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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

That was the interview before the burn.

Russell Kanning

We need to ask their (wkxl) permission tomorrow.

Tom Sawyer

Glad you liked the raw video Kat... :)
Thanks for the link to the audio.

I'll try to make a nice tight piece that conveys all the elements in about 5 min.

Russell Kanning

Roger ..... my call-in to Free Talk Live is during the 1st hour on Thursday 11/10.
It is from 34:30 until the end.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: katdillon on November 13, 2005, 07:00 PM NHFT
Audio interview:


Good job Russell :)

Everyone should listen to the interview...

For your benefit Russell you can see what sound bites they decided to use. Gives you some feedback on how your message comes across.

Russell Kanning

We need to have some other people burn their cards ...... I am no good at these interview things. :)


Quote from: russellkanning on November 13, 2005, 07:49 PM NHFT
We need to have some other people burn their cards ...... I am no good at these interview things. :)

au contraire mon ami.  ;)

Russell Kanning

Maybe they also did a report from the actual burn and got a variety of people on tape.

...... I failed French is school


Quote from: russellkanning on November 13, 2005, 07:51 PM NHFT
Maybe they also did a report from the actual burn and got a variety of people on tape.

...... I failed French is school

Oh, that must mean you speak it fluently.  ;D
Actually, when I took French in school, we had a classmate who was French Canadien. She spoke only French at home, read French newspapers. She FAILED French. Go figure.  ::)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: russellkanning on November 13, 2005, 07:49 PM NHFT
We need to have some other people burn their cards ...... I am no good at these interview things. :)

You did pretty good I thought... your straightforward, good natured and honest style comes across well. Just need to have more experience with the "sound bite" that concise way to present your ideas.
I read something from the lawyer Gerry Spence that basically said he speaks to a jury from his heart and that people can tell that you are truthful. He would just study up and then just let it flow. You have the ability to do that Russell.


Roger, I will send you a 128kbps version of that archive segment if you'll email me at ian at freetalklive.com.   8)

Enjoy the editing!   ;D

Kat Kanning

The audio clip from Saturday is supposed to be up on their website today, and it's supposed to be played on the morning news.

Kat Kanning

Russell forgot to tell them he was representing the FSP!

Tom Sawyer

Going out and will drop the videotape in the mail to WMUR as requested.


Did my two informative, wise ass comments from this morning get deleted ???