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My 11/12/05 open carry incident , report

Started by Dave Ridley, November 13, 2005, 04:09 PM NHFT

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Quote from: d_goddard on November 17, 2005, 03:19 PM NHFT
reading the bills currently before the NH Legislature

Holy crap!  Denis can read bills?  Elect this man!


In regards to the cop, imagine what he was thinking when people with cameras started surrounding him!  Hahaha!  You guys are awesome!


Big thanks to Dave for taking the time and energy to educate people about open carry in NH. It is a service to each and every one of us law abiding citizens, who may or may not be gun owners and/or carriers.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: d_goddard on November 17, 2005, 03:19 PM NHFTI'm an NHLA guy way more than an NHFree guy.
Take that, you radical crazies! ;)

This place is loaded with bill readers .... I just can't do it anymore .... my heart isn't in it.
We won't kick you out if you hang out with the NHLA guys also. ;)
We can turn you to the radical revolutionary side. :)

We have been talking here at the underground command post...... what should we call our wing of the NH freedom movement?

Tom Sawyer

Dave Ridley

Would someone mind making a copy of my call to Free Talk Live about this incident and posting it on the Net in a more permanent way?

The call will be deleted from the FTL page on Monday 11/21 but is currently at


Tom Sawyer


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 17, 2005, 03:42 PM NHFT
Holy crap!  Denis can read bills?  Elect this man!
Be careful what you wish for ;)

Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 17, 2005, 03:42 PM NHFT
In regards to the cop, imagine what he was thinking when people with cameras started surrounding him!  Hahaha!  You guys are awesome!
I gotta say, I LOVE your idea of a few people with police scanners.... and video... showing up to film police activity, any time it happens on public property. After all, what did the supreme court say, something about, "no reasonable expectation of privacy... on public land"?  >:D

By god, I bet that footage could be syndicated nationally.
I can almost see the teaser... next on ABC... anti-COPS!
Hey Ian, didn't I hear you say in an interview that you wanted to be on TV, cause that's "where the money is"?  ;D

I am so full of love for all you freedom-lovers right now, I may need to listen to some 80's heavy metal.



Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 17, 2005, 05:52 PM NHFT
Would someone mind making a copy of my call to Free Talk Live about this incident and posting it on the Net in a more permanent way?

FTL's archives are up on BitTorrent. That's about as permanent and undeletable as it gets on the Net! More info on the torrents is on the FTL mainpage.



Quote from: president on November 17, 2005, 04:24 PM NHFT
Where have I seen that car before    ???
Hey, are you[/b] the guy we saw taking pictures of our house?
Too creepy.

Besides, we live in Concord now :)



Quote from: Roger Grant on November 17, 2005, 05:47 PM NHFT
Here is some more 'open carry' footage. :)

Way, way too cool! Like... professional!!
Thank you, Roger.

Kat, please, please, please download the above and put a link to it on the frontpage.
Roger's obviously put serious work into this... it trily deserves a front-page spot!


Russell Kanning

You can put a link to it on the front page .... all you need is an account.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: d_goddard on November 17, 2005, 06:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: president on November 17, 2005, 04:24 PM NHFT
Where have I seen that car before    ???
Hey, are you[/b] the guy we saw taking pictures of our house?
Too creepy.
How did you see me when I was way up on the satellite?  :P
No, why do you think I would want to take pictures of your house?
That guy you saw taking pictures was probably from the FBI  ;)

Russell Kanning

hey cool sig line prez ..... as we media hounds say "just as long as they spell your name right" ;D