing from the DOT.? National exposure would do the land owners justice. You let me know when and I will pass the word and enlighten the news reporters. Other land owners should be aware of what could happen to them.


Quote from: Mike Fisher on November 11, 2005, 04:26 PM NHFT
Tonight, someone told me that one day, the chairman of the Town of Londonderry was entrapped by the police for trying to date 15-16 year old girls.? ?:o

Entrapment angers me, but that guy is a pppsssyyyyccchhoooooo!!!

Mike, what was this person's name?

Kat Kanning

The current chairman is Tom Dolan.

Man, Londonderry has been the center of a lot of scandals.  They must have some major corruption.


Quote from: katdillon on December 24, 2005, 05:25 AM NHFT
The current chairman is Tom Dolan.

Man, Londonderry has been the center of a lot of scandals.? They must have some major corruption.

Londonderry just went through what Bedford did, only the tax and spenders won because there wasn't enough time.
In Bedford we managed to expose the corruption for a while, but then dirty tactics won out.
Now everyone wonders why the town government is a mess and the ones who have their hands in the till are all leaving town now that they got what they want.
When I see what is going on in Londonderry and how a few people attempt to get on all the boards, just like Rep Scanlon is on the Town Council, Planning and Zoning, and has appointed himself Czar of the 'Water District' with which he attempted to take our wells, I think, what the h*** is Tracy doing, trying to sabotage Al Baldasaro from running against this John Robinson guy who IS the status quo?

This is the objection I have to people who don't live in NH and know squiddley-dee about what goes on here being critics.
We need 100 more like Al B.



Quote from: CNHT on December 23, 2005, 07:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike Fisher on November 11, 2005, 04:26 PM NHFT
Tonight, someone told me that one day, the chairman of the Town of Londonderry was entrapped by the police for trying to date 15-16 year old girls.? ?:o

Entrapment angers me, but that guy is a pppsssyyyyccchhoooooo!!!

Mike, what was this person's name?

It wasn't the Chairman of the Town Council. The individual was the Chairman of the Planning Board. When the story broke it made page three of the local paper.


Quote from: CNHT on December 24, 2005, 07:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on December 24, 2005, 05:25 AM NHFT
The current chairman is Tom Dolan.

Man, Londonderry has been the center of a lot of scandals.? They must have some major corruption.

Londonderry just went through what Bedford did, only the tax and spenders won because there wasn't enough time.
In Bedford we managed to expose the corruption for a while, but then dirty tactics won out.
Now everyone wonders why the town government is a mess and the ones who have their hands in the till are all leaving town now that they got what they want.
When I see what is going on in Londonderry and how a few people attempt to get on all the boards, just like Rep Scanlon is on the Town Council, Planning and Zoning, and has appointed himself Czar of the 'Water District' with which he attempted to take our wells, I think, what the h*** is Tracy doing, trying to sabotage Al Baldasaro from running against this John Robinson guy who IS the status quo?

This is the objection I have to people who don't live in NH and know squiddley-dee about what goes on here being critics.
We need 100 more like Al B.

Londonderry has the same issue with a small group of individuals who sit on multiple boards. Al has always spoken out about the status quo and the local old boys club. If nothing else Al will shake things up a bit.


Quote from: GT on December 26, 2005, 05:31 PM NHFT
Londonderry has the same issue with a small group of individuals who sit on multiple boards. Al has always spoken out about the status quo and the local old boys club. If nothing else Al will shake things up a bit.

Most folks in Bedford had NO IDEA what Rep Michael Scanlon tried to do. They are horrified when I tell them.
Come election time, there will be reminders of who should be dumped on the web and in the papers for sure.


Quote from: CNHT on December 26, 2005, 05:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: GT on December 26, 2005, 05:31 PM NHFT
Londonderry has the same issue with a small group of individuals who sit on multiple boards. Al has always spoken out about the status quo and the local old boys club. If nothing else Al will shake things up a bit.

Most folks in Bedford had NO IDEA what Rep Michael Scanlon tried to do. They are horrified when I tell them.
Come election time, there will be reminders of who should be dumped on the web and in the papers for sure.

So how do you motivate people to do something?

We are in the middle of budget season and there seems to be little public support for reducing any spending. The Town Council, of course, is latching onto the lack of public intrest. At the last Council meeting they actualy turned the cameras toward the audience as one councilor called for a poll of the audience who wanted reduced spending. The response was something like "see no one here want a budget reduction"


Quote from: GT on December 26, 2005, 06:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on December 26, 2005, 05:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: GT on December 26, 2005, 05:31 PM NHFT
Londonderry has the same issue with a small group of individuals who sit on multiple boards. Al has always spoken out about the status quo and the local old boys club. If nothing else Al will shake things up a bit.

Most folks in Bedford had NO IDEA what Rep Michael Scanlon tried to do. They are horrified when I tell them.
Come election time, there will be reminders of who should be dumped on the web and in the papers for sure.

So how do you motivate people to do something?

We are in the middle of budget season and there seems to be little public support for reducing any spending. The Town Council, of course, is latching onto the lack of public intrest. At the last Council meeting they actualy turned the cameras toward the audience as one councilor called for a poll of the audience who wanted reduced spending. The response was something like "see no one here want a budget reduction"

Apathy is a serious problem. I suppose you could mail out flyers with the headlines "Your taxes are about to go up -- unless you do something about it" then specifically outline what they are to do. Even local government is too complicated for most people and they are afraid to participate. This is a huge problem.


 :D Effective August 4, 2006 in the case of, RE: State of New Hampshire V. Alfred Baldasaro, et al
Docket No. 05-E-0504

There has been an interesting turn of events. The court, on it's own accord, has consolidated my case with two other eminent domain matter. The court has also instructed counsel to consolidate discovery matters.

My case is November 9, 2006 at 10: 00 AM at the Rockingham Superior Court in Brentwood.

The time alloted for hearing is 5 hours.

This is great news for all concerned on Government stealing of property.

I am looking for some help in setting up an legal fund, as my Lawyer fee's are up to $5000.00 as of today. As I stated before, I am a retired Disable US Marine who does not work and If anyone knows of any organization that can assist me with donations on paying for this battle, please let me know. If for some reason, that we lose, I want to fight this through the courts.

This is not just about me the little guy, it's about who is next and enough is enough on big government robbing us of our land.

My address is 41 Hall Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 and my telephone number is 603-425-6997.

If you have any questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me.


AL Baldasaro


Welcom back, Al!

Thanks for the update.

Dave Ridley

Good to "see" you again Al!  Do you have the names and contact info for some of the perpetrators?  Would like to give em a ring, ask some questions, urge em to do the right thing, etc. 

Dave Ridley

I understand the main perpetrating organization here is the Department of Transportation.  Two key officials there are Robert Barry and another guy who's name I am not quite sure of, something like Bill Ginelle.

Also I talked to al today and checked to see if he has any objections to more demonstrations in his support; he does not!

Lastly, he just won his primary for state rep, topped the ticket!

I've placed is nov. 9 court date on the calendar linking back to this thread.